What does a constantly recurring dream mean?

Why we have the same dream is a question that people ask when trying to figure out what the subconscious is hiding. People have searched for the answer at different times, since a recurring dream often speaks of unresolved problems or fears that trouble a person.

Based on the plot he saw at night, the specialist will decipher the hidden message of the subconscious. In some cases, scientists cite a neurological disorder as one of the main reasons why people keep having the same dream.

Recurring dreams

The same visions have different characters. In some cases they become short, in others - it seems to the person that he is dreaming the whole night. The plot repeats itself, the details of the picture change.

In most cases, nightmares that persist for a long time indicate an unresolved problem. The subconscious is trying to suggest a solution. The more a person is in a depressive state, the more often he dreams.

Recurring nightmares are rarely positive. More often the plot is built around a problematic situation. If the dream is not associated with finding a solution, it speaks of psychological difficulties or health problems.

What do recurring dreams mean?

Recurring dreams are often a cry for help from the inner self addressed to the outer self. They also indicate a refusal to listen to one's inner voice or change oneself, and should be treated in much the same way as nightmares.

Examples of recurring dreams

We once shared a room with Connie, who had recurring dreams.

She went into a secluded cottage and saw there a little girl all alone, sitting on the floor, very serious and calm. Surprised by the child's presence because the cottage seemed deserted and dusty, Connie walked toward her. And always, approaching the baby, Connie heard the most terrible sobs filling the room - although the child himself did not cry.

Over the years, Connie woke up deeply troubled by these dreams, but did nothing. When I finally suggested that she go back into the dream, she discovered a door in the cottage that she had not noticed before. Opening it, she found there a little boy who was sobbing bitterly. He was dirty and exhausted and didn't want Connie to touch him.

Suddenly Connie realized that this scruffy, abandoned little boy was herself. As a child, she wanted to wear shorts and climb trees, but her mother forced her to wear frilly, very feminine, slightly old-fashioned clothes that she was not allowed to get dirty. So she became the calm, serious little girl she had first found in the cottage, while the boy she had always wanted to be was locked up and left in the back room. By returning to a time when her mother separated her from an essential part of herself, Connie unleashed an energy of creativity and adventure that greatly enriched her life.

In the process of working on this dream, Connie became unrecognizably aggressive - exactly like an angry little boy who was ignored and never listened to. Once anger was recognized and released, it became dynamic creative energy. Usually these lost, forgotten inner children are guarding lost and forgotten feelings that need to be allowed to flow before real healing can occur. Connie realized that it was never too late to become a parent to the inner child, and as a result, her dream no longer occurred.

What are recurring dreams?

The vision of a particular person will depend on what problem or fear is haunting him. Subconscious complexes will take on the character of systematic nightmares. There are common themes that haunt different people. The details are different, but the essence remains the same:

  1. A constant attempt to escape from the pursuer who is catching up. The plot shows an unwillingness to face real problems. An attempt to escape persecution ends in failure. This speaks to an underlying fear of failure.
  2. If you dream of flying, most often it indicates a subconscious desire to break out of your usual environment and gain freedom. You are waiting for changes, but in reality you are afraid to change your usual environment.
  3. Falling from a height symbolizes fear of failure, an attempt by the subconscious to check whether you are ready to quickly gather strength in extreme situations.
  4. Seeing yourself partially (completely) undressed in a public place means that you are afraid of the judgment of other people and strive to avoid situations that could expose you to ridicule. The more often the dream is repeated, the more need for approval the person experiences.
  5. Studying and passing exams is a new attempt by the subconscious to demonstrate dependence on the opinions of other people. You may be on the verge of an important event that requires you to make serious decisions.
  6. Late, long, unproductive preparations indicate that you manage your own time poorly. The plot is often built around unnecessary chaotic action, which symbolizes chaos in real life.

More on the topic: Why do I have many dreams during the night
? Dreams may not necessarily be of this nature. Depending on the oppressive situation, the plot will transform. You will not be able to avoid recurring sleep until you get rid of anxiety and cope with difficulties.

What do recurring dreams about home mean?

When interpreting dreams, houses or cars are explained as a symbolic representation of the person himself. There is an opinion that a house or car is the personification of the outer shell of a person, his defensive reaction. Events that happen in a dream regarding a house or a car happen to the body or mind.

For example, a destroyed or destroyed living room in a dream is an indication that in real life a person is experiencing some problems or stressful situations in relationships with other people.

Why are dreams repeated in which the bedroom is flooded? The answer to this question lies in the relationship between the one who sees this dream and his partner. Problems in relationships may be the key to this dream.

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In order to understand the meaning of such a dream, you should first understand what the room in the house in which the problem is occurring is used for. Awareness of the importance of a damaged room will tell you what problem is gnawing at a person in reality and how to correctly understand the signal from the subconscious.

It happens that in a dream we can see that a previously unknown room or space appears in the house. This symbol also needs to be properly explained. For example, a staircase that suddenly opens up to the eye is a symbolic personification of new or previously hidden opportunities that open up before a person. The acquisition of new family ties is indicated by a dream in which a person finds an office in which family heirlooms are stored.

Why does the dream repeat itself?

Modern researchers agree that in most cases, systematic dreams indicate certain problems occurring in life. Even if you try to solve them and try to set yourself up positively, the subconscious will look for a way out, regardless of your mood.

Often a person dreams of the same dream during periods of nervous shock and deep personal experiences. You may have recently experienced the pain of losing a loved one. There is a theory according to which a recurring dream speaks of impending fateful changes in life. Events can be both bad and good.

Repetitive plots indicate internal complexes. Until you deal with them, the dream will keep coming back. If you persistently make the same mistakes, your subconscious mind will send you repeated dreams until you listen to the voice of reason.

In other cases, night visions indicate the presence of serious health problems (psychological or physical).

Why do I have recurring dreams?

What does it mean if a dream repeats itself? To answer this question, you need to determine the motives of dreams. They can be both personal and typical. And with in-depth understanding of them, each person is able to derive his own interpreter.

Of all the types of nighttime stories, the most alarming is a recurring dream. Rare, short dreams do not always attract attention. But the pictures, which obsessively haunt me over and over again, suggest their non-random origin. Many people very often, after waking up, come to the realization that what they saw at night, in whole, in part or with other details of the scenario, was dreamed of earlier.

Repeated dreams can mean completely different things. People who study the nature of dreams argue that in this way the subconscious mind reacts to a serious life problem and expresses acute emotional reactions that a person tries to suppress in reality.

Most often, such dreams carry a negative, negative charge. In these cases, recurring dreams should be interpreted by psychology as a science designed to change the individual’s attitude to a situation that is not expressed outwardly. The dreamer feels the weight of his burden, which affects him even after waking up, but cannot get rid of the problem on his own.

There is another theory, the conclusions of which are that a frequently recurring dream foreshadows a future fateful event, both positive and with a bad outcome. Therefore, the brain tries to predict the situation in advance and develop a manner of appropriate behavior.

People who are attentive to themselves are not in vain tormented by the question of why they have the same dream several times - they are gnawing at the feeling of discomfort and impending disaster. Sometimes in real life this feeling intensifies, forcing you to change your immediate and distant plans every minute. This sometimes saves you from tragedy or even death.

It has also been noted that if a dream is repeated several times, this indicates dissatisfaction with one’s personal position, which would not hurt to change. Identical pictures do not let go of their owner and continue to appear until the onset of any positive changes.

Why do you have a recurring dream? Using the method of duplicating events, the subconscious sends a message that action must be taken. Usually such visions are vivid and well remembered. Everyone needs to realize why they have the same dream. For example, seeing the same character who does not exist in reality is a reminder of unfulfilled obligations or unfinished business in relation to this person.

Stress or nervous shock

During periods of exacerbation of nervous tension, the body seeks to throw out accumulated negative emotions. It is difficult for a person to let go of a situation that oppresses him, even if there is no way out of it. Anxiety manifests itself in negative dreams that haunt someone who is depressed or stressed.

The situation worsens due to the fact that during such periods the body is exhausted. A person sleeps less, his appetite worsens, and his thoughts revolve only around the problem. This leads to a vicious circle that puts a person in a state of extreme nervous exhaustion.

Recurring dreams haunt people who have recently experienced a serious nervous shock. This could be the loss of a loved one, a job, or another negative experience.

More on the topic: Deep sleep

Alarm signal

If you have the same dream, this may indicate a serious mental illness. Obsessive visions are a symptom of neurosis. In other cases, they talk about physical illness. With the help of dreams, the body gives a signal that help is needed. Dreams often indicate the following diseases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (dreams of vomiting, nausea, spoiled food);
  • injury, pain in the chest indicate possible heart problems;
  • insects crawling over the body indicate skin diseases;
  • suffocate, experience a feeling of suffocation - hurry to check your lungs;
  • a dream of swimming in cold or icy water precedes a cold.

Scientists have not figured out how the body sends signals about physical illness. Brain signals precede the manifestations of the disease. But the messages cannot be ignored, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms of a possible illness.

How to interpret recurring dreams?

The same plot that a person periodically experiences during a night's rest is a reflection of the processes occurring in his psyche.

Thus, the subconscious mind informs the individual about an important problem that he does not want to solve or even refuses to acknowledge. This, for example, is a responsible decision that must be made as soon as possible, an unpleasant obstacle that must be overcome.

Many people say that they often have dreams with the same plot: about their own death, falling into an abyss, losing orientation in an unfamiliar place, appearing naked in public, and so on. They may recur after a short period of time or recur unexpectedly after a few years. What is the reason for this phenomenon? The reasons for this are discussed in the following sections.

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