Our dreams - how to unravel their messages | A step-by-step method for interpreting dreams

What is the secret of dreams, how to interpret the clues from the Universe seen in a dream, how to decipher them correctly? Psychic psychologist Nana Sivak will lift the veil on the mystery of night visions and give a number of practical recommendations


There is still no single point of view on the nature of dreams, either in society or in science. Some believe that dreams are just a set of random images from our consciousness. Others think that this is the key to understanding a person's inner state. And some believe that dreams contain valuable information about the past and future.

You can try to master the basics of dream interpretation on your own. And then night dreams will reveal a lot of new things to you - both about your inner world and about the events that await you in the future.

We find out how to interpret your dreams (based on psychology).

Admit it: you probably woke up and realized that you had a very strange dream? And then, of course, you were tormented by guesses, why did you see exactly this? If you don’t have enough time to look into the dream book, we at 1Gai.ru have prepared for you a list of interpretations that will help you understand what this or that dream means.
Note: no one still knows for sure why we dream at all. It is well known that Sigmund Freud suggested that dreams are the expression of unconscious desires. However, this theory has been disproved. Researchers know that sleep is important for creating memories, a process called consolidation.

Some believe that consolidation, in combination with the stress hormone cortisol, can affect the quality of sleep at different stages. Other scientists believe that dreams and nightmares help cope with fear and emotional stress. As for the question of whether dreams carry a certain “meaning”, there is even less an answer to it, as well as science that could confirm or refute this.

But despite the fact that some experts consider the interpretation of dreams to be pure nonsense, scientists continue to conduct research in order to “hack” our subconscious. Yes, perhaps all these dream books are complete nonsense, but, nevertheless, aren’t you interested in reproducing individual episodes of dreams and looking at their “interpretation” in conscious life? Then let's get started!

How to correctly decipher a dream

Exclusively the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for the intuitive perception of life, produces sleep. This explains the fact that answers to questions that concern us in reality come in a dream in the form of a set of symbols, signs, and repeating information.

You can train yourself in such a way that a dream will become a revelation for you, helping you get answers to questions, a hint on how to act correctly in a given everyday situation.

As soon as a person wakes up, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic and rational thinking, comes into operation, so a night’s sleep with its symbols seems like something weightless and insignificant, but this is not so. The language of dreams is indeed symbolic, but it is not meaningless, you just need to learn how to interpret it correctly.

Have sex

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If you dream of intimacy with your current partner, this is a signal that there is a close connection between the two of you.

If you dreamed of sex with a stranger, perhaps this indicates that your physical needs are not met. If you saw your ex-passion in a dream some time after breaking up - most likely, it is still difficult for you to let go of this person.


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Falling in a dream could mean that in real life you have lost control over something. The surroundings in a dream can help determine what exactly the sign refers to.

If you have fallen completely and reached the bottom, it means that something in your life has come to an end, be it a relationship, a job, or a big change. Collecting context clues like these can help you determine the reasons why you are having these dreams.

Palette of feelings

All dreams evoke some kind of emotion. How to solve a dream, keeping this in mind? A person in his dreams can experience love, joy, anger, shame, fear. An important clue is the discrepancy between what you see and what you actually see. Let's say that in reality a person met with pleasure with a friend, but in a dream he experienced a feeling of anger, anxiety or shame. This says that the subconscious took into account what the conscious mind did not pay attention to.

SlavicNews.ru - How to solve dreams: useful tips - all the secrets of dreams on our website

Lack of emotions, emptiness - what does this mean? It is possible that in reality a person suppresses some feeling and does not allow himself to feel it.


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If you are flying in your dream, most likely you want to be free from the stress of everyday life. When you fly, you feel like your possibilities are unlimited.

This is likely a reference to something in your life that brings you pleasure. Remember where you were flying and in what direction. If you have flown a helicopter, it means you are determined to do something. If you flew in the opposite direction, this may indicate nostalgia.

Image of yourself in dreams

It is very important to determine who or what in a dream symbolizes ourselves. This is determined purely intuitively. N. saw himself in the form of a dog pressed against the wall, at which “relatives” bark, and his emotions and needs - in the form of animals locked in a cage.

Sometimes the symbols that represent us are more or less constant throughout life, sometimes they can change.

For example, I often dream about fish, and I always associate it with myself. Based on the conditions in which she is, how she feels and behaves, I interpret my own state. Fish is my “mirror totem”, so dreams with it are especially important to me.

Maybe some creature also periodically appears in your dreams? Animal, plant, tree, mineral? Remember, and next time take a closer look at them.


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When you hide in a dream, you either want protection or feel that you are trying to isolate some part of yourself from the rest of the world.

When interpreting such dreams, try to recall in your memory what happened that day. Is there any aspect that you would like to show to the public? Perhaps there is something that worries and worries you? These clues may lead you to the real reasons.

How dreams come true on days of the week and dates of the month

There are tables for matching the meaning of a dream to the date of the calendar month. For example, what you dreamed about on the 1st is of little significance, but on the 17th you will see a prophecy.

The days of the week also have meaning. Perhaps what you dreamed about on Tuesday or Sunday will come true, but there is no complete guarantee. If you were born on Monday, then Monday dreams are prophetic. Sleep is counted according to the day on which you woke up.

The influence of moon phases on dreams

On the waning Moon, a person is cleansed if he sees bad things, but the dream is a disaster if we see bad things: after all, what we see will go away along with the Moon. On the waxing moon, you dream of what will arrive, both good and bad. Emotional and colorful dreams occur on the full moon, and on the new moon there are dreams that require philosophical understanding.


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Jumping in a dream demonstrates your desire for something for which you are full of determination and enthusiasm. Perhaps they represent the joy you recently experienced while overcoming a particular obstacle.

If you are jumping in a negative context, such as over lava or to cover distance, it could mean that you are nervous about specific events that are likely to happen that day.

Causes of dreams

The ancients believed that while a person’s body sleeps, his soul travels to other worlds, and therefore we see dead people in our dreams and talk to them, we return to the past and experience it again. Why this happens is not something everyone can figure out. Pictures appear before us that seem meaningless, and people we do not know. Events happen that didn't actually happen. It was frightening and captivating at the same time.

This is called mysticism. We cannot solve mystical things, and that is why their mystery is so attractive. But this is not only mysticism. For example, nightmares are often a consequence of the exclusively physiological side of our existence. If the human body experiences pain when a person sleeps, this may be accompanied by a dream in which someone pierces us with a sword, a dog bites us, etc. This is a projection of a person’s physiological state onto his sleep. Uncomfortable posture, too heavy dinner, alcoholic excesses - all this leads to unpleasant dreams.

There is also a psychological projection, which is no less, if not more important, than physiological.

Experiences, memories, emotions, conscious and unconscious desires are projected onto a dream. Sigmund Freud was the first to talk about the subconscious in dreams. In a simplified way, his theory can be explained as follows: when we sleep, we are who we really are, without embellishment. Therefore, his dream answers are actually psychotherapy sessions.

Most often, when a person goes to bed, he awakens his subconscious fears or those that were once experienced.

And while Freud was gone, in ancient times only a select few had the right to unravel a dream - for example, the priests in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Various tribes had their own initiates into the sacrament of interpretation - shamans, clairvoyants, sorcerers, healers, soothsayers and witches. They combined sorcery and prophecy with applied knowledge - for example, along with solving dreams and breeding thunderclouds, they also treated people and domestic animals.

The explanation of dreams from a purely scientific point of view is still not entirely correct - because there are so-called prophetic dreams.

Get trapped

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If you are trapped, it means that you feel stuck in a situation in which you do not know how to behave. If you have a conflict with someone you know and cannot come to a resolution, you are more likely to have dreams like this. If in a dream you see another person being trapped, most likely you think that you are losing control over him and feel that he is making the wrong decisions.

Remember and record your dream

You need to write it down with all the details, from beginning to end, in a notebook.

I will show this using the example of a dream of one person named N., who once turned to me for an interpretation, with his permission.


He wrote down his dream like this:

I'm standing in the middle of a field, and then some animal appears in the distance. It looks like a small bear. It runs up to me and mentally tells me that I urgently need to run somewhere. I run after him and come running to a strange place, and I see monkeys in cages there. They are depressed, and for some reason I feel sorry for them. It looks very unnatural - monkeys in cages. I want to free them, but I don't know how to do it.

I ask the bear about this, and he leads me to a rather high stone wall, against which large angry dogs have pinned a small, frightened dog. She looks helpless. I look at her, and from somewhere the understanding comes that only when she dares to growl in response, then the barrier will fall and at the same time the monkeys will be freed. At this moment I wake up.

Here's the story. Well, let's move on.

See water

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If you've had this dream before, take a moment to remember what kind of water was in your dream. How deep was the pond? How calm? Clean? Gloomy? All these factors can have different meanings.

For example, if you watch huge waves crashing on the shore, this may mean that you are experiencing a storm of complex feelings, but you still cannot figure it out within yourself. If you are caught in a storm, you feel scared and depressed. You can gain a lot of information from your dream if you remember the role water played in it.

Meet a celebrity

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Behavioral therapist Shelley Smith explained that "celebrities typically portray and convey a message related to personal achievement or lack thereof." And if you see a famous person in your dream, it could mean that you are trying to maintain a higher level of success.

Depending on who exactly you dreamed about and what feelings his appearance evoked, you can get an idea of ​​what your dream was trying to convey to you.

John Kehoe method

John Kehoe is the author of the acclaimed book about the power of human thought, “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!” proposed his own way of interpreting dreams. He believed that the main assistant in this matter is your own intuition. Having learned to hear and understand it, you can easily find out what message of the subconscious is embedded in your dream.

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Kehoe's recommendations:

  1. Use the allegory method. All participants in the dream are the personification of some aspect of your personality. Therefore, mentally replace them with yourself. And feel the sensations that arise.
  2. For example, you see a person drowning in your dream. Put yourself in his shoes, how did you feel? Perhaps in real life you “go to the bottom” in some situations, experiencing similar feelings.
  3. Be sure to write down your dreams on paper immediately after waking up. Keep a dream journal and keep it next to your bed. Only in the morning will you be able to fully restore the entire chain of events. If you don’t write it down, by the evening the plot of the dream will be forgotten.
  4. In a free minute, return to the notes. Read the description of the last dream. Then close your eyes and mentally become a participant in those events again. Only no longer passive, but active. Talk to the other characters, ask them what you want to know. The subconscious will tell you the answers and show you how to interpret the dream.
  5. Also remember the emotions and sensations that the dream evoked in you. Think about why they arose? For example, in a dream you get into a car accident, but at the same time you feel happy. This may mean that in real life you unconsciously want a serious shake-up and change in circumstances.
  6. If you cannot decipher the message of the subconscious on the first try, it means that the right time has not yet come. Postpone your intention to interpret the dream until a more favorable moment.

John Kehoe's method is considered the most constructive because it allows you to avoid guessing from the tea leaves and making incredible assumptions. You use logic coupled with intuition and learn to predict dreams correctly.

Important: through sleep, your subconscious always sends you some signals. These could be ways to solve serious life problems, warnings about illness or danger. This is why it is so important to decipher dreams.

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