There is no person who does not know that a broken mirror is a bad omen, predicting a dark streak in life. This sign has fully “moved” into dream books, so when deciphering the question of why a broken mirror is dreamed of, you should prepare for trouble. But there is no need to get upset and give up ahead of time.

Night dreams, as a rule, indicate events that should happen after some time. Therefore, we are always given a chance to intervene in the course of events, change them and thereby prevent the approaching disaster.

When interpreting any dreams, and dreams of this type in particular, it is necessary to try to remember the slightest aspects of the visions. Only in this case will a person be able to change his future. Most often in dreams you can see the following events involving damaged mirrors:

  • simply looking at a cracked surface without noticing the reflection and other minor details in it - leads to troubles in family relationships or a quarrel with parents;
  • unexpectedly falls to the floor and is injured - perhaps one of the relatives will get sick;
  • seeing your reflection in the fragments means difficulties with the family budget, which will lead to a series of scandals;
  • someone close to you breaks an object - the dreamer will harm the person who in the dream turned out to be the culprit of the incident;
  • to see your reflection and watch how an object breaks or cracks - to the dreamer’s illness; the more damage there was, the more severe the illness will become.

Attention! If in a dream you yourself broke a mirror, then this should be regarded as a warning sign. Troubles will not happen after such a dream if you identify an envious person in your environment in time, since it is he who will become the cause of future problems.

Broken mirror in a woman's dreams

For an unmarried woman, night dreams involving the subject in question should be regarded as a warning. You probably chose the completely wrong life partner and in the future, he will bring you nothing but grief. In order to draw the right conclusions, put aside your emotions and carefully analyze the actions of your chosen one and your own behavior. You will probably conclude that you are in too much of a hurry to get married, which is why you are making mistakes.

A married lady should pay attention to the degree of damage to the glass. It may have only small cracks, be broken into fragments, or have deep cracks but remain intact. This is very important for correctly predicting the future, since seeing fragments promises divorce, deep cracks - a major scandal, but the family will be saved. Small cracks predict minor conflicts at work or minor family troubles.

Classic interpretation

The sign has long been known: if you break a mirror, expect trouble. Dream interpreters believed that this image often warns of unhappy events. But if you pay attention to the details and prepare in advance, many troubles can be avoided.

Miller value

Miller's dream book clearly interprets such a dream as a harbinger of troubles. Just like in reality, a broken mirror in a dream is considered a bad sign and promises little good.

An unsuccessful relationship or a not very happy marriage is foreshadowed by such a dream if a young girl or guy saw it. Passion will subside under the weight of quarrels and minor problems.

If a person is lonely, then cracks indicate problems with trust. Perhaps he is being deceived: someone smiles in his face, but is secretly jealous . In this case, the dreamer should not mindlessly talk about achievements and plans, otherwise luck may turn away.

In the most general sense, a cracked mirror warns of impending troubles. The dream promises disappointment and illness, and sometimes the sudden death of a relative.

Vanga's opinion

The Bulgarian seer considered such a dream to be a harbinger of conflict and deep mental anguish. The interpretation depends on the details .

  1. If the sleeper himself broke or damaged the mirror, and it began to crack, this indicates difficult decisions in a person’s life. The dreamer will be able to put an end to some long-standing problem, but in a very painful way: something will have to be sacrificed.
  2. If a person close to him hits the glass in front of a sleeping person, this may indicate a betrayal of trust. When such a dream occurs to a young man or girl in a romantic relationship, it warns of possible betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  3. If a person was telling fortunes on a cracked mirror, then he needs to stop thinking about the other world and focus on real life, otherwise everything will end sadly.

Freud's interpretation

Freud wrote that the image in the mirror reflects sexual fantasies and desires. Cracks in this case mean unfulfilled dreams and fantasies. Perhaps the sleeper denies or does not realize sexual desires to the required extent and is dissatisfied with this.

Presentation of Nostradamus

Cracks show that enemies are not asleep and the dreamer should expect active actions from ill-wishers. The person who saw the dream should look around carefully: someone nearby is probably weaving intrigues .

If the mirror burst while a sleeping person was looking into it, then this is a good sign. It portends good luck to the dreamer, who will be able to recognize other people’s plans and intrigues in time and avoid many troubles.

Was the other person looking at the reflection when the cracks appeared? In this case, he will involve those around him in solving his problems or become the cause of someone’s tears. And if the sleeper does not know and has never met the person from the dream, he should prepare for unexpected news.

Old Russian dream book

This dream book calls a cracked mirror a reflection of gossip and gossip that prevent a person from seeing the truth. If an object splits right in front of the dreamer, then soon envious people will begin to spread rumors behind his back , and many people will believe such inventions. The sleeper is advised to behave carefully and with restraint, otherwise it will be difficult to prove that he is right.

A person who dreams of a broken mirror in his own home is in for minor troubles, perhaps domestic conflicts. If you are planning renovations or large purchases, then it is better to wait a little.

If, in addition to cracks, there is dirt on the glass, the dreamer will have to make every effort to fight unfair accusations. When preparing for any significant events, it is better to enlist the support of close friends in advance.

Seeing mirror fragments for a man

For a man, seeing damaged glass in his night dreams often predicts events in life that are not as destructive as for women. Most often, men encounter the following visions:

  • seeing fragments under your feet means a lucrative offer for a new job;
  • observing a cracked amalgam on the wall in a frame means failure in the project being implemented, but this will serve as a reason to take up new, more promising work;
  • peering at the fragments for a long time, trying to discern something in them - unfortunately, you may have to remember some already forgotten mental trauma;
  • peering into a small mirror with cracks running through it - to a new novel that will end negatively, but there will be no serious, life-changing consequences;
  • observing a damaged dressing table means meeting a person whose friendship will be insincere and dangerous.

If an object with damaged amalgam was held by a stranger in the dream, then in the near future the dreamer will have a meeting with an old friend. It is possible that he will ask for help and it must be provided.

Advice! Sometimes shards can be associated with broken dreams and in most cases they are seen by people who are ready to give up on their dreams. This should not be done and then no troubles will happen.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream according to Miller's dream book

A whole range of meanings for such dreams are presented in Miller’s dream book. Here, too, details and circumstances play a special role:

  • fragments under your feet - you will receive a tempting job-related offer;
  • hanging on the wall - there will be an opportunity to move to a new job, better paid and promising;
  • looking at it for a long time means concluding a lucrative contract;
  • to find on the street - a new acquaintance with a good person;
  • fragments in a powder compact - a romantic adventure;
  • in the laughter room - a happy family life;
  • cracked - one of the relatives will die suddenly;
  • to see in it a reflection of an animal - serious losses and many disappointments are expected;
  • damaged dressing table - insincere friendship.

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Why do you dream of a broken mirror: misfortune is coming?
A number of meanings of such dreams are presented in Miller’s dream book

According to Miller, this dream is negative specifically for the fair sex. He warns them against new relationships in the near future. It is quite possible that the new admirer pursues selfish goals, and after achieving them he will betray the woman. It is also possible that disagreements will begin in family life or among friends.

Holding a broken mirror in your hands

Holding a fragment in your hands is a negative sign, which at a minimum foreshadows conflicts. They can happen at work, in the family or, in general, with strangers. Here it will be useful to remember who was reflected in the fragment, since it is with this person that a conflict will arise and it can be completely avoided if measures are taken to simply not meet the culprit of future problems.

If the item in question is held in the hands of an outsider, then it is possible that in the future you will witness some kind of conflict or scandal. This could be a showdown between neighbors or between work colleagues. Do not interfere in any observed conflict, otherwise it will spread to you. Sometimes it is good for peace of mind to simply turn your back on what is happening and calmly walk away.

Important! Representatives of the fair sex can completely avoid the troubles that may follow after dreams of broken mirrors. To do this, it is enough to be careful in making new acquaintances with men, or even better, to abstain from them altogether.

Watching broken mirrors in the car

Seeing broken rear-view mirrors in a car means a trip to some familiar, but not visited place for a long time. It is impossible to predict how this trip will end, but given the negative impact of the subject in question on the reality around us, it is better to refrain from traveling, especially in a personal car.

Pay attention to the features of the object you see and the actions performed with it. If the mirror surface was large and there were shallow but clearly visible cracks running along it, then this is a sign of a meeting with an elderly person. A small-sized product predicts the same small problems, which in any case will have to be resolved, and very little time will be allocated for this. If the dreamer heard the crack of glass breaking, this is a sign of success in implementing a dubious event.

For the fair half of humanity, such overnight loads hint at the undesirability of driving, especially over long distances. In this case, the dream should be considered as a direct indication of the possibility of an accident, and the more significant the glass was broken in the dream, the more serious the incident will be. It’s better to walk for a couple of days or use public transport than to risk life and health.

Negative interpretation of a dream with a broken mirror

A mirror in a dream is a reflection of essence and reality. A kind of guide to the future.

  • A broken mirror in a dream symbolizes a crisis in life, depression, doubts about something, or moral devastation. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at yourself and your view of the world around you.
  • For the fair half of humanity, this kind of dream can mean betrayal or infidelity on the part of the chosen one.
  • Family people should treat such dreams with special care; perhaps there are disagreements between spouses that require immediate resolution.
  • If in a dream mirrors surround you on all sides, as if in an art gallery, those around you are probably expecting a decisive action from you. If in this situation the mirrors are broken, then on a subconscious level you are not ready to show yourself.

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See mirror shards on the floor

Those who in their night dreams saw mirror fragments lying on the floor will not live up to the hopes placed on them. In the future, you will commit some unpleasant action that will harm loved ones or work colleagues. Moreover, they will not expect this, and as a result, your incompetence will cause significant damage. In order to avoid these unpleasant events, you should not make empty promises, and if they were given, try to honestly admit that you are not able to cope with the tasks. In this case, negative consequences will not occur, and a damaged reputation can always be restored.

Those who dreamed of collecting hawks with their hands will have to postpone their vacation trip. Certain circumstances will arise that will not allow you to rest. Try to look around right now, you will probably notice upcoming problems and be able to eliminate them. The prize in this case will be an unforgettable trip. A conflict awaits those who swept the fragments from the floor with a broom; the more fragments there were, the more serious the conflict will be.

Seeing a large number of small fragments scattered on the floor and not trying to collect them is a favorable sign. He indicates that all current problems will be successfully resolved and a period of serenity awaits you ahead. But, if you tried to collect these small fragments, expect a quarrel with your best friend or girlfriend. It cannot be avoided, but you can minimize the negative consequences by talking less and remaining calm.

Seeing mirror fragments in a dream

Of particular importance are dreams in which one sees not just a broken mirror, but its fragments:

  • to see fragments - severe disappointment awaits due to the fact that hopes will not come true. It is possible that the sleeper, through his own fault, will disappoint people close to him;
  • picking up the pieces - in real life there was a quarrel with a close friend. You should admit your guilt and improve these relationships. There is every chance for the situation to be resolved;
  • many tiny fragments - positive changes are coming in life. The feeling of chronic fatigue will disappear, you will be able to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated;
  • collect the fragments with your hands - a person wants to relax and go on a trip, but soon many problems will appear and the trip will need to be postponed;
  • sweep away with a broom - the dreamer will be forced to defend his own opinion in the work team or in the circle of people close to him.

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Why do you dream of a broken mirror: misfortune is coming?
Of particular importance are dreams in which one sees not just a broken mirror, but its fragments

Dreaming of a broken mirror on the wall

Among the wide variety of negative interpretations regarding broken objects, a damaged mirror hanging on the wall does not predict particularly bad events, rather the opposite. So, if in night dreams, except for damaged glass covered with amalgam, there were no other significant details, then the dreamer will receive a promotion at his place of work. If you happen to look at it, expect a lucrative contract to be concluded.

There is another version of deciphering such a dream. It says that the dreamer is overly exaggerating his mental abilities and influence. This can lead to trouble, since overstating your capabilities is not the best way to succeed in business. Those who feel irritated at the sight of cracked glass hanging on the wall should think about their relationship with the people around them. Most likely, you lack a sense of humor and optimism, you are too serious, which is why you cannot relax, and ultimately this leads to overwork.

If you were invited to visit or celebrate some event and on the eve of this event you saw a cracked mirror hanging on the wall, then it is better to refuse the invitation. An unpleasant event may happen there, in which it is better not to take part.


Another important point that needs to be taken into account in the process of interpreting a dream is the reflection seen. The meaning of the vision may change depending on what was seen:

  • the reflection is joyful, with a smile on its face - you should expect changes in life. Initially they will seem scary and frightening, but after a while all the positive aspects will become noticeable;
  • a face in which sadness and fear are visible - you will have to endure a lot of disappointments and grief;
  • reflection of a lover - conflicts are expected in relationships, complete misunderstanding of each other is possible;
  • a stranger - the sleeping person does not treat his loved ones properly. He should think about how he behaves and change his own behavior towards his family.

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