I dreamed about seagulls: deciphering the dream

Why do you dream of a seagull according to Melnikov’s dream book

If a woman dreams of a seagull flying over the sea, this dream marks the bright feeling that her chosen one experiences for her. If in a dream seagulls swoop, peck, beat their wings, you should avoid stressful situations and worry less, since such a dream foreshadows a nervous breakdown. A dream with piercingly screaming seagulls symbolizes separation from close friends, family and home. A dead seagull means sadness, melancholy, collapse of hopes.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga had her own opinion about why seagulls dream. Here are the main interpretations:

  • If you see yourself feeding birds from your hands, this means that in real life you allow others to enjoy the results of your work. Learn to protect yourself, otherwise you will not be able to reach the top.
  • Perhaps the seagull is the soul of your deceased relative. The dream tells you that you have a Guardian Angel who will protect you from dangers.
  • If birds attack you in a dream, it means that you are in real danger. In the next few days, be as careful as possible when handling fire, cutting objects and vehicles.
  • If a seagull pecks you painfully, this portends health problems.
  • If you see a seagull hatching eggs, this means that you should expect a new addition to the family. In addition, the dream may foreshadow the unexpected arrival of guests.

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Islamic dream book

Eastern sages said that seeing a seagull in a dream means wealth, power, and beauty. A seagull sitting in front of a person is good news. A seagull sitting on the head or shoulders symbolizes the good or evil deeds of a person. If the bird is white, the person’s actions are kind and good; a black seagull indicates bad deeds and evil thoughts. Flying while sitting on a seagull is a sign that a journey awaits a person. A seagull rising into the sky and disappearing from view is a symbol of collapse, death, misfortune.

Miller's Dream Book

Be attentive and careful, because business partners will try to save money and put all expenses on you - this is what, as Gustav Miller assures, a seagull can mean in a dream.

And if you notice dead birds while you sleep, get ready for a long separation from your friends.

If you are wondering why seagulls dream, take a look at Miller’s dream book. In it you will find the following explanations:

  • These screaming birds may be a symbol that the dreamer will have new business partners. But they will turn out to be dishonest.
  • If seagulls rush at you in a dream, beat their wings and try to peck, this means that a lot of negativity has fallen on you. Try to relax, because you are one step away from a nervous breakdown.
  • The seagull sitting on your shoulder is a reflection of your actions. A beautiful white bird reflects the purity of your intentions. A black or dirty seagull is a symbol of your vile deeds.
  • If a bird sways peacefully on smooth water, it means that your life will be cloudless. You won’t experience any major shocks, but you won’t reach dizzying heights either.
  • If you see a seagull rushing about and cannot find a place to land, it means that your soul is rushing about in the same way. Most likely, you are doing the wrong thing and spending time with the wrong people. It is possible that the time has come for change.

Why do you dream about a seagull according to the English dream book?

Seeing a seagull in a dream is an unlucky omen for a rich person. Most likely, things will go from bad to worse in the near future. On the contrary, seeing a seagull in a dream for a person who is not used to swimming in money means an improvement in his financial situation. If a seagull screams in a dream, it means a long journey, success in business, prosperity. A dead bird symbolizes a certain stagnation in life, which will ultimately end happily.

General versions

If a seagull flies with a fish in its beak in a dream, this is a dream with a positive context. It is likely that the sleeper will soon have an excellent opportunity to get rich. Seeing seagulls hunting for fish is a sign of success. Those who managed to see a similar plot can well count on Fortune’s favor in the near future.

A bird soaring slowly in the heavenly expanses promises good luck to dreamers in the business sphere. Seeing it in clear, sunny weather means realizing a long-planned project in the real world. A bird dreamed of in such circumstances seems to suggest to the sleeper that it is time to begin to act actively if he wants to get the desired result.

For girls, the appearance of feathered inhabitants of the sea coast is a sign of imminent love. Seeing seagulls hovering above you in a dream is a sign of new feelings that will literally turn your head. If you are soon planning a trip to the sea or ocean, then there is a possibility that a holiday romance will begin.

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When clarifying why a seagull is dreaming, it is important to remember exactly how it interacted with the sleeping person:

  • A bird that flies up to a person and sits at his feet in a dream is a symbol of the good news that he will soon be lucky enough to hear.
  • A bird perched on the dreamer's shoulders or head represents the dreamer's good deeds and good intentions.
  • Seeing such a bird in one’s hands for a sleeper means literally “holding luck by the tail,” because in the near future a person will expect successful completion of affairs (even those that threatened to fail).

For a person who is rich in the real world, a dream in which a seagull was the main detail of the plot foreshadows an impending period of calm. For a poor person, the same dream will carry a more joyful meaning, because his financial situation will improve in the near future.

Why do you dream about the seagull that the dreamer has turned into? Seeing yourself as a bird freely soaring in the sky in a dream means freedom in reality. Soon a person will be able to get rid of the shackles of certain circumstances and breathe a sigh of relief. And such a plot can also mean the potential of the sleeper, which he has not yet realized. It is enough to show a little determination and courage to know yourself and discover new talent.

Well, if the birds in your dream were circling over heaps of garbage, the dreamer in reality needs to be very judicious. It is likely that a person is planning to implement several projects at once, but he only has enough energy and time for a couple of things. Therefore, he should carefully consider his next steps and set his priorities correctly.

Seeing a seagull feeding its chicks in a dream will be lucky for those who will soon have parental responsibilities. Even if you are not planning to add to your family, such obligations may mean guardianship of other children.

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Picking up and stroking a wounded bird in a dream means that dishonest people will want to take advantage of your weakness. Try to gather your strength and show determination in any situation that arises in order to ward off ill-wishers.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Here is what information about seagulls can be gleaned from Longo’s dream book:

  • A snow-white bird, easily soaring over the sea, is the personification of your creative nature, which needs freedom of thought and action.
  • A wounded or dirty bird is the personification of your pessimistic outlook on life. Try to notice more good things in the world around you.
  • If you see a bird eating garbage, this means that soon your financial situation may worsen somewhat.
  • A noisy flock of seagulls hovering over the sea is a symbol of resonant events that will make a lot of noise in your environment.
  • If a seagull sits on the window and looks at you through the glass, this means that in reality you are not letting anyone near you. But you should stop being afraid of communication, because sometimes it is vital to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone.

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The Bird of Happiness?

But still, the seagull sometimes promises success and good luck to entrepreneurs and businessmen. This will happen if in the dream you managed to catch it and hold it in your hands. Moreover, such a plot, according to the dream book, promises a triumphant completion of the most failed projects.

However, there is one more important condition. According to the dream book, a seagull in the palms of a rich, wealthy dreamer is a prophecy of losses and waste, ruin. But for the poor, the image of a proud bird can portend high profits, huge incomes.

If a bird in a dream found food for itself by catching a fish, then the dreamer’s financial position may become stronger. But if, out of the kindness of his heart, he fed the seagull from his hands, then he could not avoid troubles in reality.

If you are interested in what seagulls dream about, you can familiarize yourself with the versions of famous dream books. Miller's dream book contains quite a variety of explanations for why such birds may appear in the plot of a dream. According to this interpreter, seagulls in a dream are considered a warning about the appearance of selfish people around the sleeping person. Having seen such a plot, a person should be careful in communicating with people.

This dream book also believes that in dreams about the inhabitants of sea coasts there is a hint of a financial aspect. For example, a white bird fishing is a symbol of profit. A person who sees such a story can expect funds to come from outside. At the same time, a seagull rocking on the waves is a sign that in the near future the sleeper should rely only on his own strength in matters related to material well-being.

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According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, the dream plot with seagulls is the personification of feelings between partners. Consequently, by the behavior of seagulls in a dream one can judge the nature of the relationship. For example, many birds soaring above the dreamer’s head represent the passion and storm of emotions that lovers experience for each other. At the same time, birds calmly wandering along the coast symbolize the harmony and regularity of relationships. But if you see seagulls falling like stones, such a dream may mean a decrease in love desire for your partner.

Interpreter Vanga offers completely different versions regarding the dream he had with seagulls. So, if a person dreamed of a seagull, then the dream book connects the plot with a phenomenon from the other world. That is, in the guise of a bird, the sleeping person is visited by the soul of a deceased person, acting as a guardian angel. And birds attacking a sleeping person in a dream is a warning of impending danger. When seeing such a plot, the dreamer should limit his movements, temporarily giving up long trips.

Also in Vanga’s dream book there is an explanation for dreams in which a girl or guy is pecked by a seagull. In this case, the phenomenon is interpreted as a signal of a possible deterioration in health. When seeing such a plot, dreamers should think about taking care of their health in advance and undergoing an examination.

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If seagulls fly to your house with prey in their beaks, it means that prosperity and well-being await you in the near future. You will be able to forget about your problems for a while, because even unpromising things will end in your favor. A dream about things stained by seagulls is considered very favorable. If in your dreams you happen to hold ironed linen with the droppings of these birds in your hands, fabulous wealth awaits you very soon.

Psychological dream book

This is what seagulls dream about in a dream according to the psychological dream book:

  • If in your vision a seagull flew very high and then fell sharply into the sea, this symbolizes your relationship with a loved one. The storm of feelings will be followed by a sharp emotional decline.
  • If you hear the shrill cry of a seagull, this means that in reality you really lack communication with your loved ones. Don’t suppress this feeling in yourself, but take the initiative.
  • If in a dream you fly astride a seagull, it means that you have a long-awaited trip to an exotic country.
  • If a seagull attacks you in a dream and tries to peck, this indicates emotional overload. Try to perceive everything that happens calmer, without driving yourself into depression.
  • If you see a seagull greedily pecking at bread, it means that in reality you will have to do business with a very stingy person.
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