Interpretation of a dream about a giant

  • March 12, 2019
  • Religion and mysticism
  • Angelica Braldi

Quite unusual, strange and even fantastic images sometimes appear in dreams. Of course, such dreams are memorable; they arouse curiosity and a desire to look into the dream book. People simply refuse to believe that vivid, fabulous or frightening dreams have no meaning. And indeed, such dreams, as a rule, warn or testify to something.

One of the most ancient and often appearing fantastic images in night visions is a giant. A dream in which a giant appeared can have both a positive interpretation and a warning about something bad. The meaning of a dream depends on the details of the dreamer, as well as on the life circumstances and personality of the person.

General interpretations

Why do you dream about a giant? To fears, exaggerations, fears, usually false and unfounded. If in night vision a person himself becomes huge, then in reality he should be wary of manifestations of conceit, exaggeration of his own capabilities and importance in the eyes of other people. Such a dream may also warn of the development of mental illness, mental or nervous disorder. But if the dreamer initially appears in the form of a giant, then the dream promises success and increased social status.

Why do you dream of an evil giant, aggressive or even enraged? To the fact that in reality there will be skirmishes, conflicts or a long-term confrontation with someone. If in a night vision a giant managed to scare, knock down, put a person to flight, or otherwise harm him, then in real life the enemies will prevail and win.

But the dream has a completely different meaning, in the plot of which a man managed to defeat a giant and forced him to run away. Such a dream promises victory over ill-wishers in life. If the giant screamed, threatened, and waved his arms in a dream, then in reality you should be wary of human rumors, gossip, and slander.

Why do you dream of a giant who does not pay attention to a person and is busy with some kind of work? This dream promises a person success in all his endeavors and affairs. But it also warns that to achieve results you will have to work hard, without being distracted by the little things that arise.

If a giant in a dream entertains the dreamer, for example, jumps on one leg or tries to dance, then in reality he will have to face the need to seek attention and approval from an influential, high-ranking person.

I had a dream about a Giant (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Dreaming of a giant woman▼

The meaning of the dream, which featured a giant woman, indicates that it will not be possible to appropriate for yourself what belongs to another person. In some situations, such a dream indicates the appearance of an ill-wisher with a bad character.

In a dream there is a giant man▼

The interpretation of a dream, where a giant man appeared, reports experiences.
Will cause negative emotions from criticism from senior management. This can have a negative impact on your confidence in your own abilities. It is recommended to be more tolerant, understanding and calm about criticism from your superiors. You just need to draw conclusions and get to work.

Giant - Meet - fear, doubt; fight back - to success; to kill - elevation in life; to be a giant yourself is a danger of serious stupidity; to become a giant is a danger of madness (see swell, increase). Giant - Seeing a giant in a dream means that in real life you are overwhelmed by a strong desire, which, due to certain circumstances, you cannot yet satisfy.

Why do you dream that you suddenly became a giant? This suggests that you attach exaggerated attention to your role in personal relationships. It seems to you that all the credit for their correct development belongs only to you and for this you should be cherished and cherished. A similar attitude towards yourself also reigns in your intimate life - you expect slavish obedience from your partner and manipulate him without a twinge of conscience.

Giant - Adult, parent, since the dream always refers to the time when adults seemed giants to the child. Ogre-eating giant. Father. The idea of ​​building the future may be hidden behind the giant; this is an interpretation of what this dream means. Giant - According to the dream book, seeing a giant (human or animal) means your triumph over your enemies, you can achieve great success;

Giant - To the illness of children. Giant - See - road; if sitting - success in business; giant attack - bad opinion of superiors; defeated giant - disappointed hopes; kissing him is a mess for a man because of a woman. Giant - If a giant suddenly appears next to you in a dream, then in reality be prepared for clashes with your enemies.

Giant - You will have to face great difficulties. Meet them courageously, and then they will be resolved. This dream suggests that you will have an enemy who will have a terrible character. The Giant (Gulliver, Uncle Styopa) - You have often recently experienced oppression and unfair insults and you need the protection of someone stronger.

Giant (osilok) - Victory over the enemy, success, stunning news, road; sitting - success in business; attacks - the authorities become angry; defeated - disappointed hopes. To see a giant - In a dream, and any ugly animal is a sign of triumph over enemies and perfect success in an enterprise. Giants from the sky - Discord, clash of plans

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

dream book giant

Giants are mythological, magical creatures endowed with supernatural powers.

According to psychologists, they are associated in the human mind with groundless fears and primitive horror that we have experienced from time immemorial. As the General Dream Book explains, the giant symbolizes the dreamer’s strength, power, and ability to withstand any adversity in life.

From the point of view of almost all dream books, seeing a giant in a dream is a positive, not a negative sign, promising the appearance of a defender, a powerful patron, protecting the dreamer from all adversity. Dreams seen from Thursday to Friday are especially favorable, since the dreamer will have to cope with a task that would be too difficult for anyone else.

A dream on Monday night predicts that the one who promised you assistance will in fact turn out to be a talker, but you will do just fine without his services. Seeing a giant in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means a cherished wish will come true, and so quickly that the dreamer can only be amazed at this turn of affairs.

What is written about in Tsvetkov’s collection?

The dream book deciphers this dream in direct accordance with the details of the night’s plot. Why do you dream of a giant who accidentally met on the way? To experience fears, exaggerate the importance of certain events, or to overestimate one’s own capabilities.

If in a night vision you happened to encounter aggression from a giant and defeat him, then in reality you will expect the successful completion of a large and important matter. If in a dream a person kills a giant, in reality he should be prepared for significant social elevation, for glory.

When a dreamer sees himself in the image of a giant, you need to pay attention to how exactly the plot of the dream develops. If a person initially appears in it in the form of a giant, then the dream warns of the likelihood of committing a very stupid and reckless act in reality, dictated by excessive conceit. But if the dreamer turns into a giant and takes on enormous dimensions, then the interpretation will be different. Such a dream is a harbinger of mental illness or a nervous breakdown.

What is written about in the Feng Shui collection?

In the Far East, giants are called “man-mountains.” They are very popular characters in various tales, legends, songs, parables and riddles. Of course, the dream book also pays a lot of attention to them.

If the dreamer dreams of a crowd of people, among whom there is a giant, in reality he will receive honor and respect, recognition of his merits. A dream in which a giant is chasing the dreamer, trying to catch him, does not bode well. Such dreams foreshadow loss of reputation, lack of prosperity and exposure to unfavorable situations. But if a giant gently grabbed a person with his hands, then such a dream promises success in all endeavors, prosperity, and for merchants - gaining profit.

Why do we dream of human giants walking somewhere in a crowd? The interpretation of this night plot depends entirely on its details. In general, the dream is considered favorable, foreshadowing many large and successful undertakings. But the dream has such a meaning only if the giants were not aggressive, hostile, or dressed in rags. Quarreling, fighting giants are a sign that in reality a person will be “torn” between different activities and will not be able to complete any of them.

Fallen Giant

A giant lying on the ground, defeated or exhausted, dreams of deception in his own expectations, disappointment, loss of illusions. If a giant is seen from afar in a dream, then in reality you need to prepare for a long journey.

What is written in Miller's collection?

The dream book ambiguously interprets a dream in which a giant was present. The general meaning attached to such dreams is the illness of children, which parents will take exaggeratedly, too seriously.

A giant who dreams of going somewhere is a harbinger of a long journey awaiting a person in reality. If a giant in a dream was busy with something, sat and tinkered or read, then such a dream promises success in work, stability and well-being.

Aggression on the part of the giant, his attack on the dreamer is a sign that in reality he will have to face criticism from his superiors, attacks and unreasonable demands. If in a night vision the giant was defeated and immobilized, then in reality one should expect disappointments, unfulfilled hopes and collapsed plans.

Why do you dream of a giant woman with whom you happened to kiss or make love in a dream? Such a dream promises men a lot of trouble, disorder and chaos in life, which will arise through the fault of a woman.

The giant looks into the house

If in a dream giants walked to earth from heaven, then in life one should expect quarrels with acquaintances, discrepancies in plans with colleagues or superiors, as well as the sudden appearance of a mass of difficult matters. If in a dream a giant stops a person and begins to demand something from him or, conversely, to explain or tell something, then in reality he will have to face serious obstacles that will be impossible to overcome. Such a dream promises a person defeat, failure in what he is currently doing.

What is written in Freud's collection?

What connects this collection with erotic fantasies is what the giant dreams about. In a dream, a person does not control his desires, and his subconscious often gives them very bizarre forms, for example, giant people.

If the dreamer simply watches the giant, then such a dream indicates that in reality the person is dependent on his sexual desires, which have taken on exaggerated forms. At the same time, the fantasies that overcome the dreamer, for some reason, cannot be realized in life.

Giant figure at a parade in Liverpool

To appear as a giant in a dream is evidence that in reality a person is prone to displaying conceit and inflating his own capabilities, boasting about imaginary “achievements.” This dream also foreshadows that in a relationship with a partner, the dreamer will persistently demand increased attention to himself and adoration, but he himself will not show such feelings. Those who dream about giants are prone to manipulating their loved ones and suppressing their will.

I had a dream about a Giant (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Seeing a giant in a dream – A giant standing next to you in a dream symbolizes the threat posed by your partner. He is probably angry with you for some reason and is making plans for revenge, which will not affect your personal life in the most positive way. If a giant blocks your path, there is no point in fighting; it is better to admit what you have done and promise to improve, so as not to destroy the idyll of your relationship.

Venereal disease The name “venereal disease” owes its origin to the ancient goddess Aphrodite (in the Roman interpretation - Venus), who, with the advent of Christianity with its cult of purity, purity and morality, began to be considered the patroness of sinful carnal love and adultery.

Sexual contacts are always fraught with some consequences, pleasant and not so pleasant. The latter include sexually transmitted diseases. Since they appeared in the field of medical attention, humanity has been persistently trying to get rid of them, but so far such attempts have been crowned with only partial success.

The danger of contracting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) sometimes makes finding a sexual partner a real problem. Fear of infection forces a person to suppress many of his desires. Seeing yourself infected with this type of disease in a dream means doubting the reliability of those people with whom you have to communicate. This uncertainty can be caused by the behavior of work colleagues, relatives, friends and even your family.

The streak of adversity that you may be experiencing at the moment is also aggravated by a general lack of confidence in the support of others. But a person cannot exist without outside support. As Aristotle said, a person living outside of society is either a barbarian or a deity. Who do we have to rely on anyway?

What is written in Grishina’s collection?

Why do you dream of a giant entering into a conversation with a person? According to this dream book, such a dream foreshadows the commission of rash acts, careless actions that will cause harm to other people. If in a night vision a giant suddenly appears in front of a sleeping person, then such a dream indicates that in life a person is prone to various vices.

The giant looks at the man

An aggressive giant chasing a dreamer, trying to catch a person is a bad sign. Such a dream warns of an impending discord between the internal perception of reality and the present state of the world around us. The dream also suggests that the dreamer does not feel comfortable, regardless of where and with whom he is. He is not inclined to trust people and does not get close to anyone.

A giant who bowed deeply to a person in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have to perform complex, significant work, during which difficulties will arise. If in a night vision a person experiences panic and is afraid of a giant, then in reality the person will be faced with the need to go through serious trials sent to him by fate itself.

What is written about in the collection of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima?

According to this dream book, a giant who is angry towards the dreamer and shows aggression is a sign that very powerful ill-wishers will soon appear in life. You need to pay attention to the development of the plot, namely: remember whether the sleeping giant provoked the anger of the giant or not? If in a night vision a person teased a giant or otherwise aroused his anger, then in life the cause of hostile actions will be careless words or actions.

The Child and the Good Giant

The dream also has a good meaning. If in a dream the giant was friendly and kind to people, then in reality the dreamer will have very influential friends who will provide him with protection if necessary.

This dream may also indicate that a person is overly arrogant in life and this quality of his arouses hostility among others. Also, a dream can be a shapeshifter, that is, it indicates that the dreamer’s capabilities are underestimated.

What is written about in the collection of Medea?

This collection ambiguously explains what the giant dreams about. A dream may indicate the experience of unreasonable fears, exaggeration of the significance of some events or someone else's influence. But a dream can also predict significant changes in lifestyle, career growth, or an increase in social status.

People look at the giant

If in a night vision a person watched a giant walking straight through houses, people or cars, trees, not paying any attention to obstacles, then in reality he himself does this. After such a dream, you should analyze your manner of doing business and communicating with people. If the giant tried to prevent the dreamer from doing something, for example, to stop him, but failed to do this, then in life no obstacles will be significant. A person will be able to achieve his goals despite all the difficulties that arise.

You will cope with difficulties!

The cannibal, according to the dream book, foreshadows the sleeping person’s disappointment in people and loneliness. However, if the sleeper kills him, it means he will overcome his problems and will be able to achieve success.

Why does a lover dream of being a giant? The dream book informs you: he does not pay enough attention to his partner. The sleeper considers himself the leader of their relationship and wants to manipulate his loved one so that he obeys him. To maintain the connection, you need to reconsider your beliefs.

Giant people often mean the approach of great difficulties. Did the dreamer meet them courageously, without fear? Problems will be resolved successfully.

What is written about in the Esoteric Collection?

Why do you dream about a giant man? As esotericists believe, it means grandiose changes in fate, a significant increase in social status, and a breakthrough in one’s career.

If a person in a dream enters into a fight with a giant and wins, then in reality he will oppose someone who is higher in position or status. The “duel” in life will end in victory for the dreamer. A dream in which the dreamer talks with a giant and makes friends with him has a good meaning. Such a vision characterizes the dreamer as a wise and tactful person.

To have a dream about a Giant, what does it mean? (dream book of the sorceress Medea)

Giant - “Man-Mountain”, a huge anthropomorphic, fairy-tale creature - fear, more often than not, unfounded, false;
very significant changes and influences in the life of the sleeper. To be a giant yourself is a mental crisis, great conceit, mania, obsession, mental illness, this is the meaning of what this dream means. Giant – The Giant symbolizes violence and evil that the dreamer can inflict on others. If a giant threatens you, then failure and bad rumors will haunt you. A sitting, working giant means success in business. Giant - According to the dream book, seeing a giant means winning the favor of an influential person.

If you are fighting a giant, powerful enemies will probably appear in your life. You will have to concentrate on solving the problem of neutralizing them and temporarily forget about your personal life. If you see yourself in a dream as a giant, success awaits you. But be careful, don’t overestimate your strength. Take advantage of the support of friends and management.

What is written about in Vanga’s collection?

This dream book pays attention to the appearance and attire of the giant. If the sleeping person sees a huge giant in shining armor, then in reality he will have to face manifestations of injustice and stand up for someone. If a giant held a sword in his hands in a dream, in life you need to be prepared for a quick rise up the career ladder.

Giant in armor

If in a dream a person watched the giant’s children grow up, then in reality he should not be hasty or rush to achieve his goals. Success will definitely come, but you will have to be patient. If in a dream the giant was sad or cried, then there will be great fun in life.

Good omen

A dream about a giant man who turned out to be kind foreshadows great joy in reality.

A running giant, if you yourself forced him to run away, portends, according to the dream book, good health, well-being and prosperity.

Seeing a kind giant in a dream means that bright, powerful forces will appear in the life of a sleeper in a difficult situation and provide assistance (material or moral). It is important that it arrives on time and will have a beneficial effect on the circumstances or on the sleeper, who will be able to change the situation himself.

When a woman dreamed that she had turned into a giantess, she might soon receive a large sum of money.

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