Why do you dream about your husband cheating?

06/28/2017 Maria Ivanova 3 comments

Why do you dream about betrayal? Such a dream has a double meaning. Basically, he talks about emotional experiences that have been worrying you a lot lately. For example, if you or your loved one have committed infidelity before or you are worried that this could or could happen.

There is nothing strange or mysterious about this. After all, our fears can often haunt us in our dreams. But if you haven’t noticed or experienced anything like this in yourself, then such a dream can be interpreted as the possibility of quick changes in your life.

To determine the meaning of a dream, you need to pay attention to the events that occur in the dream. Which we will now look into.

Why do you dream about your ex cheating?

Such a dream is usually interpreted as follows: you made the right decision by leaving this person in the past. It also marks the beginning of a good streak in life.

If you already have a loved one, then a happy relationship awaits you, which may develop into a marital relationship. If such a person is not nearby yet, then he will definitely appear soon.

Modern dream book

If a wife saw her husband’s betrayal in front of her eyes in a dream, this means that in reality his feelings for his significant other have weakened due to constant scandals and a tense situation at home. A woman should become a little more accommodating and tolerant of her husband in order to exclude the possibility of events occurring in reality.

Another meaning of adultery is imminent separation or perhaps even divorce from the faithful. The reason for this may be the frivolous behavior of the spouse. The wife should be more serious and restrained in order to save the family.

Another interpretation of dreams in which the husband cheats promises big troubles that the spouse can only cope with with the help of old, trusted friends.

Why dream of looking for something: interpretation in dream books

If the husband really regrets what he did, then this means that the wife is completely dissatisfied with her position in the family. In this situation, you should have an open conversation with your significant other in order to correct the current state of affairs.

A vivid dream about betrayal, which a woman remembers in every detail, can foreshadow a fire. You should be careful with household appliances and electricity.

Did the wife beat her husband in her dream for cheating? This promises a quiet and calm family life, harmonious relationships with the faithful. Also, such a dream speaks of the sincere and great love of the husband.

If the spouse himself admits that he has succumbed to temptation, then it is necessary to try to remember with maximum accuracy what the husband said in the dream. Apparently, in the near future this will help solve some mystery. This does not mean that the husband dreams of being with another woman. This is a sign that problems in the family still exist. The wife must do everything possible to restore the former passion in the relationship.

A husband who repents of his actions and gives flowers at the same time means that he wants to add a touch of novelty to their married life, but the wife does not want this. This may indicate a deep crisis in the relationship.

If the faithful resisted the temptress, then this foreshadows the speedy fulfillment of his cherished desire and prosperity in all matters.

Night dreams in which the husband commits betrayal right in the house where the married couple lives indicate that in reality the husband really leads a double life.

Why does a girl dream about cheating?

If an unmarried girl dreams of cheating, this means that she needs to be attentive to people and many of those around her are not at all who they seem at first glance. They abuse her kindness and gullibility.

On the personal front, the girl may also experience some failures or misfires.

If a girl cheats on her lover in a dream, this may be a warning about some business failures.

It is possible that you started some kind of big plan, but did not fully think it through or forgot about important details. Also, do not rush into making any important decisions, especially those related to finances.

Interpretation of a dream

In most cases, every woman is a very emotional and sensitive person. Each of the fair sex wants to be the only one for her spouse. Therefore, strong inner experiences are sometimes transferred to the world of dreams. But how can you recognize what a husband’s infidelity in a dream symbolizes: a woman’s lack of self-confidence or is this really a clue about what is happening in reality?

A husband who succumbed to temptation in a dream means that the wife has feelings of guilt and anxiety for an act done in the past, for which she is still ashamed. This may have nothing to do with marital fidelity, but there is a possibility of condemnation from the other half.

Another meaning of husband's betrayal is more favorable. The husband's infidelity, committed in front of his wife, promises the establishment of warm and trusting relationships between the spouses. Therefore, you should not rush to suspect your man.

Husband cheated in a dream and sincerely admitted his betrayal? The dream tells the wife that she needs to devote more time to her lover, otherwise there is a possibility that night dreams will become reality. It is necessary to create such an atmosphere of warmth, coziness and psychological comfort in the house so that the spouse does not even think about looking for solace somewhere on the side.

If your wife dreamed of betrayal and she accidentally found out about the betrayal, then you should remember all the details of the dream: names, addresses, objects, the person who revealed the truth. In the near future, all this will be useful for possibly exposing the faithful.

Seeing betrayal committed under duress means danger and big trouble for your spouse.

If at night you dreamed of betrayal of your significant other and the woman remembered everything down to the smallest detail, then this promises betrayal and humiliation of the closest people, perhaps even the main characters of the dream.

Did the woman dream that her husband wanted to leave for someone else, but then suddenly changed his mind? This means that a bright period in life will come for the family. Feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and all troubles and evil intrigues will bypass the family nest. Also, such a dream can indicate a woman’s very strong will or the right way to solve a complex problem.

What does it mean if you dreamed of beating the dreamer or another person?

If the faithful cheated right in the family bedroom, then this may indicate sexual dissatisfaction. My wife wants more variety in intimate relationships. In order to solve this problem, you just need to discuss it with your other half.

What dream books say

Famous dream interpreters offer their own versions of the meaning of infidelity for sleeping women. Sometimes their interpretations are similar, but usually they are unique.

Gustav Miller

Dreams about betrayal indicate the following character traits of the dreamer: naivety, gullibility and self-doubt. People often use it to achieve personal goals. It is recommended to be as attentive as possible to your surroundings, and also to reconsider your life position. Very soon a situation may arise that will require all your strength and a firm “no.”

A dream according to which a loved one cheated, and then decided to confess and repent, promises dissatisfaction with the state of affairs at home and at work. Often, representatives of the fair sex understand that the man’s act was deliberate and committed specifically so that his wife would find out about him. This is a good sign that promises well-being in relationships. Watching a husband call his mistress communicates a lack of trust in his partner. It makes sense to try to improve the relationship by clarifying many of the issues that bother the dreamer.

Prophecies of Nostradamus

If you had to cry because of your lover’s betrayal, this means serious changes in your life soon. The dream may be a hint that, due to constant conflict situations, the woman is offended by her companion. And this only negatively affects the situation in their family. Nostradamus advises an open conversation with your husband, which helps eliminate misunderstandings and improve relationships. Witnessing your husband hugging, kissing and having sex with someone else means that in reality the spouse has overdone her attempts to be independent. It is the unwillingness to accept the power of a man that provokes many problems.

Vanga versions

When at the last moment the spouse stops and admits the mistake of probable betrayal, it means that the dreamer will actually be able to show restraint and willpower, which will be a good assistant in the fight against serious difficulties. If betrayal takes place, this means deep depression and the destruction of all plans.

Seeing cheating with a friend in a dream means a quarrel with this person . Vanga recommended taking a closer look at her friend. It is possible that she specifically intends to ruin the marriage (for example, out of envy). It is important to remain calm and free yourself from communication with guests from your dream for a while.

Islamic dream interpreter

This dream book explains a husband’s betrayal as an interference in the usual course of life. This will mainly affect the moral and ethical side of it. The plot, according to which someone throws a note or letter to the dreamer with information about betrayal, reflects the misunderstanding that prevails in the family, as well as distrust of the spouse. It makes sense to be afraid of the appearance of a new woman, because of whom the sleeping woman might quarrel with her life partner.

A trace of someone else's lipstick on clothes is a negative sign that foreshadows a major scandal. Before it's too late, you should talk to your loved one. It is very important to control yourself and refrain from insults, otherwise there is a high probability of a breakup.

Loff's Dream Book

If the husband cheated constantly, and the wife accidentally found out about what was happening (she found them together or someone let it slip), this indicates dissatisfaction with the physical and mental relationship with her lover. It happens that, according to the plot, a man tried to take revenge for some offense by betrayal. This is a good sign that promises that everything will be fine, relationships will become more trusting and strong, and harmony will reign.

Betrayal by an ex-husband may symbolize the imminent appearance of this man in a woman’s life. He will probably ask for help. David Loff emphasizes that it is absolutely forbidden to help this person and take steps to improve relationships.

Other dream interpreters

Continuing the list of common dream books, it is worth remembering Sigmund Freud, Esoteric Dream Interpreter, Tsvetkov’s Dream Book and several more. Their opinions:

  1. Sigmund Freud. Such dreams are a reproduction of anxieties about betrayal. As a rule, they are groundless. But you definitely need to discuss everything with your partner.
  2. The esoteric dream book is convinced that dreams where the other half cheats are a guarantee of the spouse’s fidelity in reality.
  3. Dream interpreter Tsvetkova. Betrayal denotes the dreamer’s excellent plan. True, she significantly overestimated her capabilities. You shouldn’t be surprised if what you planned, instead of being brought to life, is instantly destroyed due to the lack of important subtleties and details.
  4. Vedic dream book. Such dreams promise unresolved problems. Most likely, the sleeping woman will fall into deep despair. In addition, she will lose respect among her friends. Betrayal is a symbol of failure of expectations and hopes.
  5. According to the Dream Book of the 21st century, after such night dreams you should tune in to obstacles. Hopes of overcoming them on your own are futile; you will have to ask your comrades for help.

Cheating on your husband is a rather ambiguous symbol. But the most important thing for the dreamer is not the details of the dream and the day of the week when she saw it, and not even the name of the dream interpreter, who is best to open in such cases. The main thing is to remember that there are different prophecies, but there is not a single sentence for sleeping people. Everything is in the hands of the dreamers.

Interpretations of great seers and psychologists

In all cases, the betrayal of a husband is a serious psychological trauma for the wife, even if she saw it only in a dream. However, how do you understand that it’s just a bad dream and not a hint from above? What do dream interpreters of great people say about this?

  • Vanga claims that if a wife sees her husband in a dream with another lady, then this foreshadows the collapse of all plans and hopes, which may result in a long and deep depression.
  • If a wife dreams of a husband who really wanted to have physical contact with another woman, but at the last second changed his mind, this indicates that the wife has a strong character that will help her overcome all life’s adversities;
  • Freud's dream book says that dreams in which a wife sees her husband copulating with another young lady means the wife's internal doubts, her lack of self-confidence;
  • Nostradamus explains such dreams as a sign of imminent dramatic changes in life or deep resentment towards a spouse;
  • Loff argues that revenge sex foreshadows a long and loving marriage. If the husband regretted what he did, then the woman is dissatisfied with her intimate life with her husband;
  • According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, physical contact of the other half with an unfamiliar woman means that the wife has conceived some kind of plan, but it is not destined to come true, since she did not think through all the details carefully enough. Adultery of a life partner with a sister or girlfriend - to unfulfilled dreams. Sexual relations with a stranger - a quiet and pleasant life without any grief;
  • Longo's dream book interprets that a husband's betrayal is a sign of the wife's unreasonable jealousy and suspicion;
  • The esoteric dream book explains physical contact between a spouse and another woman as a sign of a happy and calm family life. A wife needs to learn to trust her husband in everything;
  • According to the English dream interpreter, betrayal promises passionate love with your soulmate in reality;
  • What does Medea’s dream book say about such dreams? The infidelity of a life partner can mean gossip and evil intrigues of the wife’s enemies, as well as serious life troubles. If the husband did not succumb to adultery, then this promises success and prosperity in all matters;
  • According to the erotic dream book, betrayal of the faithful is a collapse of plans and hopes;
  • The White Magician's Dream Book claims that such dreams are experienced by women who are too concerned about this issue in reality. The reason for this is their own lack of self-confidence;
  • Why do you dream about your husband’s betrayal according to the 21st century dream book? Having sexual contact with your spouse on the side promises big problems in life, but they will be overcome thanks to the support and help of loved ones.

Why a girl might dream of cheating on her boyfriend - interpretations of famous dream books

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