Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's girlfriend?

People have been looking for answers to life situations and problems in their dreams for thousands of years. There were special interpreters of dreams, especially talented ones who served in the courts of kings and kings, helping rulers recognize divine wills. Women are particularly emotional and more often than men try to interpret their dreams, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Many people wonder why the ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend or the ex-girlfriend of the current young man dreams.

Sometimes the reason for such dreams lies in the fact that the girl is subconsciously attached to the past and cannot let it go

One dream can have several interpretations. It depends on your emotional feelings and mental state.

What does a dream about an ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend mean?

Many people are afraid of dreams because dreams can surprise, shock, or make you think. There is no need to look for any specific answers or dire predictions in them. In some cases, it is worth analyzing your actions in life and identifying what may cause concern in reality.

Many girls dream about their ex-relationships. After such dreams, some questions remain. For example, what does a guy’s ex-girlfriend dream about?

Sometimes the reason for such dreams lies in the fact that the girl is subconsciously attached to the past and cannot let it go.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend, then perhaps there are still thoughts about an old relationship and even some element of jealousy. In this case, you can simply switch to a new relationship.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend, then perhaps there are still thoughts about old relationships and even some element of jealousy

There may be resentment, possessiveness and good old envy, especially if your personal life is not going well.

Advice! If things aren’t going well in your personal life, you don’t have to rush out to find new partners. Perhaps it is worth paying attention to personal growth and developing further. This could be studying, a new job, or working on personal qualities.

Why do you dream about your ex with a new girlfriend?

Since ancient times, people have attached special significance to all those visions that appeared to them during their night's rest - today we call them dreams. And, indeed, many of them are prophetic, that is, they mean something, give some kind of sign. But how can you recognize what exactly this or that dream is talking about? First of all, you need to turn to the dream book, because only this book will be able to reveal all the secrets to you.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? This question may be asked by those girls who saw their former lover in a dream. However, not everyone understands what this means. Let's try to figure it out by resorting to interpretations of various wise books.

If you often dream about your ex-boyfriend, then this, first of all, means that it’s time to sit down and think about whether you did the right thing by breaking off relations with him? After all, in fact, it can be assumed that a girl who sees her ex-boyfriend in a dream simply regrets breaking up with him. Think: shouldn't we start all over again? However, this is the point of view of psychologists regarding this kind of phenomenon.

Now let's try to explain this plot from the point of view of the dream book. So, what does this wise book tell us?

First of all, they all say that if you suddenly dreamed about your ex-boyfriend, then it’s time to think about the strength of your existing relationship. This vision may mean that there is a serious threat to your current relationship.

If you want to most accurately understand what your ex-boyfriend is dreaming about, then try to remember the plot of your dream. If a young man is trying to meet you in some way, then know that this is a reflection of reality, because it is possible that in life this person’s feelings for you have not yet cooled down, and he still loves. This is another reason to think about renewing your relationship. At least that's what the dream book says.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend if in the dream he is still with you? That is, the plot assumes that your relationship is still ongoing. This vision is positive and means that you still managed to come to terms with the separation. This also means that you will no longer remember your ex-lover without reason - finally, everything will remain in the past.

Don’t know why you dream of an ex-boyfriend who is already dating a new girl in his dream? In this case, there is no doubt that this picture means your future choice, which will consist in choosing loneliness or some new relationship that fate may send you.

If you see your ex in your dreams almost every night, then this is most likely a psychological factor. It means that you still want to start a relationship with this person. However, in this case, experts advise you to come to your senses and assess the situation as sensibly as possible. After all, it’s possible that those relationships will never be returned, and you, thinking about him all the time, will not be open to new connections, which may turn out to be much more pleasant than the previous one.

However, if you constantly see such a dream, but are already in a relationship with another young man, this means only one thing: you need to finally stop comparing these two people. You may not be doing this consciously, but on a subconscious level. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and you, perfectly understanding the significance of the situation that has arisen, cannot get rid of these thoughts.

So, dear girls! If your ex-boyfriend comes to you in a dream, be sure to think, first of all, about ensuring that your current relationship does not become a past one, and if there are no real ones, then isn’t it time to return what was lost?

Dream Interpretation New girlfriend of an ex-boyfriend dreamed of why in a dream New girlfriend of an ex-boyfriend? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your ex-boyfriend’s New girlfriend in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Did you have a dream? Dream Interpretation Drinking breast milk. Why dream about drinking breast milk in a dream

A dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may be studiously avoiding memories of it.

You wait for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile on you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

It is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter how pleasant they may be or vice versa.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For a prophetic dream warns the dreamer about an important event that ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Dream Interpretation – Girls

Girls always dream of honor, profit, and good society. In a dream, marrying a girl means that fate will give you tender love. If you see a beautiful girl in a dream, then this dream is intended to remind you that small gifts maintain friendship. If the girl you dreamed of is not beautiful, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Seeing a lot of girls in your house is good news. For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses; kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you. A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business. A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you.

A dancing girl of a pleasant appearance in a dream means a love date or good news. Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit. A sad (or crying) girl in your dream means discord between lovers or partners.

For a mother to see a blossoming young girl in her dream, the dream foretells receiving good news from her children. Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down on her reputation; for a man such a dream is a sign of ill health; for people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration. See interpretation: lady, freak.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

When you see a girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for something amazing to happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.

If you see a girl combing her hair in a dream, someone in your family will soon get married. If you dreamed that you were combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.

If you dreamed of a girl sledding, this portends separation from your loved one. A girl walking through a blooming spring garden promises prosperity, success in personal and social life, and abundance.

Seeing a girl laying out napkins on the table in a dream means that you will become a target for the machinations of gossips and deceivers.

If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, this means that your dream will never come true. However, such a dream may foretell the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance of a rather stupid person on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheels.”

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Seeing a cheerful and joyful girl in a dream means love, joy and success. Seeing a frowning and angry girl means hearing some bad and disturbing news.

Whoever sees a modest, decently dressed girl in a dream will receive joyful news from where he did not expect to receive it.

To see a careless, indecently dressed girl in a dream means to hear good news, which can cause indecent acts.

A thin and emaciated girl means anxiety and possibly poverty.

If a man sees a naked girl, he will face failure in trading matters, but if he is sure that she is a virgin, then he will be more successful than ever in all trading matters. If in a dream a girl turns into an old woman, then this means an improvement in her standard of living.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Seeing a young girl in a dream means a pleasant surprise, joy, and wealth.

A thin, pale girl means illness in the family.

If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life.

For a woman, such a dream is a sign of jealousy.

The dancing girl is a symbol of love.

A dream in which a young man sees himself as a girl promises him a career as an actor.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

If you see yourself in the company of a girl, the dream foreshadows failure in some important matter for you. Unfulfilled promises made to loved ones will upset your affairs and add worries to your already difficult life. If you see attractive girls, you will probably be disappointed in your lifelong friend, rush in search of adventure and suffer a financial crisis.

To see a girl pale as a shadow in a dream - a sick person will appear in your family. If you see yourself as a girl in a dream, this is an omen of problems and the associated nervous crisis. But for a single man to see himself as a girl is very favorable. Such a dream predicts a career related to acting talents.

What does it portend?

In dream books, many dreams are interpreted depending on the complete picture or events. Many interpretations of meanings will help determine why a married girl dreams of ex-boyfriends:

  • If you dream of your ex as if from the outside, then perhaps this means a conflict with your real chosen one. In this case, you should be careful to prevent a quarrel.
  • If a former flame smiles in a dream, then in reality the girl underestimates her husband and attributes negative qualities to him.
  • Seeing a gentleman from the past surrounded by family in a dream promises that everything will be fine in a real relationship. If there are any problems in the family, they will soon be resolved.
  • Seeing your ex-boyfriend dating someone or getting married is a good sign. It means that the girl will take some important step or forgive someone or make amends for a conflict situation. In general, it will improve relations.
  • A warning is considered to be a dream in which a former relationship is relived. In life you need to be careful not to commit rash actions.

Why do you dream about a girl you like?

A girl who a guy likes usually dreams of new intriguing events. This could be romantic acquaintances, unexpected meetings, long walks at night. After such a dream, a feeling of lightness is created, the mood improves.

If a girl smiles and laughs in a dream, then this means a pleasant turn in upcoming events. For example, when a guy just got a girlfriend and he had this dream, the relationship between them will definitely develop in a positive direction. If a girl in a dream is sad, cries, or is dissatisfied with something, then unpleasant changes and separation are coming in the relationship.

It happens that you dream of a girl who in a dream runs away from someone, hides, or is afraid of something. This means that among the person’s acquaintances there are hypocritical, dangerous people whom one should be wary of. After such a dream, it is recommended to think carefully about what kind of people a person communicates with and reconsider their attitude towards some.

Often people think about such questions only after disturbing dreams. If in a dream a young man catches up with a girl, then in real life he is afraid to admit his feelings, carefully hides them, but in vain. Such a dream suggests that you need to take decisive action, otherwise you may miss your love. If a girl ran away in a dream, but the guy never caught up with her, then it is better to end the relationship altogether and start a new one.

But why do you dream about a girl lying on a bed? Usually such a dream means an imminent illness, malaise, or health problems. After such a dream, you should consult a doctor, just in case, get tested and examined. It is better not to joke with such dreams.

When you dream of a girl in a wedding dress, this does not always mean that a wedding is approaching soon. On the contrary, it is a very bad dream. Old people believed that if a guy dreams of his beloved in a white dress, they will never be together. Such dreams often came true, so no one was told about such a dream.

There is a belief that after such a dream you need to go to church, pray, light a candle, clear your head of bad thoughts, and confess. Only then can you save the relationship for a long time. People also believed that if you dreamed of a girl in black, it meant a very serious illness. Usually, after such a dream, it was recommended to drink holy water to ward off all the bad things.

Did you have a dream? Dream Interpretation: girlfriend was beaten

If in a dream there is a girl in a bloody red dress, then a child is due to be born soon. The gender was determined very easily - by the girl’s hair in a dream. Boys were born with dark hair, and girls with light hair. If a girl in a dream is red-haired, then twins or even triplets are possible. In the old days, such dreams were given great importance, they were taken seriously, so they began to prepare in advance for the upcoming motherhood. Girls knitted clothes for babies, fathers arranged the nursery.

If in a dream the girl you like behaves strangely and even unpredictably, then this foreshadows changes in personal relationships, new dizzying novels are possible. It happens that a girl a guy likes flies in her sleep. This is just a wonderful dream, because it means that soon the beloved will fly to the guy on the wings of love.

This dream came true very often; the girls unexpectedly confessed their feelings, explaining this as an unexpected outburst of love. Therefore, after such a dream, the young man prepared for upcoming pleasant events. If in a dream there is a girl with a child in her arms, then such a dream foreshadows an imminent pregnancy. When the child smiles and is happy, the birth will go smoothly and without problems, but if he cries, complications or a miscarriage are possible.

Sometimes in a dream a girl eats something with pleasure. What does such a dream mean? If this is some kind of pastry, then the upcoming meeting with the girl will be very favorable and warm. A girl who eats bitter foods, onions, garlic, usually dreams of a quarrel between young people, there may be omissions, betrayals. But a girl eating meat dreams of wealth and increased income.

When a girl dreams next to pets, it means that a devoted friend, an honest and open person will soon appear in a person’s life. Such a dream is considered very favorable; it often comes true within a few days.

A girl you like most often dreams of positive events in life. But in every dream you need to pay attention to the little things, they are often very important. Even if the meaning of a dream is not what a person would like, you can always influence events, but dreams cannot be ignored.


Value depending on the day of the week

To find out exactly what your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend is dreaming about, you need to pay attention to the day of the week.

  • If you had a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday, then it has meaning only for those who were born on Monday.
  • Tuesday's dream may come true within the next week.
  • On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams do not come true, but they may contain hints and certain advice that you should listen to.
  • Thursday dreams are considered fantasy. They don't come true.
  • On Friday you have important dreams.
  • Saturday dreams are of lesser significance, but some of them are prophetic.
  • On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you have important dreams that are not recommended to be told to anyone.

If you visit a former relationship too often in a dream, this signals dissatisfaction with your current personal life.

  • If you had a dream about your ex-boyfriend on Friday, then it is highly likely to come true. And it may be possible to return the old relationship if such a desire is present.
  • If such a dream occurs on Tuesday or Monday, then the likelihood of it coming true is almost zero.

If you visit a former relationship too often in a dream, then this signals dissatisfaction with your current personal life.

If a married woman has such dreams, then this is considered a sign that the current man is not satisfying in some way. The desire to change minor flaws is considered a completely natural desire. If your ex proposes in a dream, this can lead to a breakup in reality.

Advice! Often bad dreams occur when you have an uncomfortable sleeping position. It is worth choosing a medium-hard pillow, which is considered the best option for sleeping, as it ensures the correct placement of the person’s neck and head. And the filling for the pillow should be hypoallergenic.

If a married woman has such dreams, then this is considered a sign that the current man is not satisfying in some way.

Did you dream about your ex-boyfriend? Interpretation of the dream book

You can expect anything from dreams, and sometimes night dreams surprise us, shock us and make us think deeply.

Girls often dream about their ex-boyfriend. There is probably not a single young person in the world who has not had such a dream at least once.

Another question is why, and most importantly, why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? And what does such a dream mean, what should you expect from it?

The first thing worth considering here is that a girl can very often dream of an ex-boyfriend due to the fact that she is subconsciously attached to the past and does not let him go.

If a girl sees such dreams often, or even constantly, this means only one thing: she wants to return to the relationship with her former passion, to return to him. After all, the person you constantly think about certainly haunts your dreams.

It is this purely psychological aspect that should be considered first. In other cases, if the relationship between a guy and a girl ended quite a long time ago, and feelings have completely cooled down, dreams involving a former gentleman can have interesting meanings.

Everything completely depends on the events or pictures that the girl saw in her dream. Lots of options:

  • I just saw my ex from the outside.
  • He smiled at you.
  • Hugging or kissing your ex-boyfriend.
  • In a dream, you meet again and develop feelings for him.

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  • Making love.
  • Quarrel.
  • You are talking.
  • You can also see his family in a dream.
  • Seeing an ex-boyfriend with some girlfriend or even wife.
  • Marry him in a dream.

In addition to all this, when interpreting a dream involving a former passion, it is important to take into account the day of the week - this can also play a significant role.

  • On Wednesday, for example, dreams are very important and carry special advice.
  • And on Friday they come true in most cases.

Let's try to decipher what the ex-boyfriend dreams about and draw the right conclusions.

I just saw

If a young lady in her nightly dreams saw her own ex-boyfriend, but did not contact him in any way - did not even speak, then such visions carry their own, special meaning.

As the dream book suggests, an ex-boyfriend in a dream is usually, in one way or another, as a symbol, connected with her real relationship.

1. If a girl simply saw her ex from the outside in a dream, this is a sign that promises a possible conflict with her real lover.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend, and you value your real, current relationship, try to prevent a conflict. Do everything possible to prevent it from occurring. Be especially careful if this dream occurred from Thursday to Friday.

2. If a girl saw her ex-boyfriend smiling at her in a dream, this means that she underestimates her real boyfriend. Perhaps you attribute negative qualities to your gentleman in vain, but do not notice his dignity.

3. Seeing in a dream the family of your former boyfriend, which may include his mother, relatives, maybe even children, is a very bright and good dream.

It means that everything will be wonderful in your family and personal relationships. If there are conflicts and misunderstandings in your family, rest assured that they will soon end, and peace and happiness will come.

4. Seeing your ex-boyfriend dating another girl, or even marrying another woman may not be very pleasant, but it is a good sign.

If a girl saw this in her night dreams, it means that in her own life she will take an important step and forgive someone, smooth out a conflict with someone, and establish good relationships. And in the future she will be promised a pleasant reward from such an act.

I have contact

It's one thing to see your ex-boyfriend in a dream. But it’s a completely different matter to hug him, kiss him, and even more, marry him!

After such a dream, a girl can experience real hysterics, and at least such a dream cannot be ignored. What does such a piquant dream mean that you can’t tell everyone?

1. When a girl in a dream relives a long-ended relationship with her ex-boyfriend and feels love for him, this means that she faces some kind of wrong decision or rash action ahead in real life.

Such a dream is a warning. Don’t do rash, quick actions, be careful, because there will be very negative consequences. This is important advice, especially if the dream occurred on Wednesday.

2. If you dreamed of a conversation with your former beau, pleasant or not, this means that your current, real lover may soon fall ill.

But it’s better not to tell him about what you learned from the dream book, and, especially, that you dreamed about your ex. Men perceive such information differently than girls. It’s better to just show care and surround your loved one with affection.

3. If a former gentleman, as often happens, hugs and kisses you in a dream, this may or may not be pleasant for you, but it always promises some kind of surprise. Moreover, remember your feelings during sleep.

If he kisses, and you feel joy and pleasure, the surprise will be rather pleasant. And if, while your ex is kissing and hugging you, you feel uncomfortable or ashamed or scared, then surprise in reality will bring unpleasant emotions.

4. Did you happen to make love to your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

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Such a piquant vision can lead any girl into confusion. Don’t rush to think that this means that your ex is dreaming about you and wants to come back, since in your dream he hugs, kisses and caresses you.

This dream just means that in your real life you have some kind of conflict with someone you know, and it may soon escalate. Pay attention to this issue, you can prevent it.

5. When a girl dreams of a quarrel with her ex-boyfriend, it means that in reality good, very pleasant changes await her.

If you dreamed of a conflict with a long-forgotten guy, this promises a new period in your personal life, a lot of pleasant surprises from fate, and sheer joy. If you have a close relationship in reality, everything will be very successful in it.

6. Did you dream that you were walking down the aisle with your ex-boyfriend? This happens, and often. “He loves me,” a girl might think after such a dream, but in vain. Unfortunately, such a dream means big troubles for you.

If his family was present at the wedding you saw - mom, dad, relatives - expect big, serious difficulties along the way. Please note that these difficulties have nothing to do with the participants in the dream themselves.

7. When you break up with your boyfriend in your dreams, it promises something very good. Such a dream marks for you the collapse of old ideals, a transition to a new level of consciousness and life, a new, surprisingly good period.

But not temporary joy, but a global transition to another, better standard of living. Be ready!

A lot also depends on the day of the week. Having found the meaning of your dream, remember when you dreamed it. And check what the dream book says regarding the day of the week in order to finally understand whether you should attach significance to the dream or not.

Dream meaning:

  • If a dream involving an ex occurred from Sunday to Monday, then only those who were born on Monday should believe what they saw.
  • Did you have a dream from Monday to Tuesday? It is worth considering its significance, because it is quite capable of coming into full force soon, literally within the coming week.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday, I dream of special things that do not come true exactly, but always give hints. Take into account the advice that the dream book says if the dream occurred on Wednesday.

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  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered false. If on Wednesday the dream brings advice, then on Thursday you might see more phantoms and fantasies. Probably, the ex-boyfriend simply “climbed out” of your subconscious, or you want to subconsciously return to him, so he visits your dreams.
  • From Thursday to Friday, as many have heard, the most important dreams occur, which should be given maximum attention. Consider everything the interpreter says.
  • From Friday to Saturday dreams carry less meaning than, for example, on Wednesday or Friday, but they can also be prophetic. Listen to the dream book.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, you have secret and important dreams that cannot be told to anyone. Take into account all the interpreter’s advice and keep what you see secret.

Why you dream about your ex-boyfriend is difficult to understand - and here you should be very honest with yourself. Is it really possible to say that “I forgot him and let him go, just as he let me go”?

If you realize that this is not the case, and you still subconsciously keep in touch with your former chosen one, then you should not be surprised and ask why he is dreaming.

Psychology of sleep

When you dream about your ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend, such dreams are sometimes difficult to interpret. In the dream book you can look at different meanings and choose the one that suits a specific situation. Much depends on how the breakup happened. Who decided to stop them and why.

It happens that dreams become unreacted emotions from a past breakup. This is understandable if regrets, pain from the past or melancholy arise after sleep. Such a dream is simply a reflection of emotions and does not affect changes in the real world. Such dreams disappear after the feelings completely disappear.

If a former gentleman dreams of a new lover, this means that subconsciously the girl accepts his choice and is even interested in how his relationship is going.

If your ex proposes in a dream, this could lead to a breakup in reality.

Dreams about the well-being of past relationships can occur if not everything goes well in new ones.

Advice! A sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on the quality of sleep. Daily exercise for half an hour can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and make sleep deeper.

But you should not overuse exercise in the evening, which stimulates the body and increases its temperature.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

If you see your fiance’s wedding with his ex , dramatic changes will soon occur in your life. But your feelings will tell you what changes these will be. If you suffer and are sad, then the changes will be for the worse, if you are happy and having fun, then for the better.

Sometimes the young man himself dreams of his ex-lover. If in a dream he does not experience any irritation or hostility towards her, then, most likely, he could not stop loving her. Subconsciously, the young man wants to meet her and renew their relationship; he is tormented by doubts about the sincerity of the new girl’s love.

  • If an ex-girlfriend threatens and makes trouble in a dream , this dream warns that in reality you have an enemy who is hiding his plans for the time being. Be careful when making new acquaintances!
  • An ex-girlfriend in bitter tears , begging for something, sobbing and suffering - you will fall into a debt hole and will not be able to get out of it for a long time. A period of lack of money is approaching you.
  • An ex-girlfriend invites you to go somewhere together - soon you will move to a new place of residence. If you live in rented housing, you will soon be asked to vacate it.
  • If a young man sees himself as a groom at a wedding with an ex-girlfriend , then he may soon begin to have serious health problems.

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Meanings in different dream books

You can look at the interpretation in different dream books of what it means if a girl dreams of a guy’s ex-girlfriend. After all, the known past bursts into our dreams for a reason.

Advice! Unpleasant thoughts before bed can cause not very good dreams. Therefore, you need to focus your thoughts only on pleasant things. For example, remember a vacation in the mountains or at sea. Memories of happy moments calm the nervous system and eliminate negative thoughts.

A dream about intimacy promises some problems, quarrels and conflict situations

What does Vanga’s dream book tell you?

If a girl sees her ex-boyfriend in a dream, then this is a manifestation of hidden feelings for him and a subconscious desire to return everything. In this case, the subconscious seems to be trying to restore bright moments. If you dreamed that there was no breakup and the relationship with your ex continues, then this is a sign that the woman is ready for a new relationship.

If a girl sees her ex-boyfriend in a dream, then this is a manifestation of hidden feelings for him and a subconscious desire to return everything

If you dream of a former gentleman in a new relationship with another girl, then this is a sign of that. That a woman seeks to resurrect an old relationship.

Advice! Lack of sleep leads to muscle atrophy. This results in half as much fat being burned and twice as much muscle being burned.

Get busy with your future!

Sigmund Freud believes that the interpretation of a dream about past love should be considered from the perspective of the development of current relationships. Aesop's dream book assures that such a picture means a major quarrel between the dreamer and her lover due to the dreamer's jealousy.

Dr. Freud's dream book states that without expecting it, you subconsciously compare sexual relationships with your boyfriend and your past lover.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Interpretation of the dream ex-boyfriend, husband, beloved in Miller's dream book

If a divorced woman dreamed that her ex-husband had returned to her, then the meaning of the dream depends on the reason and initiator of the separation. If in real life she is not eager to hug her ex-husband, then the dream has a negative meaning; some old troubles or illness will return to her.

A dream in which a woman is hugged and kissed by her ex-husband, with whom she broke up without regret, has the same meaning.

To experience a divorce from your ex-husband again in a dream - such a dream speaks of an extremely unstable psyche of the sleeping person; she absolutely needs rest, and first of all, from family problems.

An amazing dream in which a woman kisses her ex-husband’s hand expresses her inner gratitude to this man, despite everything that led this couple to separate.

The sister of her ex-husband dreams of a family scandal due to some gossip. If she says that her ex-husband wants to return to the family, it means that a very dangerous person may interfere in your life.

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Beating your ex-husband means problems with children.

If an ex-boyfriend marries someone else, such a dream should alert the girl about the mother of the future (or current) groom. She has a great influence on her son, so it is extremely important to make a positive impression on her.

Her own wedding with her ex-boyfriend should draw the sleeping girl’s attention to the image of her ex-boyfriend as the groom. If she notices something unusual in him, she can see the features of her future husband in him.

If a woman is called by her former deceased husband in a dream, she may become seriously ill.

Marrying your ex-husband again, having a wedding with him - such a dream is a warning for a woman that she is going to repeat some old mistake, and not necessarily in personal relationships.

The dream in which a girl dreams of an ex-boyfriend who hugs her has the same meaning.

A dream in which a woman dreams of a former loved one and they are having a wedding suggests that she should be wary of his new partner. She is very jealous of his past and wants to cause mischief.

If you dream of your ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, whom he is currently dating, or an ex-boyfriend with his wife, it means that you can forgive someone who caused you a lot of pain in reality. After this, your life will become much easier.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover, boyfriend, husband, Freud’s dream book

If a woman or girl sees an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband in a dream, it means that not everything is rosy in her relationship with her current partner, and a serious quarrel is possible.

In the event that your ex-husband or boyfriend dreams constantly, often, almost every day, a woman should stop comparing each subsequent man with the previous one or with any one of them, and certainly not share the results of these comparisons with her partner. Any man will not like the fact that his partner dreams of a former loved one, nor the fact that he is compared with him, even if he wins in this comparison.

On the other hand, meeting an ex-lover in a dream suggests that the sleeping woman is secretly yearning for the past in reality, especially if she makes peace with her ex-husband or boyfriend in a dream, and also has close physical contact with him, for example, if her ex-boyfriend kisses her and says that he loves her, and even more so if in the dream there is sex with an ex-boyfriend, husband.

Finding yourself in bed with a former loved one again - such a dream can have another meaning: fate will bring to you echoes of what happened a long time ago.

If you dreamed of an ex-husband, a loved one, a guy according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The ex-man does not dream of anything good. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend or husband is a warning for a woman about a frivolous act with sad consequences.

If a divorced woman dreams that her ex-husband has returned or wants to return, she will have unpleasant troubles regarding property rights.

For a woman in her second marriage, a dream about her ex-husband’s wedding foreshadows health problems with her current spouse.

If in a dream your ex-husband asks for forgiveness, there may be problems with the education of their common children.

The girl dreams that her ex-boyfriend ran away - she faces a forced and not very pleasant trip.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend - esoteric dream book

Seeing your ex-husband in a dream means the consequences of an act done in the past.

If a girl happened to kiss her ex-boyfriend in a dream, something amazing will happen in her life.

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was kissing me on the neck; some long-standing, almost forgotten conflict would escalate.

A quarrel with an ex-boyfriend and a new breakup with him dream of a new, but, alas, again not the most successful meeting in life.

If a girl dreamed that she beat her ex-boyfriend or that her ex-boyfriend beat her, a man with authoritarian habits will appear in her life; in subsequent family life, such young people will turn out to be despotic husbands.

A woman dreams of a wedding with her ex-husband as a sign of big troubles that could have been avoided based on existing experience.

If you dreamed of your ex-husband’s wedding to someone else, or a woman simply saw her ex-husband with a new mistress in a dream, it means that she will be able to forgive someone whom she could not forgive for a very long time.

A dream in which a girl dreams of her ex-boyfriend’s mother or parents suggests that breaking up with this person was a mistake, alas, already irreparable.

If a girl sees in a dream a plot of her ex-boyfriend hugging her and declaring his love, she should expect an unpleasant surprise from her current partner.

The death and funeral of an ex-boyfriend, if in fact he is alive, is dreamed of for a wedding for an unmarried girl or for the birth of a child for a woman who is married.

If your ex-boyfriend’s mistress showed up at your house in a dream and started telling you that your ex-boyfriend was cheating on her too, you will win some very serious victory in your life.

Why do you dream about ex-boyfriends, Longo's dream book

Meeting and reconciliation with an ex-boyfriend is dreamed of as a sign of excessive preoccupation with the events of the past. Deep down, this woman or girl wants her ex-boyfriend to return, this interferes with the further development of her personal life, she involuntarily compares each new applicant with the one who remained in the past.

If a girl in a dream receives a proposal from her ex-boyfriend and is preparing to marry him, it means that her old love is actively fighting for a place in her heart, not wanting to give up his new love.

Often girls see an ex-boyfriend with another girl in a dream, and a divorced woman sees her ex-husband’s new wife in a dream - such dreams do not have a prophetic outline, they only reveal hidden at the subconscious level or open grievances against the one whom the woman once loved. In the case when the separation occurred through the fault of a woman, due to her new hobby, she, as a rule, does not see her ex-husband with his mistress or her ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend in her dreams.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend wants to return, but the sleeping woman prevents this, means a new stage in her life, setting new priorities, revising previous ideals.

An even deeper internal audit in all areas of life is indicated by a dream in which a girl sees her ex-boyfriend dead.

Ex-boyfriend, husband, Loff's dream book

Any separation leaves a strong imprint on the human psyche, which is invariably reflected in his dreams. At the same time, there is an inverse relationship between the degree of goodwill of the dream and how peaceful the separation was in reality. If the couple broke up with scandal and grievances, then any negative dream will have a positive interpretation.

The reverse side of such dreams are pictures of good reconciliation, when, for example, you dream of a kiss with your ex-boyfriend, husband, or he asks for forgiveness.

Dreams about a former loved one, separation from whom was kind or forced, should be interpreted in exactly the opposite way. If, for example, a girl dreams of a sad ex-boyfriend, she may be in danger of being deceived by her current partner.

Dreams in which a woman sees her ex-boyfriend with another girl or her ex-husband’s new wife deserve a separate discussion. Such dreams should not be interpreted otherwise than as a reflection of a woman’s inner possessive ego, which manifests itself even when she herself initiated the breakup due to the fact that she met another love.

If you dreamed about your ex-husband, a guy according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If a girl or woman often sees her ex-lover in a dream, then she is too passionate about her own past. It either burdens her excessively or evokes pleasant, painful memories. In any case, you need to live in the present.

If you dreamed of an intimate conversation with your ex, you will regret something, repent of something.

If you dreamed of an ex with whom you are arguing, a quarrel with him, then you will blame completely innocent people for your sins.

A kiss on the lips with an ex-boyfriend dreams of committing a frivolous act with unpleasant consequences.

If you dreamed about your ex with his new girlfriend, get ready for a surprise, and most likely not a very pleasant one.

If you dream of your ex’s wedding to someone else, the dream enhances the meaning.

Dreaming of your own wedding with your ex is a sign of fear of betrayal.

If you dreamed that you and your ex were back together, that he returned, and you accepted him, he may again get caught in your life’s path, but only to provoke a quarrel.

Interpretation according to Loff

Dreams about an ex-love can indicate changes in a woman's life. If old feelings flare up again in a dream, then this promises in reality the presence of troubles and unexpected surprises. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend is getting married, then this may threaten some problems in reality. In this case, you need to be careful in business relationships and new acquaintances. If you dreamed about the death of your ex, then this means that the girl will become pregnant or will soon get married.

Advice! The most comfortable temperature for sleeping is 18–20 degrees. The room should be dark, so the curtains in the bedroom should be thick.

Dreams about an ex-love can indicate changes in a woman's life

The meaning of sleep according to Freud

According to Freud, a dream about an ex can mean a subconscious choice between guys. When a girl is torn between old relationships and new ones, which in life leads to quarrels and conflict situations.

According to Freud's interpretation, this demonstrates a woman's uncertainty about her feelings for her new chosen one and about the correctness of her choice. This provokes mental turmoil and, ultimately, troubles.

Advice! Deep and relaxed breathing helps you fall asleep quickly. You can inhale and exhale slowly, with a short delay on exhalation.

Meaning according to Nostradamus' dream book

If you dreamed about a former lover, then you should be careful, as perhaps someone wants to cast a love spell on the girl. All dreams about past relationships can be caused by witchcraft spells that someone is using.

According to Freud, a dream about an ex can mean a subconscious choice between guys

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