Act boldly!
Why do you dream about the color green? His interpretation is completely opposite. It means that you can confidently move forward, the road is completely open, and all problems have been solved.
In addition, a green traffic light symbolizes healing, luck and hope. If you dreamed of a green signal, then your financial situation will soon improve significantly, and prosperity and peace will reign in the house.
Why do you dream of crossing the road - interpretation of the dream from dream books
Clarify the dream for interpretation
Vanga's Dream Book
dreamed of crossing the road
Crossing a dusty road means periodically being surrounded by angry and envious people.
Muslim dream book (Islamic)
dreamed of crossing the road
Crossing the road means that significant changes in life await you ahead. And the quality of the road determines what they will be like: if the road is smooth and the crossing is convenient, then everything will change for the better. If the road is curved, uneven, and its crossing is associated with various difficulties and obstacles, then the changes will be unfavorable.
Loff's Dream Book
dreamed of crossing the road
A dream in which you are crossing the road means the duration of a positive or negative life period.
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti
If you dream about crossing a road with a lot of cars and heavy traffic, then in reality you will have to experience dissatisfaction with your position in the team, annoyance and irritation from the events taking place, and your helplessness from the inability to change anything.
Longo's Dream Interpretation
Crossing the road according to the markings means moving towards the intended goal.
Dream Interpretation of Medea
what does it mean if you cross the road in a dream
If you dream that you are crossing the road through an underground passage, then you should be prepared - unforeseen difficulties await you.
Love dream book
what does it mean if you cross the road in a dream
If in a dream you happened to cross a perfectly straight and level road, then in life you are tormented by doubts about the correctness of your own decisions.
Family dream book
cross the road according to the dream book
Crossing the road in a dream may mean that in real life you are faced with a difficult choice.
dream interpretation of crossing the road
Crossing the road, especially if the road is slippery and winding, can mean an unexpected obstacle, interference in business.
People also dreamed of crossing the road when they dreamed
To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all days of the month can be found here.
Funny video about man's best friends. or the best alarm clocks? =)
A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.
Seeing in a dream a traffic light with green, red, and yellow lights on at the same time - to your victory over unpleasant life circumstances. If all three lights are not lit, then circumstances will be stronger than you, and for 3 weeks you will feel extremely depressed and broken.
Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation by numbers
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Decoding behavior
Your own behavior in the dream will also help you understand why you dream about the image. Driving this way, taking into account the signals, means that you are being guided through life by Higher powers, and you are not violating the laws of the Universe.
The dream book interprets a vision in which one had to drive contrary to the signs given by the traffic light in the opposite sense. In addition, each action has its own interpretation
- Standing waiting means deliberate delay.
- Running at the last minute means a sudden decision, enlightenment.
- Go calmly - you will be able to take advantage of the chance.
- Walking without looking is a mistake.
General values
According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a traffic light in a dream means that you will have to intervene in a conflict at work in order to judge your opponents fairly. You need to be patient, because each participant in the dispute will insist that he is right and present weighty arguments in his favor.
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The Sovremennik Dream Book believes that standing at a traffic light at an intersection in a dream means that in reality you yourself will have to enter into some kind of confrontation for your rights. Be confident in your abilities and remember that in the end you will still be able to find a compromise solution in any situation.
How does Winter's dream book explain the dream in which you are walking at an intersection following a traffic light? The dream interpreter says that the vision symbolizes your inner uncertainty and fear of the upcoming choice.
If in a dream you are standing at a crossroads and do not respond to signals, do not know where to move next, in reality you have already encountered difficulties and feel that you simply do not have enough strength to make further decisions. In such a difficult matter, a loved one will help you, who can redirect your attention in a different direction to look at the problem from a different angle. You will be surprised how quickly a solution will appear on its own, and the problem will simply disappear into thin air.
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To see in a dream a traffic light that was broken and not a single lamp was on - in reality you will find yourself in a situation in which you will need to quickly make a decision, and there will be no one to consult with. Dream books advise you to believe in yourself and make the choice that seems most correct to you - this will be the first step on the long road of self-improvement and development of character.