Dream Interpretation: What does a find mean in a dream?

  • If you find lost keys, in reality you will receive benefits and advantages, which will revive your business.
  • If you find a silver bracelet, you will become the heiress of significant property.
  • Finding an old snuff box or cigarette case - a false judgment about a person with whom you are unfamiliar will turn him away from you.
  • Found coins or small money promise favorable prospects.
  • If in a dream you find a wad of currency, but all the bills turn out to be counterfeit, you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a loved one.
  • Finding jewelry means quick and brilliant success in matters, especially those of the heart.
  • Finding gold is a sign that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth.
  • To attack a gold mine - you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.
  • Finding a fallen needle means that you will make new good friends.
  • Finding lost gloves and breaking all your clothes means a happy marriage or a new hobby. m
  • If you find rusty tools in a dream, you still have a chance to grab your bird of happiness by the tail.
  • Finding an old horseshoe means you will unexpectedly receive funds from a source you didn’t even suspect about.
  • Looking for a janitor and not finding him means minor irritations that will annoy your hitherto serene existence. If in a dream you still find your janitor, it means that in reality you will have to communicate with foreigners as a guide, translator or consultant.

Why do you dream about looking for shoes?

If in a dream you lost your shoes and cannot find them, then great difficulties and stagnation in some business are coming. The vision advises you to postpone the implementation of plans for a while and rest a little.

If one shoe is lost, this may indicate a breakup, divorce, or even the death of a loved one. However, such a tragic interpretation is only appropriate if there are additional signs. Most often, the search for a couple symbolizes quarrels, doubts, and disagreements.

If you were looking for suitable shoes by trying on shoes in a store, then expect a profit or an extremely profitable offer. After such a vision, young girls can count on meeting a pleasant person and a new romance, which will most likely end in marriage.

Women's dream book

  • What does Finding mean in a dream? 1. If in a dream we find something, for example, a jewel or a valuable thing, then we will soon learn something valuable for ourselves, in any case, something that will be useful to us. We will make a discovery or an understanding of something will be revealed to us, which depends on the plot of the dream. 2. The mind has a simple way of drawing our attention to what needs to be done to make us achieve the desired goal. To do this, using a metaphor, he forces us to search and find something hidden, that is, to make efforts that must be made in the waking state. Thus, finding something without much effort means that events will occur that will reveal what we need to know. 3. We may be very close to discovering something within our spiritual quest that will allow us to move forward.

Freud's interpretation

Mr. Freud is convinced that searches in dreams convey sexual dissatisfaction. However, even frequent changes of partners will not save you from mental loneliness and self-doubt.

To better understand what you dreamed about at night, it is worth considering the meaning of more specific images.

  • looking for a path in a dark forest - to a hopeless situation
  • street - to increase
  • some house/apartment - to resolve the situation
  • your car - hopes will be dashed
  • train – journey is postponed
  • toilet - to financial difficulties
  • shelter/overnight – you’ll have to make excuses
  • new housing - ready to move
  • job - to a lucrative offer that will bring income
  • doors to enter - difficulties at work, in business
  • exit from the labyrinth - to reconciliation
  • from anywhere – you need to stay calm
  • safe descent - avoid danger
  • your grave - for longevity
  • someone else's - to unexpected help
  • something in the cemetery - you need peace, rest, reflection
  • looking for a dead person - to sadness, melancholy
  • treasures - to gain stability
  • mushrooms - a reward for your efforts
  • book - to gain knowledge, reward
  • money (large amount) - to troubles, waste
  • trifle - to minor troubles, tears
  • wallet - be careful, save
  • documents - to a business doomed to failure
  • any shoes - for a long journey
  • men's shoes - to find hope
  • women's shoes - to the envy of friends
  • boots - for great changes
  • indoor slippers - the need for approval, understanding
  • wedding dress - for late marriage
  • ordinary - to relationship problems
  • outerwear - you need protection, support
  • socks - to quarrels out of nowhere
  • shirt - to secret intrigues
  • handkerchief - to unfulfilled dreams
  • engagement ring - to illness, separation, divorce
  • any other ring means an unpleasant incident that can be avoided
  • jewelry - to a thirst for change
  • earrings - for flirting, short-term romance
  • talisman (especially if you don’t have one) - to the need to think about the soul, to protect yourself from magical negativity
  • the keys are to showdowns over trifles
  • a needle - to empty efforts, acquiring skills in a new business
  • child - to loss of inspiration, stagnation in creativity
  • mother - to poor health, problems, worries
  • dad - to the desire to find support
  • daughter - for a love affair
  • son - to prospects
  • a stranger's man - you secretly dream of romance
  • loved one - to deception, separation
  • wife/husband - to disagreement
  • cat - to victory over ill-wishers
  • dog - meet a new friend
  • bedbugs - to betrayal
  • fleas - to deception
  • food - to the desire to improve financial situation

We invite you to read: Hornet dream book meaning

If in a dream you happened to be looking for a solution to a difficult problem, then in your soul, regardless of your desire, certain changes occur. You may not feel it yet, but soon everything will change in the most incredible way.

If you had a dream at night where you found some object or thing, then read the interpretations that we provide in this article. Miller, Vanga, Hasse and other predictors described what it means to search, lose and find something.

All descriptions of Vanga are based on what exactly falls into the hands of the one who sees the dream:

  • finding a bracelet means surprises;
  • money - to big troubles from your close circle - don’t even trust your family and friends;
  • jewelry promises good luck, very unexpected and very large;
  • finding a treasure gives the opposite situation in reality with big money problems;
  • rusty scissors - to grievances.

In a dream, losing clothes (all or any item from your wardrobe) means a quarrel with your lover. He may misunderstand you or accuse you unfairly of something. Also, such a plot can promise concern in commercial matters. Losing a shirt in a dream means that it will be difficult for you to avoid ridicule of yourself. Losing gloves in a dream means ruin. You will have to work hard to support yourself.

Losing money in a dream is a sign that you will have to make a lot of efforts to improve the material well-being of your family. Losing your luggage means that you should beware of family troubles.

Losing a road or path in a dream means you risk failing a task that was planned quite well. Getting lost in a building yourself is a call to trust your intuition more. Getting lost or not being able to find the right house is a sign that you are drawn to adventure.

If a woman dreams that she has lost gold jewelry or other precious accessories, shame and misfortune await her in reality. In general, dreams of losing gold predict that you will lose an important life-defining chance.

Losing scissors in a dream means that you will soon have to take on a not very pleasant job; a thimble means difficulties in life. According to dream books, losing your keys is a sign of unpleasant adventures, an umbrella is a sign that trouble will happen to one of your relatives, a watch is a sign of domestic troubles, a wig is a sign of ridicule of you.

If a woman dreams that she has lost her virginity, in reality there is a risk of losing the respect of others.

I dreamed that I found a lost thing. Find a lost item in a dream

Losing something valuable to yourself means quarrels and serious losses in reality. But if the thing lost in the dream was not of fundamental importance to you, then the problems that arise in reality will be simple. You can easily cope with them on your own.

If you did not discover the loss in a dream immediately, but after a long time, it means that you will face the consequences of your old problems that you had in the past. If you dreamed that you lost something and were looking for this item for a long time, in reality you can make a discovery for yourself or find the loss.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Debts, finds, losses, gifts, alms - welfare
  • To give in debt - gossip / loss that will be easily forgotten.
  • If you demand a refund unsuccessfully, your efforts will pay off.
  • Taking on a loan means losing a friend.
  • They demand repayment of your debt - a terrible event / your life will take a new, calmer path.
  • Counting your debts means making a profit.

See interpretation: jewel, seek

Interpretation of the dream: according to the number of the month

Interpretation of sleep: by Day of the Week

Dream interpretation of losing things

Finding silver, in particular a bracelet, means expecting material benefits in the form of an inheritance.

  • If you find other items of value, or it is money, then you will be lucky in a love relationship or soon someone will give you an unexpected and very expensive gift. At the same time, if there is a lot of money, but it is counterfeit, then your business will face difficult times, and problems will come from a person close to you.
  • Lose, search for a long time and as a result find your own keys - have success in your profession or business.
  • Finding jewelry in a dream means achieving success in your professional and work activities. Everything will be wonderful in your personal life too.
  • Losing a sewing needle, looking for it, and then finally seeing it is a sign of new acquaintances, which will then develop into strong friendships. And a glove found after a long search promises a long and happy family life and new relationships in the very near future.
  • If in a dream you come across rusty things, for example, tools, then happiness and luck are close - do not miss them. The same horseshoe, found and lifted from the ground, according to Miller, promises an unexpected financial increase.
  • Why do you dream of looking for a person, a child?

    Such stories are considered unfavorable. If you dreamed that you lost your own child, disappointment awaits you, the failure of plans in which you were one hundred percent sure. All this can result in serious material losses or loss of reputation. You will struggle with the consequences for a very long time.

    Often such stories are nightmarish in nature and leave behind a very unpleasant aftertaste. Find out what to do if you have a bad dream or nightmare, and how to interpret such dreams.

    But for a pregnant woman, dreams about losing a child do not promise anything bad. They simply reflect her insecurities and fears. Try to calm down and forget the dream, because it is not prophetic.

    Loff argues that dreams about loss show how you perceive yourself. Of course, such stories leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Here it is important to determine how valuable the item you lost was. It also matters how you reacted to the loss in a dream, whether you tried to find the item. By the way, you can also search in the dream book.

    We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Dream interpretation of dishes - why do you dream of dishes in a dream?

    If you dreamed that you lost a person, most likely you doubt either his loyalty to you or yours to him. In general, psychologists advise considering dreams about losses as a reflection of your subconscious attitude towards these people or things, an awareness of your right to own and possess. What did you lose in your dream, and what did it lead to in reality?

    Did you dream that you were looking for a person in a foreign city? This means that you have to go through a series of not the most pleasant tests sent by fate.

    Looking for children in a dream is even worse. This is considered a sign of betrayal, accident, illness and other less significant troubles in life.

    If you were able to find the right person, then everything will end well, and finding a child will generally lead to many years of life without any particular difficulties.

    Interpretation of such dreams by Tsvetkov and Freud’s dream book

    An unexpected find according to Tsvetkov portends success, as well as a possible surprise gift that you did not expect. And Freud explains this dream as a desire to experience new sensations with another man (woman). If you had a dream in which you have to find money, jewelry, things or household items, then the palette of its interpretations can be very diverse. Look for the meaning that best suits your dream, and you will solve its riddle.

    Sleepy cloud

    ChildExDressSnake Wedding WaterRing Fish FreeHandHouseMillerChildbirthCat Flowers BloodGuyAbout DreamManDeathVangMoney Hair BelovedGirlRatDeceased Pregnancy KissSpiderKittens Teeth FirePlaneMiceFreudLegsTrainHusbandDead

    Why do you dream of looking for a way?

    The most symbolic thing in dreams is the search for a road. This dream can be deciphered literally - you are trying to find the meaning of your existence, purpose and direction for further movement.

    Did you dream that you were looking for the way to your house in complete darkness? The family is threatened by misunderstandings, minor conflicts and differences of opinion. If in a dream you lose your way, then in real life you risk making a mistake that will be too costly. And both financially and spiritually.

    Looking for a way during a blizzard or blizzard, especially out of season, is a sign of unforeseen circumstances. Forces that you cannot control will intervene.

    Miller's dream book about such a dream

    Let us consider Miller's various interpretations regarding such dreams. In general, they are all positive.

    • If you are lucky enough to find a ring, then expect a very pleasant meeting. It can be of a friendly nature, or it can also be of a loving nature. Finding silver, in particular a bracelet, means expecting material benefits in the form of an inheritance.
    • If you find other items of value, or it is money, then you will be lucky in a love relationship or soon someone will give you an unexpected and very expensive gift. At the same time, if there is a lot of money, but it is counterfeit, then your business will face difficult times, and problems will come from a person close to you.
    • Lose, search for a long time and as a result find your own keys - have success in your profession or business.
    • Finding jewelry in a dream means achieving success in your professional and work activities.
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