Most often, the risen dead in a dream is a fruit of human consciousness. After watching horror or thrillers, the brain reproduces the watched scenes, albeit from a slightly different perspective. But if in reality you didn’t have a chance to see anything like this, before you understand why you dream of a revived dead man, you need to analyze the vision to the smallest detail. The interpretation of the dream depends on who dreamed and what he did.

Relative or loved one

The now living father and mother rising from the coffin symbolize minor health problems of the dreamer. But this dream promises a long life for the parents themselves. The dream of deceased relatives being alive and well means that the dreamer is not organizing his daily routine correctly. You need to reconsider your views, give up bad habits and think about all your actions in advance: this is the only way to avoid health problems and become happier.

If a lover rises from the grave, this is the first signal that the relationship is based on a good word. It's time to change something, otherwise a breakup of the couple cannot be avoided.

Visions that feature long-dead relatives have a completely different meaning:

  • a conversation with the late father foreshadows interesting news, and a dialogue with the mother warns of impending problems;
  • relatives complain about torn or old clothes - it’s time to remember them according to church customs and light a candle for their repose;
  • deceased brother - someone close to you needs help that they are keeping silent about;
  • recently buried relatives call for them - to a serious illness or death. If, on the contrary, they don’t want anyone to follow them. - to a long life;
  • dreamed of a grandmother - a change in marital status;
  • a crying father for a young girl indicates the wrong choice of a gentleman. You need to reconsider your attitude towards your passion and not rush into marriage;
  • if someone who was alive dreamed of a long-dead husband - bad news, followed by hard times;
  • deceased relatives give money - to financial difficulties.

A dream where a dead person comes to life and conducts a dialogue with the sleeping person predicts imminent loneliness, and if he silently walks around the room, you need to be wary of conflicts and gossip in the work team.

The dead man came to life according to the dream book

A dead person coming to life in a dream means an important unfinished business in reality. Dream books have a positive attitude towards the interpretation of dreams: they talk about a change in the weather, or the resolution of long-standing conflicts. To find out in more detail why you dream of a dead man alive, remember the circumstances under which you happened to see him.

Psychologists say: if you dreamed of a revived dead man in a coffin, there is no need to be afraid in advance and expect trouble. On the contrary, such dreams are a hint from above. It is important to understand who exactly appeared in the dream. A good explanation of why the deceased dreams is given by Gustav Miller’s dream book:

  • mother - a warning about an upcoming disease;
  • father - new projects will be successful;
  • deceased grandmother (revived) - it would be nice to complete the work started;
  • other relatives - to a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • a stranger - to make a profit.

It is not very common to see a dead person come to life in a dream. The dream is usually frightening and is perceived as a nightmare. In fact, modern dream books say that it means the dreamer’s return to his previous love relationship. It’s just wonderful if you dreamed that the deceased spoke at the funeral.

Why you dream of a living dead person in a coffin can be understood by his mood. A cheerful, humorous, positive person indicates that it is high time to lose your inhibitions, forgive previous grievances and return long-forgotten feelings.

Seeing a mother who died a long time ago is also a good sign. Your soul mate comes to make you drop everything you’re doing and pay attention to your well-being. A deceased grandmother (revived) at a funeral in a dream is considered a warning from above. Dream books say: the time has come to finish what we started and think about our own health.

It is very good if the relatives dreamed of being in an excellent mood. You can defeat any ailment in the initial stages of the disease. Longevity, a speedy recovery, a sharp increase in vitality and energy - this is exactly what a revived dead person dreams of, especially a mother in a coffin.

Open your pockets

But what the father dreamed about at the funeral is worth considering in more detail. Expect big profits if dad talked in his sleep and gave advice. The same can be said if the revived dead person was not only a relative, but also a stranger who was very rich during his lifetime.

A calm dead man may promise the receipt of a letter, good news about an inheritance, or other unexpected profit from the outside. Dream books talk about help that no one could even imagine in reality. At the most crucial moment, your cherished desire will come true, even in cases where the last hope was lost.

I dreamed that my husband’s dead parents entered the house and began to live with us in good spirits.

I dreamed that an old friend died, and then I met her alive. In the morning, “my ex-love” called, whom I had not seen for several years. Indeed, the feelings came to life again.

I had a dream. In a dream, I was in a cemetery, my sons were brought there dead. The younger son suddenly came to life, but the eldest son was naked and dead, and they could not bury him for a very long time. My husband and youngest son, for some reason, without waiting for the burial, left without telling me anything. I called him and screamed loudly into the phone that if he died, I would bury him just like his son.

My 28 year old son died a year ago, and I had a dream that someone was telling me that my son had died. I cry and scream that this cannot be, I drop everything, run to his room, open the door and see my son lying in bed alive, but he is sleeping. He raised his head and asked, as if in surprise, what had happened. I didn't hear his voice. She closed the door and left so as not to disturb his sleep. What does my dream mean? Thank you for your answer. Sincerely.

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The dream book explains in detail why you dream that a dead person has come to life. Often what you see in a dream is connected with the past: nostalgia for days gone by or a reminder of unfinished business. The range of predictions is quite wide, from weather changes to the rediscovery of what had long been considered irretrievably lost.

Sometimes in a dream you happen to again find yourself at the funeral of a deceased and buried person. With the difference that in night dreams the funeral ceremony has to be interrupted for the reason that the deceased has come to life. Interpreting why such an emotional symbol is dreamed of, Zhou-Gong’s dream book promises news from the past that will literally make the dreamer happy.

If you dreamed that a dead person came to life right at the funeral, and you were lucky enough to see in a dream how this miracle happened, the Ancient Dream Interpreter promises a change in the weather.

Loff's dream book says that a dead man resurrected in a coffin appears in a dream in order to finally resolve a long-standing hidden conflict between people close to him during his lifetime. What you dreamed about serves as a reminder that the “bad world” cannot last forever; someday the time will come to sort things out.

When you dreamed that a deceased person in a coffin opens his eyes, thanks to some of your manipulations, Tsvetkov’s prediction warns that your life will change dramatically for the better.

The interpretation of Miller's dream book, why one dreams of a dead person coming to life in a coffin, does not sound too optimistic. The dream foreshadows initially unprofitable and unpromising undertakings that will take a lot of time and effort if you do not listen to the prediction.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book does not see anything wrong with dreaming about the resurrection of several dead people at once. What you see in a dream symbolizes the dizzying success of the sleeper. True, provided that the dream did not cause panic, but positive emotions, for example, the joy of an incredible meeting.

Miller's dream book attaches great importance to conversations with the resurrected. Everything said in a dream should be taken literally. The words of the dead are often confirmed in reality. But it is advisable for the dreamer himself to keep his mouth shut and not allow himself to be drawn into a dialogue.

When in a dream you happen to see a person alive again who in reality died, the interpretations attach great importance to his mood. A good mood is considered a favorable sign. Anger or sadness should be regarded as a warning of possible misfortunes.

The calm, peaceful mood of the revived dead person indicates that there is no need to worry about the future, since there is a long period of well-being and prosperity ahead. Finally, you will be able to make large purchases that the sleeper has dreamed of for so long.

An angry dead man foreshadows a serious conflict, the consequences of which will be felt for a long time. A quarrel with a person on whom the financial and social situation directly depends is possible, or the family will be on the verge of divorce.

If you dreamed of a dead person coming to life and crying, it is possible that the dreamer’s nervous system is in an equally deplorable state. In reality, it is difficult to control emotions; you are tormented by fears and irritability for no apparent reason.

The deceased grandmother came and sat with her family for 40 days, then she got up and left loudly laughing.

Hello, I had a dream that my father had returned from the other world, we ended up in my boyfriend’s village, we were hiding the keys. We wanted to go home, I asked my dad if he knew where the keys were, I myself knew where they were, he calmly went and took them, although he didn’t know where we had them (and he also died a long time ago, when I was still she was little), so we went home, I fed him, he was happy, well, so happy, he smiled. What is this for?

Good evening! Today I dreamed of a dead classmate, although in reality he is alive, supposedly at a funeral he gets up from the coffin and asks me for help, while he himself groans in pain. What would that mean?

I dreamed about my mother (deceased) who came up to me with my dad (who was alive) and said: “We’ve been playing you all this time.” It’s terrible, but in my dream I was so glad to see her.

I am 7 months pregnant and all night today I dreamed of 8 dead people, one of them was my grandmother. For some reason I was very afraid of her in my dream. I woke up with an incomprehensible anxiety, and now I’m very scared to fall asleep.

Elena, I won’t write details, I don’t want to scare you! I’ll just say - take care of your baby! And now, and especially when he is born! Good luck to you!

I dreamed that my husband was lying in a coffin, and the lid of the coffin opened and went under him, and in the coffin there was some kind of sweet liquid, and he was covered in this liquid. I pulled the lid of the coffin out from under him and wanted to close it, but it turned out to be small, and suddenly my husband turned on his side, I leaned over him and began to cry with happiness that he was warm and alive.

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I dreamed of the funeral of an elderly woman unknown to me, which was attended by me, my mother and grandmother. There were only women at the funeral and everyone was in black mourning attire. I clearly saw the gray hair of the deceased, she was also lying in black... On one side, my mother and grandmother stood, grieving, mourning her, on the other side I stood, and also began to cry a lot.

It’s as if she started talking to the deceased, asking how it happened that she was gone, and then suddenly she opens her eyes, as if she comes to life, and answers that nothing like that happened, she convinces me that everything is fine... My mother and Grandma identified it and began to ask how I revived her, etc.

Hello! I recently buried two brothers and I often began to dream that they were coming to life in a coffin, but I never had any dialogue with them! And today I dreamed of a brother who got up from the coffin and said that you are burying me, I was sleeping in a child’s coffin, but we said no in an adult’s! Now I worry about the word childish, and I have two children!

Stranger's Corpse

A dead and complete stranger rarely dreams of something good.

It all depends on the behavior and emotions of the deceased:

  • asks for help getting out of the grave - dirty rumors and gossip are circulating around the dreamer, which can seriously damage his reputation in society;
  • attacked by an angry dead man - to impending danger. In the near future, it is better to give up risky behavior and not get behind the wheel;
  • the stranger just stands there - someone controls the dreamer’s actions and imposes their opinion. It's time to exclude this person from your circle of close friends, otherwise he will not give a chance to express himself;
  • talking to the resurrected means a serious illness. It is better to try not to enter into dialogue with him.

But a revived and already decomposed corpse in a dream does not predict anything bad. It symbolizes inner balance and peace of mind.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, a dream involving a revived dead man does not bode well for a person; moreover, it warns him of a threat looming over him. This is especially true for people who have recently decided to start a new business, which, in their opinion, will be quite profitable. The deceased warns that the enterprise cannot avoid collapse, it is better to leave this venture until better times.

Seeing several resurrected dead at once in a dream is a rather optimistic sign. Here it all depends on how happy the sleeper is with such an unexpected meeting: if he is happy, then in reality he will experience dizzying success, and if he is afraid and experiences other negative feelings, then no changes in his fate are expected in the near future.

Why do you dream of a dead person - dream book, interpretation of a dream about the living dead in coffins The appearance of dead people in night visions most often indicates news or changes. They can be positive or negative, depending...

It is worth attaching great importance to the words spoken by the deceased; they must be understood in the literal sense. You need to try to remember everything this person tells you. But it’s better not to interfere in the dialogue yourself, because talking with a dead person means failure.

A dead man comes to life in a coffin - why do you have a dream with a living dead man?

Miller's opinion

According to the dream book of psychologist Gustav Miller, a resurrected deceased person walking peacefully and quietly around the room indicates the need to resolve a long-standing conflict with one of the relatives. It is better for the dreamer to be the first to make reconciliation. If a dead person tries to crawl out of a coffin or grave, but all his attempts are in vain, the sleeper will soon feel loneliness.

A dream about a deceased uncle or grandfather symbolizes large, thoughtless expenses , a mother – to the illness of someone close, a father – to losses and unprofitable deals.

If in a dream you happen to see a joyful and having fun dead man, you are surrounded by a two-faced person who has a bad influence on the sleeping person.

It is better to say goodbye to such people without regret.

Loff's interpretation

Modern psychologist David Loff is sure that the revived corpse of a loved one who appears in a dream symbolizes the sadness and compassion of the sleeper. It has not yet been possible to let go of the past and come to terms with the fact that it is gone.

A dead stranger in a dream indicates the need to resolve a long-standing conflict. The dreamer should try to nullify all disagreements, even if they are not his fault .

The corpse of a stranger may be a distant relative whom the sleeping person has never seen. If he said his name in a dream, you need to light a candle in the church to calm the soul of the deceased.

Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud is one of the most brilliant Austrian psychologists. In his opinion, a deceased loved one never appears just like that: he either wants to warn or ask for something. It is worth listening to his words and doing everything as he says.

If you dreamed of a stranger, it is better to treat such a dream with caution:

  • the corpse of a child says that in the near future the dreamer will not be able to have children. You need to be examined by a doctor and begin productive treatment;
  • a joyful dead person dreams of the betrayal of a loved one;
  • hugging a dead person means obstacles in business. The plans that the sleeper made are not destined to turn into reality.

If the corpse of a stranger simply stands in the middle of the room, without uttering a word, this is good: the deceased wishes goodness and happiness.

As Aesop believed

According to the ancient Greek writer, the interpretation of dreams with resurrected people has a wide range. For example, dreaming of a calm dead man means a change in the weather, and talking to him means worsening health. If a corpse smiles in a dream, this indicates that relationships with a loved one are built on deception and lies, but if it cries, the sleeper will soon find happiness and peace of mind.

Aesop also argued that the meaning of a dream depends on the behavior of the deceased himself . An angry dead person always appears before bad events, be it illness or a quarrel, but a happy and kind person does not carry anything good in himself. The best sign is a dead man standing quietly and not trying to start a dialogue.

Christians have a belief that if a dead relative comes in a dream and hands over some change, he demands to be remembered.

It is worth visiting the cemetery and church, lighting a candle for the repose. The dead never visit just like that; even in dreams they try to convey something important and give a warning about future events.

Why do you dream of a revived dead man?

Loff's Dream Book

Such dreams are not always worth taking to heart, especially if you watched a horror movie the day before. If a person in reality didn’t even think about anything like that, but a revived dead man appeared to him in a dream, then he must carefully analyze what he saw, taking into account every small detail on which the decoding of the vision depends. Of great importance is not only the personality of the deceased who suddenly returned to life, but also his behavior, as well as the feelings of the sleeper.

Thus, a revived dead person who rose from the coffin right during the funeral ceremony is a harbinger of serious events. We are talking about a unique chance for a person to finally put an end to the conflict that has been smoldering for many years among his loved ones. This image indicates that the moment has come that should be used to finally clarify the relationship in order to put everything in its place.

We can safely say that all words spoken by a suddenly revived dead person must be taken literally. Often such visions contain very important and necessary messages that are necessary for the dreamer to overcome some serious difficulties. Among other things, such dreams indicate that the person who sees them should be extremely careful and try to talk less about himself, even if we are talking about a conversation with close friends and relatives.

Unfortunately, any physical contact (from a handshake to hugs and kisses) with a resurrected deceased will not give such a positive prognosis. A particularly bad harbinger is considered to be a vision in which the sleeper goes into the unknown following the living dead. Very often, such dreams foreshadow serious illnesses, troubles, hardships, and sometimes mortal danger.

Therefore, a person who had the misfortune of seeing this plot should be extremely careful and circumspect. Try to remember how this character behaved during resurrection. The worst dream of this kind is considered to be one in which the living dead behaved aggressively and tried to harm the sleeping person. And all because we are talking about a very bad harbinger of a terrible conflict that will divide the life of the sleeper into “before” and “after”.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

When in a dream you happen to see a person alive again who in reality died, you should pay attention to his mood. A good mood is considered a favorable sign. Anger or sadness should be regarded as a warning of possible misfortunes. The calm, peaceful mood of the revived dead person indicates that there is no need to worry about the future, since there is a long period of well-being and prosperity ahead. Finally, you will be able to make large purchases that the sleeper has dreamed of for so long.

An angry dead man foreshadows a serious conflict, the consequences of which will be felt for a long time. A quarrel with a person on whom the financial and social situation directly depends is possible, or the family will be on the verge of divorce. If you dreamed of a dead person coming to life and crying, it is possible that the dreamer’s nervous system is in an equally deplorable state. In reality, it is difficult to control emotions; you are tormented by fears and irritability for no apparent reason.

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Islamic Dream Interpretation

To see a deceased person in good health means that everything is fine with him in the next world. And the good deeds done by the deceased should give rise to the idea that it would be nice for the dreamer to do the same. Any manifestation of good feelings towards the deceased is for the benefit of the mortal who is now alive! If an eyewitness to a dream embraces a revived dead man and speaks to him, then his days on earth will be extended!

If the revived dead man begins to fight, and the dreamer receives blows, it means that a previously committed sin is on his conscience. But if a deceased but revived person does some nasty things in a dream, then in this way he warns the “author” of the dream against this. A single dead person is a sign of a wedding, a married person, on the contrary, symbolizes an imminent divorce or separation.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream a dead person came to life right in the coffin, it foreshadows initially unprofitable and unpromising undertakings that will take a lot of time and effort. The resurrection of several dead people at once in a dream symbolizes the dizzying success of the sleeper. True, provided that the dream did not cause fear and panic, but positive emotions, for example, the joy of an incredible meeting.

French Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed that a dead person was talking, it meant receiving important information. An evil dead person is a lack of commemoration. If a close relative, a deceased person, beats a sleeping person - the same meaning. Greeting a dead person in a dream means the well-being and health of the dreamer. A dead person walking towards you foretells someone's funeral.

To see in a dream how your now living acquaintance, brother, friend, father, other relative comes to life and rises from the coffin at a funeral, means for him a long life to a ripe old age, for you it means minor health problems. It is much worse to see your chosen one in this role. Take this as a signal that it's time to change something in your relationship. After such dreams, you need to add more communication, joy, and try to dispel doubts about fidelity.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The dead in a coffin in a dream symbolize regressive behavior, pathologies associated with a person’s deprivation of energy and vitality. A resurrected dead man in a coffin appears in a dream to finally resolve a long-standing hidden conflict between people close to him during his lifetime. What you dreamed about serves as a reminder that the “bad world” cannot last forever; someday the time will come to sort things out.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a dead person comes to life in a coffin and rises from it - such a dream promises that some hopeless business, as you already thought, will turn out to be promising and profitable. You dreamed of a familiar person, a deceased person, alive - you will meet someone you no longer expected to see. A living dead person, who is closed in a coffin and buried, dreams of great misfortune. If a dead person hugs you, a big quarrel is expected in reality.

Modern Dream Interpretation

The dream of a revived dead man in a coffin warns you against rash actions that are fraught with bad consequences. If the deceased told you something, then think about his words, they probably carry an important meaning for you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dead man coming to life in a dream means an important unfinished business and calls for active action on your part.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The deceased in the coffin opens his eyes thanks to your help - life will change dramatically for the better.

Chinese Dream Book

At the funeral, a dead person came to life - happy news from the past, or guests from afar.

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