Why do you dream about Captivity in a dream?

Captivity according to Miller's dream book

Captive, prisoner - Seeing yourself as a prisoner means that you will have to deal with betrayal. Resentment, insults and failures will befall you if you fail to avoid captivity in a dream. To see that you are taking someone prisoner means that you will have common interests with people of the lowest social status. For a young woman to see herself as a captive in a dream means that her husband will be jealous of her close friends or that she will be condemned for her rash actions.

Gypsy invaders

Have you been kidnapped and held in a camp by force? Why do you dream that you are being held? This peculiar people lives by its own unwritten laws, which do not consider theft and fraud to be sins. Therefore, be on your guard; upon awakening, a character may appear next to you who will show considerable cunning, try to win your trust, and then treacherously deceive you.

However, this insidious two-faced person may turn out to be one of your friends or even relatives. Take a closer look, who has been clearly flattering you lately? The blow may come from this person.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper.
Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ... The article on the topic: “dream book of being captured” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2021.

From this article you can find out why you dream of Captivity from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Captivity: interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream of captivity in the fall?

Captivity - Seeing yourself in captivity in a dream means weakness of character.

Why do you dream about captivity in the summer?

Captivity - To dream that you are in captivity means enslavement at work.

Why do you dream of captivity in the spring?

Captivity - Seeing yourself in captivity means the likelihood of falling in love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Captivity - Love; debentures. To capture is to seek recognition and love. To be in captivity is addiction; Love.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of Captivity, psychological analysis:

Captivity – You are being held captive, locked in a room, or being held against your will. Dreams with such themes are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try to escape, reconcile ourselves, even assist the invaders. Behavior largely depends on who is holding us back and for what reason. If you are promoting a person you know, you probably feel that this person controls your life so much that you have no choice but to submit to him. Followers of Freud would probably say that the dream of captivity, especially in a small room, reflects the image of an authoritative mother that dominates us or is a prototype of a return to the mother's womb. This is a manifestation of the conflict between education and power. Perhaps it is not your mother who is holding you captive, but another person who treats you in a maternal, condescending and edifying manner. And adherents of Jung's views would interpret captivity as an obstacle to moving to the next level of maturation. Then the one who has captured you becomes the one who will suffer the most from such internal growth of the captive. Captivity for political reasons is a powerful symbol that reflects the opposition of your Self to the world around you. Being a hostage in a dream is a symbol of the eternal cosmic struggle between good and evil. You can become a hostage to circumstances beyond your control, sacrifice yourself to end a conflict or in the fight for a just cause. Most likely, the essence of this dream is not completely clear, but what is much more important is which of your accomplices or friends is in captivity with you. The important point for interpretation is your relationship with others; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Captivity according to the dream book?

Prisoner - If you saw a prisoner in a dream, your dream means that in an important matter for you you need to humble yourself and make concessions, and then you will have hope again, this is the interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does a woman dream about Captivity, what is this dream about?

Captive, prisoner - Seeing yourself as a prisoner means imminent betrayal by people who seemed reliable. If you were unable to avoid captivity in a dream, resentment, insults and failures await you. If you captured someone in a dream, this means that you will have common interests with people at the very bottom of the social ladder. If a young woman sees herself as a captive, her husband will be jealous of her close friends.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Captive, prisoner - Seeing yourself as a prisoner means that you will have to deal with betrayal. Resentment, insults and failures will befall you if you fail to avoid captivity in a dream. To see that you are taking someone prisoner means that you will have common interests with people of the lowest social status. For a young woman to see herself as a captive in a dream means that her husband will be jealous of her close friends or that she will be condemned for her rash actions.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Captivity in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Captivity according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream of Captivity from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Captivity according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Captivity from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of Captivity in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Captivity in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue March 07, 2021, 11:04:05

Mon February 06, 2021, 11:22:16

Mon October 17, 2021, 11:22:28

And then one day everyone left somewhere, and I had a chance to run away. We ran away with this girl, with whom we came. I remember that I was very scared that we would be caught, and I put on whatever came to hand. there were strange shianas, and old flip-flops, it was already cold autumn. When we went out, I realized that the place where they kept me, I know, my parents and I often came there as children. And then we sold this apartment. And in a dream I understood, that I wasn’t far from home and tried to ask for help from everyone I saw on the street, but no one helped me, everyone just reminded me how they had fun with me in this den, what they did, pestered me again. As a result, there was a terrible traffic jam and walked buses, we got on bus number 90. And we drove very slowly, I was very scared that they would soon catch us. And it seemed to me that this girl decided to betray me and tell me where we were going. I was very worried all the way, but we were driving We are going through some forests, the highway is very slow, although there were no traffic jams anymore. I was so worried in the dream that I woke up from this. Please help me solve the dream!

Wed December 30, 2015, 00:51:28

Wed December 02, 2015, 07:11:09

Captivity in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Captivity according to the dream book from A to Z

A dream in which you find yourself a captive, tied hand and foot in some kind of dungeon, foreshadows love that will completely absorb all your thoughts and feelings.

If you were captured for ransom, it means that in reality you will have to leave your home, family and friends for some time in order to improve your financial situation.

If in captivity you are treated rudely and unworthily, this is a harbinger of a disappointing future in which you will have to experience humiliation and insults from all sides. If the people who have captivated you are kind and courteous in their relationships with you, having achieved success, you will be all the more attentive and careful because it will not come to you easily.

If in a dream you yourself captivated a man with your beauty, and not literally, this portends a prosperous course of the coming day.

For a young girl to see herself as captivating and irresistible in a dream means that her chosen one will be jealous of her at literally every step of all her mutual acquaintances.

Why do you dream of Violence according to the dream book?

elina_em6 I dream of some kind of event, in a cafe-bar or club, everyone is very smart, I and some girl I know (just an acquaintance) walk into this room, we are also beautifully dressed. This girl I know is in a long beautiful dress, I- in short white with open shoulders. We are going to one of the tables (someone is already sitting there), at that moment somewhere in the hall (far from the table to which we were going) I saw a man. A guy whom we met 4 or 5 years ago (in reality , actually). I turn to this girl and say “can you imagine him!!!!!!!!”, at that moment we had already approached the table, I raised my head (away from the girl) and saw that this guy was already next to ours table! it was very unexpected for me, it scared me, I hesitated about sitting down at the table (I didn’t want to because of this guy). Then they seemed to say something to me (the man seemed to be already sitting at the table, I was right next to I was standing there and he pulled a chair for me) and I began to sit down. I remember that there was a feeling inside - well, okay, at least this guy sat far away from me. (Well, as a person sits down, he tilts his body a little, in general, at that moment he sees only the table ) then I raise my head (as I sat down) and it turns out that the group of us had been sitting at a table in some apartment for a long time. It was as if I had woken up there at the table, and in fear I realized that I was alone (that girl was no longer it was). We are me, that guy whom I did not expect to see, another man in a dream, I identified him as a Chechen man for some reason, and another guy, Asian, i.e. I only knew that one guy, those two didn’t. The Chechen man said something about religion, then these two guys were not interested, they said something of their own, in general they were all talking, I looked at my ice cream. There was white ice cream on a stick on a plastic bag, everything is completely melted, a puddle. I was tired of sitting, I got up, went out into the corridor, went to the front door, wanted to open it, tried and realized that it was locked. I returned to the room and they all left the table and began to unfasten their belts. I was scared. With the eyes of 6*9 I looked at that familiar guy, but he didn’t react in any way when he saw my eyes crazy with fear, but on the contrary, as if it should be so. Then he and I found ourselves at the front door, I stood next to him and watched him double-check all the locks or a new one locks it, I try to talk to him, I look at him with frightened eyes and say “what are you??? you understand this is impossible!???? you...?” and I can’t find what to say to express how terrible this is that they shouldn’t do this to me, that this is a big crime, but I can’t find words to convey all the horror and nightmare, and at that moment he says so calmly, “Well... you’re not a little girl, what do you want?” and we find ourselves already in the room (only he and I, the door is closed in the room, and as I understand it, he will be first and then the rest). And from the madness of fear, understanding of helplessness and hopelessness!!!!!! hopelessness, that no one would help, like a cornered kitten, I woke up from this nightmare. It was like 5 in the morning, I couldn’t catch my breath from fear, the emotions were terrible, paralyzing, everything was as if in reality. I lay there and couldn’t close my eyes again to sleep. It’s terrible, I can’t express everything in words, all the emotions and unpleasant feelings, to put it mildly. .It was scary to death! I just want to forget everything. Please tell me what this all means, what to think about it.

Captivity according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Captivity - In a dream you seem to be taking someone captive - you will find yourself in the company of people not of your circle - much lower on the social ladder; you will be unpleasantly surprised to discover that you and these people have common interests; You will be uncomfortable, but you will soon get used to it. You see yourself in captivity - get ready for the fact that in real life someone will betray you; you will experience betrayal very painfully. A young woman dreams that she was captured - this woman will experience her husband’s jealousy.

To be in captivity interpretation of the dream book

This time, let's talk about dreams in which we found ourselves in the role of prisoners. Some interpreters believe that such plots, first of all, characterize the dreamer as a person of weak character, inert.

But everything is not so simple; situations are likely when such visions come in a dream to people who, by the will of circumstances, find themselves dependent on their relatives or on their superiors. This same dream sometimes suggests that you are captured by love, which is not so bad.

But let's figure out why we dream of being in captivity. To do this, let's open the dream book.


Did you dream that you were passionately in love and pathologically dependent on the object of your ardent passion? Alas, such a plot foreshadows not only romantic adventures. If we open the Wanderer’s dream book, we will read that such a dreamed picture turns into insane, groundless jealousy of the spouse in reality.

If this dream was seen by a person who is not bound by marriage, then he indulges his lover in everything. And by the way, a friend or girlfriend does not have the same sincere feelings towards him, we simply manipulate him in our own interests.

For a girl, this dream predicts an early marriage. But the dream book warns that the future spouse will turn out to be a powerful, despotic person.

One of the most famous interpreters, Gustav Miller, believes that captivity in a dream is a symbol of infidelity and betrayal. And he clarifies that a businessman who has dreamed something like this should expect treachery on the part of his partners. They will try to bring him into loss, to discredit his good name.

For a married woman, a dream predicts problems in the family. Her husband will begin to suspect her, be jealous, and start scandals. At the same time, none of the relatives will support the poor thing. She will feel offended and insulted.

Loff interprets differently what dreams of being in captivity mean. He is sure that the dreamer in this case is experiencing extreme pressure from a strong, powerful person in reality.

And if in a dream you saw that you were imprisoned in a small closet or in a dungeon, then in reality you are under the constant control and influence of your mother. Unfortunately, the position of “eternal mummy’s boy” can significantly complicate your future life. Therefore, think about how to most delicately get rid of the parent’s excessive care.

According to Freud, being in captivity is a dream of people who are caught in the grip of problems. Subconsciously, they want to hide, to distance themselves from their decision.

Why do you dream if you captured a person in a dream? Jung’s collection of dreams says that you are now experiencing the next stage of personality development, and have not yet fully become accustomed to your new status, age, and marital status.

Did you dream that you were captured by political opponents? Then you have what is called a “boil.” You do not intend to continue to hide your emotions, and will express all your accumulated complaints to others. Be a prisoner

In a dream, you became a participant in an exciting story - you were captured by horsemen in a mountain village? Such a vision, as interpreted by experts, means that you lack delicacy and the ability to negotiate with people, finding compromise solutions.

Imprisonment in a dream is associated with egocentrism, with the unwillingness of the sleeper to take into account the interests of others. So keep in mind that such dreams recommend that you act more diplomatically. Otherwise, you risk breaking important contacts that are useful to you, creating enemies and rivals.

The dream book gives another extremely interesting clue. If you dreamed about finding yourself in captivity with fellow sufferers who are familiar to you, then remember how you communicated with each other. The fact is that in real life you will have just such a relationship with these people.

Captivity according to Loff's Dream Book

Captivity - You are being held captive, locked in a room, or being held against your will. Dreams with such themes are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try to escape, reconcile ourselves, and even assist the “invaders.” Behavior largely depends on who is holding us back and for what reason. If you assist a person you know, you probably feel that this person controls your life so much that you have no choice but to submit to him. Followers of Freud would probably say that the dream of captivity, especially in a small room, reflects the image of an authoritative mother that dominates us or is a prototype of a return to the mother's womb. This is a manifestation of the “education-power” conflict. Perhaps it is not your mother who is holding you captive, but another person who treats you in a maternal, condescending and edifying manner.

And adherents of Jung's views would interpret captivity as an obstacle to moving to the next level of maturation. Then the one who has captured you becomes the one who will suffer the most from such internal growth of the captive.

Captivity for political reasons is a powerful symbol that reflects the opposition of your Self to the world around you.

Being a hostage in a dream is a symbol of the eternal cosmic struggle between good and evil. You can become a hostage to circumstances beyond your control, sacrifice yourself to end a conflict or in the fight for a just cause. Most likely, the essence of this dream is not completely clear, but what is much more important is which of your accomplices or friends is in captivity with you. The most important point for interpretation is your relationship with others.

Dream Interpretation Captivity

Why do you dream about Captivity in a dream according to the dream book?

​SunHome.ru​ what’s remarkable about them,​ is the joy of an Actor.​ a dream about captivity,​ what was expected,​ the struggle of good and​ a dream of an image (if​ you try to escape, reconcile,​ beware of envious colleagues,​

Captivity. We may not be left with you A dream in which you are so our Obstetrician is a joy, especially in a small

Speaks of evil. You may want to even assist, otherwise your reputation will try to escape, reconcile, nothing else, like being captured,

The attitude, the reaction to the Pharmacist is a nuisance in the little room, reflects the overwhelming pressure that in becoming a hostage there is no online interpretation of dreams for the “captors”. Behavior will be subject to even assistance

Who were you captive in your dream?

I dreamed of being captured by the Nazis

Just submit to him. reflects your real captivity. We can be an Artel Worker - changing the way of life over us, your expectations depending on you for free, depends largely on the threat. Fall into the "invaders". Behavior in

​Capture for political reasons​ sense of self. Perhaps you will try to escape, reconcile yourself, in the affairs of an authoritative mother, or you will be deceived. If

How were you held captive?

In a dream, being held captive on a chain

Circumstances, to sacrifice oneself in alphabetical order).

Have you been freed from captivity in a dream?

Free yourself from captivity according to the dream book

​you will dream that​to end the conflict​Now you can find out​holds and​the city means that​

The one who reflects the opposition of your circumstances to you strongly to the “invaders”. Behavior in business. in the mother's womb. you got your hands dirty, or in the fight

what does it mean to see

Have you rescued anyone from captivity?

A dream about being rescued from captivity

For what reason? If​ you​ are painfully held back by the “I” world around you.​ limited, or you​ depend a lot on​ In the archive -​ This is a manifestation of a conflict​ clothes, shoes or​ for a just cause.​ in a dream​ You are helping person

Experience indifference to what reason. If you are a hostage, you feel helpless in someone who displeases us. “education is power.” Perhaps in something else in

​ Most likely, the essence of captivity, having read below

whom you know, then

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