Dream interpretation man kisses

What if you dream about kissing?

It’s worth starting with Miss Hasse’s dream book. He argues that not every dream carries an event or some kind of significance. The phases of the moon and the date of sleep play a big role here. Kissing a beautiful girl in a dream will lead to a close marriage, a woman’s hand means there are good prospects for the future. If you wanted to kiss, but didn’t do it - sadness. Kissing a woman in a dream means squabbles, the ground means anxiety. Kissing someone means you should beware of infidelity.

Kiss according to Miller's dream book. If relatives kissed, then the dream promises a favorable atmosphere with friends and an interesting social circle. In a dream, kissing your sworn enemy means you need to forgive and forget grievances, improve relationships with friends. The dream book of kissing your husband promises harmony in relationships, happiness, fidelity and devotion.

Interpretation of dreams according to Loff's dream book. Kissing is automatically associated with young boys or girls. In a dream, you don’t have to kiss yourself; you can look at the kiss or anticipate it. The dream book promises to kiss another - sexual desire for someone is realized, not just like that, but as a means to feel love. A kiss is the awakening of passion. If you see others kissing, these people probably mean something to you or you play an important role in their fate. Except when a loved one kisses someone - this is a sign of infidelity.

Kissing according to Razgadamus's dream book. If same-sex people kiss - a scandal, foreshadows a hostile situation. In a dream, kissing a friend on the lips will lead to troubles and problems through the fault of this friend. Dream interpretation of kissing a loved one or being kissed by him - a major quarrel, separation.

This interpretation also applies to an unmarried girl if she sees a guy kissing her rival in a dream. In reality, he will probably cheat, which is why there will be a separation. Kissing a dead person in a dream promises a severe illness that will be difficult to treat.

Also, kissing a dead person speaks of death or the death of loved ones. If the deceased is familiar, then he probably condemns the dreamer’s behavior. This interpretation comes from the considerations that if you kiss a dead person, then there is a lot of bacteria in him that will lead to illness. So it is in a dream. However, in Russia, on the contrary, it is customary to kiss dead people in order to say goodbye to them, as a sign of respect. And in a dream, it also turns out how a person says goodbye to him. This is a psychological and deep sleep.

Kissing the hand of a friend is a sign of gratitude and respect. If a man kisses a woman’s hand, he shows sexual interest in her; if a woman kisses a stranger’s hand, she experiences remorse. The dream interpretation of kissing a child promises the joy of communicating with loved ones. In general, kissing a child is a good sign of family well-being.

Kissing a man in a dream, for both women and girls, speaks of sexual dissatisfaction. The interpretation must be looked at based on the gender of the clairvoyant. For women and girls, such a dream foreshadows sexual interest in the opposite sex, especially if the friend is a man. This means that the person has had designs on him for a long time and has sincere feelings, it’s worth sorting this out.

When a married woman dreams of a kiss from a man, it is a sudden personal interest inspired by an event of the day. Perhaps during the day someone talked about their feelings or a clip from a movie. The main thing is to be sure that the dream is not due to satisfaction with the current relationship. For a man, kissing a beautiful unknown girl in a dream promises infidelity. There is also a version that the dream means money, quarrels, quarrels and separation.

A man or woman kisses their feet: the meaning according to the dream book and the tradition of kissing feet in reality

The tradition of kissing feet appeared in ancient times. Only the highest ranks were worthy of such an honor: leaders, clergy, rulers. And it meant an extreme degree of respect, humility and submission. Now this gesture has lost its original purpose. He remained only in the love games of a man and a woman, when he kisses her feet, expressing his love and devotion.

A survey conducted among the stronger half of humanity showed that they are not against such caresses towards their partner. But on the condition that this woman is truly loved, and not a one-night stand, or it is simply convenient to live and spend time with her.

Indeed, a man in love, in a fit of emotion, is ready to cover his beloved with kisses to the very tips of his fingers.

Representatives of the fair sex are not at all against such manifestations of love from their partner. And this is not perceived as a sign of a man’s submission. On the contrary, women believe that in this way a loved one shows how important she is to him, and he is ready to do anything to please the girl.

However, it is worth noting that such intimate gestures are appropriate for experienced couples, when there are real feelings between lovers, and they have been time-tested.

If two people have been dating for a short time, kissing feet may not be perceived as such. For a lady, this may be too frank, and she may be afraid of such pressure from a man.

And not every young man wants to kiss the feet of a girl they recently met.

But in Eastern countries, it is customary among Muslims for women to kiss the feet of men, or rather, their husbands. This gesture shows how grateful and submissive the wife is to her master. In general, it is customary there to kiss feet as a sign of submission and reverence.

What dream books say

Legs are a symbol of confidence in life. They show how firmly a person stands on the ground:

  • If you dream that someone is caressing your legs with their lips, it means that in the near future you will be able to acquire great power over this person.
  • Kissing someone's feet - a dream speaks of a desire to submit to someone, to transfer responsibility for oneself and one's actions to someone else.
  • If a woman dreams that she is kissing her feet, and she is pleased with it, it means that she is satisfied with her subordinate position in life. She avoids responsibility and leadership positions. This is not a sign of weak character.
  • A man kissing feet is a sign that the dreamer is not indifferent to this man. He is ready to do anything for her.
  • Caressing the feet of a stranger with your lips and even licking them is a sign that you will soon need help, and to get it you will have to go through many humiliations and trials.
  • If a woman’s bare feet are kissed in a dream, she will soon get married and become the head of the family.
  • For girls, a stranger kissing their feet means that a fateful meeting will soon occur. Meeting a man with whom she will feel like she is behind a stone wall.
  • Kissing the feet of a close friend is a sign of repentance and decency. It is also possible that the dreamer feels guilty before this person, wants to ask for forgiveness, but cannot make up his mind. Or there is no way to do this.
  • A girl or woman dreams that she has very beautiful legs, and they kiss them - she needs to be careful. A person will appear who wants to seduce. And perhaps he will succeed.

In general, kissing feet indicates submission. It doesn't matter whether it's voluntary or forced.

Men's dreams about kissing feet

The stronger half of humanity perceives women’s legs in a completely different way. For them they symbolize pleasure:

  • If a man dreams of covering his wife’s feet with kisses, this is a sign that their marriage is very strong.
  • If you dream that he caresses the legs of someone else’s woman with his lips, a lady will appear who wants a close relationship with him in reality. Only the man himself can decide whether or not to have an affair.
  • Kissing a man - the dream does not promise anything like that, you will just have to bend in life to an unpleasant person. But you will need to do this to achieve your own goals.
  • If a guy kisses a girl's feet, perhaps he wants power over her, for example, to marry.
  • Dreams about how a woman kisses his feet is a sign that this person wants male submission over herself, and she secretly dreams of getting married.
  • A guy kissing the feet of a girl who is unfamiliar to him means that he will soon have a pleasant acquaintance that can develop into a serious relationship.

In dreams, every detail is important. If you interpret the dream correctly, it can provide useful information that will be very useful in real life. It can help achieve some success or warn of danger, warn.


What does it portend?

If a man kisses a girl, then he definitely likes someone from his environment. If a girl is healthy in a dream, then there will be good luck and success in business; if she is sick or not beautiful, then there will be problems and difficulties. Kissing an unfamiliar girl does not necessarily mean cheating; perhaps fate will appear soon.

Kissing the feet of an older person portends that you will soon ask for help from management or older comrades, or you will feel guilty before the person being kissed. If they kiss your feet, then there may be problems with the spine. For men, kissing the feet of the opposite sex promises a new romance. If a man kisses his wife’s feet, this indicates a strong marriage. A woman sees herself from the side of kissing someone’s feet - it means that they want to subjugate the woman. In general, kissing feet means submission and complete subjugation.

Interpretation of sleep according to Freud's dream book. If a woman kisses in a dream, then she will soon meet an attractive man who will eventually turn out to be a gigolo. If a man has such a dream, then he needs to be more gentle towards his beloved. If a man or woman sees someone kissing, they will be drawn into an unpleasant story.

Kissing in a dream is considered the norm and usually for women it means dissatisfaction with relationships and not only in sexual life. The dream reflects what a person is worried about, what makes him happy or sad. It’s just that sometimes in a dream you can find the answer, the key to the solution. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the pictures that you dream about. If interpreted incorrectly, a person takes it to heart and begins to believe in everything he reads. And everyone knows perfectly well that thoughts are material.

Kissing is always associated with pleasant sensations and is usually imagined by teenagers. But anything can happen in dreams, this is an unpredictable thing. After a person wakes up, you need to accurately remember and imagine the image you saw.

And then, slowly, find in the dream book what you are interested in, so to speak, the answer to the question. The wording must be clear. If the wording is clear, then it will be possible to guess everything correctly. By solving the dream correctly, you can understand what will happen.

Most women are interested in why they dream about kissing a man. And can such a pleasant activity carry a threat? The answer is obvious: how can it! But you don’t need to immediately grab valerian if you dreamed that a man was kissing you, dream books reassure you. Remember what exactly you saw in your dream and how you reacted to it, and you will receive an accurate forecast of your near future.

About kisses in a nutshell...

A kiss is a special act; it symbolizes not only the external contact of kissing people, but also the internal one. Seeing this in a dream is not only pleasant, but also useful, since through a dream we can know what fate has in store for us. Dream books will tell a girl why she dreams that a man is kissing her. Even when there is nothing to remember except the kissing process itself.

  • Your beloved man kisses you on the forehead - foretells a difficult conversation with him.
  • An elderly man kisses an older woman in a dream - you will miss your lover.
  • Someone else's mustachioed and tipsy man pesters you with kisses - this means trouble.
  • A handsome boy is showering kisses on first one, then the second girl before your eyes - don’t blindly trust what you see, learn to analyze.
  • A stranger, for no apparent reason, pecked you on the top of the head - a very interesting and, most importantly, necessary thought will dawn on you.

Predictions from Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book can tell a lot about those dreams in which a man kisses a woman. For example, if you dreamed that a person you liked was trying to kiss you in the dark, then this means that you are promiscuous. If you don’t become more chaste, you will get into trouble, the dream book warns.

Another interpretation of the dream will please you. If you set out to find out why you dream that your ex-lover is trying to kiss your hair, then know that this dream means a pleasant meeting with someone from the past.

You need to revive your connection with your partner

But if your loved one kissed your cheek, it means that he would like to end this relationship and remain friends.

Why dream of kissing not your own, but another young man? The dream book indicates: a love affair has become quite routine; it needs to be revived a little.

Did you dream of doing this with another young man? The dreamer is dissatisfied with her partner and would like to find a replacement for him.

A pleasant stranger as a symbol of new acquaintances

Did you dream that an older, unfamiliar man was touching your hand or fingers with his lips? Pastor Loff's dream book “promises” you an acquaintance that will help you achieve your desired heights in society. And if an unfamiliar young guy kisses your hand in a dream, a non-binding flirtation awaits you.

Why do you dream of a man kissing your neck? This is a harbinger of passionate intimate relationships. Did a stranger kiss you on the neck in a dream? Get a new sexual partner. The person who buried his lips in your neck in a dream seems vaguely familiar to you - memories will wash over you and make you sad.

Caring for a loved one - You need to fight for happiness

If you dreamed that your husband hugs and kisses you on the cheek, on the chest, kisses your feet, in a word, shows you his feelings in every possible way, then remember - he is trying to hide something from you. Does your husband just hug you in your sleep without touching your lips? This vision prophesies the sincerity of his feelings, the Lunar Dream Book pleases.

An interesting interpretation of what a spouse’s care means in dreams is offered by the Eastern Dream Book. His versions are as follows: covers the chest or stomach with kisses - wants to achieve something from you; kissed his feet - he is not inclined to “walk to the left”; hugs and kisses you on the cheek in a friendly way - he respects and appreciates you.

kissing toes dream book in a dream

Dream interpretation of kissing your toes dream interpretation dreamed of why you dream about kissing your toes in a dream interpretation? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see kissing your toes in a dream by reading the dream book below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books!

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