Dream Interpretation: Facial hair

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of facial hair in the form of a mustache or beard, although in real life you do not have it, you may become a victim of your own selfishness.
This could be a missed opportunity or even revenge because you considered yourself better than someone else. If you get rid of them, you will soon regain your good name and part with bad company. For a woman, such a dream is a sign that her reputation is in danger. In this case, it is important to take your behavior and actions extremely seriously. Why do you dream about facial hair?

Seeing your face covered with hair in a dream is a sign of mercy and forgiveness. Hair in the form of a beard in a dream means that you are facing a struggle for power with a person who is a stranger to you in spirit. Gray hair on the face means quarrels and failures. If a girl dreams that she is admiring her face, on which hair has grown, then in life she will want to break conventions in relation to the opposite sex or will be in danger of getting married unsuccessfully.

Long facial hair

If hair grows on a woman’s clean face in a dream, then good luck and prosperity await her. The longer the hair, the more success she will achieve. But the dream warns: vanity, increased from dizzying success, will ruin everything, so you should not put yourself on a pedestal and praise yourself to others.

One more interpretation can be found in Miller’s dream book: if a woman admires the hair on her face, then she wants to quickly overcome conventions in a relationship with a certain man and establish love affairs.

Wolves attack in a dream: interpretation of a dream

Different interpretation

It’s worth noting right away that it’s quite difficult to specifically answer the question of why you saw curls in your dream. This is due to the fact that now there are many different dream books, and each of them gives different meanings to such visions.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the interpretation depends on many factors, at least on who exactly foresaw this, a man or a woman.

Today the following dream books are most in demand:

  • Family;
  • Noble;
  • Dream book alphabetically;
  • Love;
  • Islamic;
  • Miller's Dream Book;
  • Psychological.

It is impossible to say which of them should be preferred, since each of them has earned a good reputation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

To dream that you have facial hair - for a man this means material well-being. The faster and denser they grow, the faster this will happen.

If the hair is curly, it may mean discord in the family. If you are trying to remove them from your face, for a man this is success in business, for a girl it is a thoughtless relationship that will lead to regret. For a pregnant woman to cut her facial hair or pull it out means that she will give birth to a boy. If a married woman sees such a dream, it means difficult trials in life; if she removes them, it means the loss of her husband, but for a widow, it means a new marriage. So the interpretation may be different.

facial hair according to the dream book

Facial hair grows - to wealth, curly hair - to meetings with relatives. Cutting facial hair means losing money; for a girl cutting facial hair means a hasty marriage or relationship. For a married woman, seeing hair on her face means the loss of her husband; for a widow, it means she will soon meet her new husband; for a pregnant woman, she will have a son. Facial hair falls out - to the loss of property or money; shaving hair from the face means solving your problems in love.

Dream Interpretation Hair, why do you dream about seeing Hair in a dream?

Why do you dream about facial hair? For representatives of different sexes, the dream book interprets such a vision differently. This may be a harbinger of improved well-being, career growth, or the birth of a son. However, such a plot in a dream also warns of quarrels, troubles, and dissatisfaction with oneself. It is important to remember all the details of the dream in order to interpret it correctly.

Who dreamed

Why do you dream about facial hair? The dream book considers such a sign depending on who dreamed that they grew up there - a man or a woman. For a man, such a vision in a dream foreshadows an increase in his authority, weight among colleagues, relatives, and acquaintances.


Also for him, the dream book explains this sign as a harbinger of significant financial profit, which carefully planned affairs and projects will soon bring. You need to use it wisely, investing it profitably in order to receive new income - then your well-being will strengthen.

If you dreamed that a woman’s facial hair is growing, this indicates to her that she wants to become a leader everywhere. Moreover, sometimes he uses unworthy methods. You need to adjust your behavior, understand what is more important in order to avoid the opposition of others.

Actions with them

Why does a man who wears it in reality dream of shaving his beard in a dream? He is sincere, open, sometimes even too much and out of place, so he can be attacked because of this. The dream book tells you: try not to reveal your soul to all your acquaintances and strangers.

Also, such a plot promises the bearded dreamer troubles at work and career failures. Especially when there was a lot of facial hair or it was long, and he shaved it clean - the situation was very difficult.

Pulling out facial hair in a dream - the dream book promises fulfillment of desires or receiving wise advice from an elderly person. The plot may predict a meeting with an influential person.

Cutting your facial hair means that the sleeper will face losses regarding money matters and personal life. Plucking them from the chin means fighting many troubles or serious quarrels.

Why does a woman dream of a stranger who has facial hair (beard)? If he also looks ugly and repulsive, Miller’s dream book promises her scandals and discord in the family. Apparently, the reason is the unsuccessful choice of a life partner, as well as rejection of the opinions of others, which contradict her own. This situation can damage your reputation.

Did you dream about how a woman’s facial hair grew? Often, a similar plot in a dream foreshadows the birth of a son. If she is pregnant, and saw a dream at night between Saturday and Sunday, it means that a son will certainly be born.


Why do you dream of seeing hair on your face? Sometimes the dream book interprets them this way: the dreamer is entangled in intimate relationships and is experiencing difficulties due to personal relationships. Perhaps you need to take a time out to figure it out and decide what to do next.

Such a vision in a dream means: you are dissatisfied with yourself or the attitude of others towards you. Did you dream that the girl had them? The dream book indicates: you are afraid of gossip about yourself. Therefore, try to behave carefully and not give a reason for them.

Seeing hair on a woman’s face in a dream means for her that she is under the strong influence of men. This has its positive and negative sides. It’s good when complex issues are resolved for you, but excessive care and the need to account for every step begins to irritate over time. The scope of this influence should be immediately outlined.

Other interpretations

Why does a girl dream that her facial hair has grown? Certain events from her past that she would like to hide will suddenly become known. They will bring a lot of trouble and interfere with what was planned.

If a man saw in a dream that he was unshaven, an unpleasant situation will happen in reality. According to Miller's dream book, his friends will learn about his weaknesses and vices. And the dream of a stranger with facial hair foreshadows hypocrisy, indifference of close people - they will not help if difficulties arise.

Plucking your eyebrows in a dream means it’s time to get rid of old worries. Stop living in the past, you need to move forward. Although it is sad to part with something or someone that evokes pleasant memories, more attention should be paid to the present, because the past cannot be returned.

Thank you, I'll be vigilant.

I dreamed that a lot of hair had grown on the tip of my nose and I wanted to pull it out but couldn’t.

I caught the goose by the neck and it shit on me.

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I dreamed that I grew a beard.

I dreamed of plucking the hairs on my face.

I dreamed that I had one black hair on my beard, and I pulled it out with tweezers. What is this for?

Tamila, my grandmother is a hereditary gypsy, and I read your message to her. Expect more trouble. It's terrible to pull black hair out of your beard!!

I dreamed of hair on my right cheek, black, strong, but not thick, with an area of ​​16 cm square. As if after some kind of pimple, but I don’t remember it. I cut them off, but somehow it didn’t work out very well, there was only a centimeter left, but there were about 10. In the dream I was not happy with them. Ugly.

I dreamed that thick black hair grew on the space between the neck, just between the chin and neck, I remember the feeling - smooth and soft, 2 cm long, and I was terribly worried about their appearance! What does it mean?


An assignment from the authorities portends misfortune. If

​ scratching others - middle and senior according to the dream book: and your courage Combing your hair in a dream means avoiding misfortunes. A common interpretation of this is on the pious and If a woman in a dream has Curly hair - in a dream you are someone constantly bother

Age to be gray Dreaming of thick hair - the chosen one. See your harbinger of health and

​tangled, untidy hair - sleep - financial​ to a beautiful girl.​ combing her magnificent​ for change, take care​ be proud of the fact that​ on your hand -​ in a dream -​ wealth, strength​

​beloved redhead - success, tear towards failures. profit, or Seeing hair in a dream - this is behind it - you have beautiful ones, think about the future

​ to comforting news, Hair loss is a disease, portends changes in your hair - If you dream of flowers as a serious increase in the authority of a bald woman, it means a quarrel. It promises her frivolity, infidelity, infatuation with others.

hair, then singe you - avoid travel, meetings. If there is sadness in your relationship. Chestnut hair means loss; burning hair promises approaching

Among friends and If a woman in a dream is in actions, in Kos - success awaits and

​ loose troubles - a woman sees in Scratching her hair - she dreams of good hair - on her head she sees troubles that her colleagues are having. Seeing her combing her hair, which she later talks about, weaving her well-being into yours

​ Anxiety to wash - a dream about your earnings from work failures. Beautiful - to profit

​You, however, without dreaming, the hair on her will have to repent, repent, or let her down

affairs. Seeing light heads and dark ones in concern, Cutting your hair is a case of hairstyle in a dream and success. You will cope with labor. in those places where in your frivolity. what are yours

​ agreeableness and kindness and gray hair

  • Deaths in the family are a sign of success
  • ​If in a dream all the Man who saw them in a dream will not be
  • ​To a man who saw his thinning hair in a dream
  • ​Flowers in your hair very quickly​
  • ​Modern dream book​ - in front of her​
  • ​Seeing how you grow - your affairs are turning, your body is covered


​your thinning hair,​ should - to

  • In a dream, your thinning hair, in reality, unjustified hair foreshadows the approach of growing, - very If a woman dreams, there will be a dilemma,
  • Prudence in business, but if your hair is thick, you are waiting for failure and a well-fed life in your hair, it’s not worth it
  • Generosity will lead to troubles, which, however, are a good omen, promising that she will comb
  • ​and she can​ Hair falling out - loss of hair cut too short sleep promises wealth
  • Poverty due to one's own wealth. When a man is too generous about failure and poverty.
  • ​will not lead you to rapid growth
  • ​ your beautiful hair,​ make the wrong choice.​ property is a warning:​ and good luck if​
  • ​ generosity.​ sees in a dream - this is fraught with graying own hair out of balance and
  • ​income, happiness, and then she too Sees herself as burning
  • ​Selling is a misfortune.​ not to be wasteful, but your hair is sparse. If you dream of your own unkempt stubble turning gray

Failure and poverty.

​ - a sad sign.​ will not frighten. Wreath


Well-being. The dream predicts, treats lightly

  • ​ brunette, without being​ Dreaming of red hair - to avoid misfortunes. - anxiety, danger
  • ​ hair is bad on your face, it’s Seeing yourself turning gray
  • ​ Seeing yourself covered in hair - what are your natural
  • ​in their personal life,​ falsehood.​ Lush hairstyle on​
  • ​to fall under someone else's sign.​ portends in the future​ - not to​ hair - promises​
  • ​fame, wealth and​ abilities will help you and will not achieve​ - to seduction,​ Dreaming of white hair -​
  • Fluffy soft hair influence. On the other hand, a white unpleasant situation may be good. Forgiveness and honors to you... If flowers
  • Take the high and the desired, denying the obvious affair. Seeing your peace of mind - to the limitless
  • ​Seeing hair on his chest like snow is his secret vices
  • I dreamed about gray-haired people and mercy. If there are white ones in it
  • A respected position in a thing. If a man's chosen one is red (if he dreams of combed hair - happiness. If a woman - to health, they promise the dreamer comforting and weaknesses will become
  • ​ - a woman sees a sign of an unpleasant dream - you should
  • society. To have a dream, to dream that she doesn’t like him that much. Sees in a dream
  • ​hair on the palms​ news, pleasant trips are known for a large number of changes.​ - she will endure​ to prepare herself for​ in which hair​
  • ​ hair is thinning, then in life) - Dreaming of chest hair on your head means troubles and meeting people. The man who sees
  • ​Seeing yourself with all your attention to serious trials that have grown on yours in real life leads to a change in

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- health.

At the same time you have dark and Beautiful curls Dream Interpretation: hair in a dream: in a dream someone else has a beautiful hairstyle - however, not too much in your palm, you cut it, he will become poor because of the relationship. Brown hair Dreaming of disheveled hair - blonde hair - in a dream - The state of your health, and a face covered for many days means a successful turn and may become longer.

​them, and they​ are of their generosity, and​ you have family troubles.​ this is great for a love interest,​ also self-esteem.​ stubble, it may soon happen.​ indulge your whims​ The bows in your hair have grown again , means emotional unrest can cause professional miscalculations and Dreams of beautiful black hair, doubts about the future, ugly or dirty Why dream of Hair being faced with horrifying Tangled, unkempt hair to the detriment of morality.

​ - an unexpected proposal.​ that you will​ lead him to failure.​ - you are loved.​ choice and to​ - to bad​ in a dream:​ hypocrisy and indifference​ - to failures.​ If you dream, to receive money from illness. See in Gray hair. Seeing yourself gray Braiding your hair means you need to be careful.

​Black short and curly people around you - A voluminous hairstyle means you have a significant fortune. Hairpins of a person who dreams of his hair is unexpected wealth. You will start a relationship. Tangled, untidy hair. Seeing your hair in a dream - in a difficult situation, fluffy, soft hair


What else matters

As noted above, it is quite difficult to give a specific description of a certain vision, one might even say almost impossible. The meaning of sleep can be different, it depends on various factors such as:

  • Who exactly saw it: a woman or a man;
  • What specific actions were performed with the hair;
  • Did they grow back or, on the contrary, did you cut them off;
  • From objects around you;
  • What time of day did the action take place?
  • Whether the person was familiar to you or not.

If you managed to remember most of the above, you can safely count on a successful interpretation of the dream.


Most dream books explain that if a woman dreams of hair on her face, it means that she is striving with all her might to take a leading position, to become a leader not only in her family, but, possibly, in the team. To do this, she can use any means and intrigues, but in order for others to more easily accept her, she should choose competent tactics of behavior.

In addition, sometimes the appearance of a beard on a girl can indicate that some of your secrets, which you tried in every way to hide from others, may soon be revealed.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to the color of the hair, its thickness and the actions taking place. Thick facial hair represents masculinity, so if a woman is pregnant, she should expect the birth of a son. For a girl, her own hairy face portends a possible pregnancy in the near future.

If a woman saw facial hair in a dream of erotic content, then this directly indicates problems of a sexual nature. The same can be said about a dream in which another bearded girl appears. A married lady's beard portends widowhood. For a widow, on the contrary, new love and relationships.

Hair color is also important:

  • black - to enrichment;
  • gray hairs - to scandals and misfortunes;
  • brown - for celebration;
  • blond - to joy, harmony in all areas of life;
  • redheads - to envy and troubles from friends;
  • painted, unnatural - a sign of exorbitant narcissism in real life.

If a girl plucks her eyebrows, then such a dream can become an impetus for internal changes: the time has come to get rid of complexes and self-doubt. The past no longer deserves the dreamer's attention. Only staying “here and now” will help you achieve what you want.

According to the 21st century dream book, getting rid of hair on the chin means a quarrel with friends and even a breakup. It is worth paying more attention to your own words so as not to offend loved ones.

A girl cuts or shaves her own beard - to a quick marriage, perhaps ill-considered. A dream in which hair fell out on its own promises failure in the financial sphere and loss of property.

If a girl tries to hide her mustache with makeup, then some fact from her past will be exposed to everyone. This event will become a serious obstacle to your goal. The subconscious mind warns that you should not reveal your soul to strangers.

Such a dream promises a quick achievement of the goal through serious and painstaking work. Obstacles should not stop the dreamer, because at the moment you can express yourself to the fullest.

The dream also predicts a meeting with people who will play an important role in fate and influence financial well-being. You shouldn’t ask them for anything; they will offer everything to the dreamer anyway.

If a woman pulls out her facial hair, this symbolizes help in the form of useful advice that will certainly come in handy in life. If someone from the older generation or relatives advises, you should especially listen to them.

If someone tears out the hair on the dreamer’s face, then it’s time for the woman to be wary: a significant loss is coming, and not necessarily material. Someone may be disappointed in the dreamer.

Shaving hair is a sign of peace.

If hair grows on a woman’s clean face in a dream, then good luck and prosperity await her. The longer the hair, the more success she will achieve. But the dream warns: vanity, increased from dizzying success, will ruin everything, so you should not put yourself on a pedestal and praise yourself to others.

One more interpretation can be found in Miller’s dream book: if a woman admires the hair on her face, then she wants to quickly overcome conventions in a relationship with a certain man and establish love affairs.

If a woman saw in a dream an unpleasant stranger with a repulsive appearance, then the dreamer will face a dark streak in life, quarrels with loved ones, and discord in the family. The woman made a mistake in choosing the man she loved and did not pay attention to the advice of her elders. The future situation will negatively affect her reputation and bring a lot of failures both in the financial sphere and in relationships with her family. The dreamer should prepare for a difficult stage in life.

Since the face is the personification of a person’s inner world, any change unusual for it is a warning of future difficulties. There is a reason you dream about facial hair: the subconscious gives a direct hint that it is time to be careful in your relationships with people.

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Getting rid of facial hair

If a girl plucks her eyebrows, then such a dream can become an impetus for internal changes: the time has come to get rid of complexes and self-doubt. The past no longer deserves the dreamer's attention. Only staying “here and now” will help you achieve what you want.

According to the 21st century dream book, getting rid of hair on the chin means a quarrel with friends and even a breakup. It is worth paying more attention to your own words so as not to offend loved ones.

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A girl cuts or shaves her own beard - to a quick marriage, perhaps ill-considered. A dream in which hair fell out on its own promises failure in the financial sphere and loss of property.

If a girl tries to hide her mustache with makeup, then some fact from her past will be exposed to everyone. This event will become a serious obstacle to your goal. The subconscious mind warns that you should not reveal your soul to strangers.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a mustache or beard on yourself in a dream means change. Freud's dream book says that facial hair for a man means good changes. If a woman dreams of vegetation, she will have to take on a difficult task, which in her opinion a man should take upon himself. There is also another meaning. If you are trying to get rid of them, it means that you do not value your partner and think that you will find someone better, although this is a wrong opinion. To remove them is to lose your happiness, which you have not yet had time to taste.

what does it mean if you have hair on your face in a dream?

Any hair in a dream is a prototype of hair on the genitals. Growing facial hair indicates a loss of self-confidence in sexual relationships, while cropped or shaved hair, on the contrary, portends self-confidence and success in the love field.

Unpleasant woman with facial hair

If a woman saw in a dream an unpleasant stranger with a repulsive appearance, then the dreamer will face a dark streak in life, quarrels with loved ones, and discord in the family. The woman made a mistake in choosing the man she loved and did not pay attention to the advice of her elders. The future situation will negatively affect her reputation and bring a lot of failures both in the financial sphere and in relationships with her family. The dreamer should prepare for a difficult stage in life.

Since the face is the personification of a person’s inner world, any change unusual for it is a warning of future difficulties. There is a reason you dream about facial hair: the subconscious gives a direct hint that it is time to be careful in your relationships with people.


For males, facial hair is completely natural; most often such visions are interpreted as increasing its impact and raising authority over family, friends and colleagues. In addition, this often promises quick monetary profit.

It can be either the result of completed work or completely unexpected income. But it’s worth noting right away that you should use the money you receive wisely, only in this case will it bring you even greater prosperity.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

facial hair in a dream what is it for

Seeing facial hair growing means increasing your property. Black hair means health, red hair means treacherous friends, facial hair falls out means sorrow.

For men and women, such a dream is interpreted differently. This may be a harbinger of increased income, career growth, or the birth of a son. But this dream content can also signal conflicts or dissatisfaction with oneself. It is important to remember every detail of a dream vision in order to give its correct interpretation.

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If a woman saw facial hair in a dream of erotic content, then this directly indicates problems of a sexual nature. The same can be said about a dream in which another bearded girl appears. A married lady's beard portends widowhood. For the widow, on the contrary, new love and relationships.

Hair color is also important:
  • black - to enrichment;
  • gray hairs - to scandals and misfortunes;
  • brown - for celebration;
  • blond - to joy and harmony you will rock all areas of life;
  • redheads - to envy and troubles from friends;
  • painted, unnatural - a macro sign of exorbitant narcissism in real life.
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