What does it mean: sewing in a dream?

A dream in which sewing needles are present is one of the most ancient and mystical. As a rule, a woman who dreams of this object, and even in an unpleasant context - stuck in her hand or embroidery, lost at the most inopportune moment or broken in her hand - has a feeling of unconscious anxiety in the morning.

Is this a negative symbol or not, what does a needle mean in different dream books and does the meaning depend on the details of the dream?

Dream Interpretation: seeing needles in a dream

Dream book of Gustav Miller

interprets needles as a joyful event in the inner circle. Probably the addition of a new relative or the birth of a baby. Using sewing needles is a warning about the danger of losing the affection of a loved one. Search - the appearance of friends. To break - financial troubles, mental loneliness.

According to Vanga's dream book

needles are interpreted unfavorably, as a symbol of irritability and impending difficulties. Threading a thread through the eye of a needle means prying into other people’s affairs without asking. Losing a needle means being left without patronage. Injecting yourself is a warning about a catch.

Russian dream book

interprets needles in a dream as difficulties. You will have to make efforts to overcome difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

suggests that the needle is the personification of an insincere friend. In reality, many problems arose due to the fault of this person.

According to Veles's dream book

needles symbolize enemies. Sticking into the legs - injections of ill-wishers. Attempts by competitors to survive from the workplace. Injections - you will hear hurtful words addressed to you.

Sigmund Freud

interprets hand sewing and embroidery as love. If a sleeping person sits on a needle, in reality someone will harass you.

Search for decoding in the dream book

To finally understand the meaning of the image, it is recommended to use an interpreter, choosing only proven publications. It is also encouraged to use several dream books at once, with a comparison of the forecasts given in them, because in this case the chances of finding the most accurate interpretation of what you saw in a dream increase significantly.

Astromeridian and Miller

One of the most popular publications of our time is considered to be the collection of Astromeridian. And all because this collection boasts a large volume and a fairly accurate interpretation of images. According to this dream book, a needle and thread has the following meaning:

If a person dreams of a needle and black thread, then in reality he will worry about other people’s problems much more than about his own, and such compassion will sooner or later play a cruel joke on him. Losing a needle in a dream and unsuccessfully searching for it symbolizes groundless worries and anxiety out of the blue, which will poison the dreamer’s measured course of life.

At the same time, finding a sewing needle symbolizes the unexpected acquisition of true friends. Sewing or darning in a dream means mistrust on the part of the other half, which will bring the sleeper a lot of trouble and mental suffering. A large number of sewing needles signals a serious danger that the dreamer will incur on himself due to his own carelessness and carelessness.. https://youtube.com/embed/PbxExRpc230

But buying sewing needles in a dream, on the contrary, is considered a good harbinger, promising long-awaited reconciliation with family and friends. Slightly different meanings of the image are given in another popular publication - the dream book of Gustav Miller. A psychologist, successful financier and businessman interpreted this symbol as follows:

  • if you dream of sewing with a needle in a dream, then in reality the person will be upset because of a lost friendship;
  • a needle with a white thread in the eye - to care for strangers, which will not be appreciated;
  • a broken needle is a bad harbinger, promising loneliness and lack of money.

Any of the above explanations will be relevant only if the dream turns out to be prophetic. And since not all visions are such, even a bad interpretation should not be regarded as a good reason for worry. In addition, sometimes only the dreamer himself can understand how significant what he saw at night was.

Other publications

The meaning of the image can be found in other interpreters. And sometimes the determining role for decoding is played by gender, age, and also the status of the dreamer. The following publications can be cited as examples:

  • Romantic dream book. For people in love, a dream about a lost needle foreshadows a big quarrel, a cooling of feelings, and perhaps an impending separation. Things will be even worse if the needle was broken, because then it will certainly not be possible to avoid separation, and after that it will be very difficult for the dreamer. It will be possible to turn the situation around only if the dreamer had a chance to thread a broken needle and darn clothes with such a tool. However, one cannot count on quick and painless reconciliation, and this nuance should also be taken into account.
  • Dream book of Natalia Stepanova for women. In this publication, the very image of sewing is described as a sure sign of future trials that will affect the dreamer’s personal relationships. Coldness, alienation and even hostility from her loved one - this is what can await her in the future. Looking for a needle and not being able to find it, on the contrary, is good, because then all the real fears of the sleeping woman will turn out to be completely groundless. The red thread in the eye of a needle symbolizes excessive guardianship over strangers to the detriment of one’s own interests.
  • Dream book by Stuart Robinson. In this interpreter there is no division by gender, but there is a detailed decoding of the image. Thus, an abundance of shiny sewing needles in a dream may indicate that magical rites were performed against the sleeping person, which can change his fate for the worse. Pricking material with a needle or pricking yourself with it means coldness on the part of a loved one.

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We should not forget that only those dreams that occur on certain days of the week tend to come true. For example, on Monday you dream of prophetic images, but only if the birthday person saw them. Tuesday dreams tend to come true in the next few weeks. If the image was seen on Wednesday, then it may also turn out to be prophetic.

On Thursday, you can only dream about empty, meaningless symbols. The Friday night image is able to predict the future. Saturday dreams come true with a 50/50 probability.

Why do you dream about a needle and thread?

To dream of a sewing accessory ready for work symbolizes excessive concern for the affairs of other people. Sometimes it is not very appropriate. If color and length are clearly remembered after waking up, these details also need to be interpreted. Threading a very long thread is a good sign for families. However, for lovers, this plot is a harbinger of omissions and quarrels. Legalization of relationships is postponed.

Needle and white thread

reflects the dreamer's love of freedom. It is also a sign of developed intelligence.

Needle and black thread

warns against entering into casual relationships. To attract good luck, you will need to show honesty and altruism.

Needle with red thread

- a symbol of the fact that in reality you will have to act energetically. Some decisions will have to be made at lightning speed.

The blue thread predicts a long journey, from which it will not be possible to return to your native land soon. Green is a sign of good luck in business.

What kind of needles did you dream about?

Shiny sewing

portend unexpected but good news. These useful items embody the truth of the saying “happiness is in your own hands.” There is a clarification when sewing needles appear in a pregnant woman’s dream. The birth process will be painful, but it will be favorable.

Broken needles

in a dream means isolation in reality, which occurred after a quarrel with friends and relatives. Circumstances will arise that are difficult to overcome.

of a syringe needle indicates serious ailments

. You should contact medical institutions at the slightest signal.

Trouble means a needle stuck in your arm

. The point in the finger symbolizes gossip about the sleeper.

Needles stuck in a pillow

portend a turbulent period. Frightening situations may arise in reality.

Therefore, some sources even specify that medical

needles symbolize tension of mental and physical strength that can cause a nervous breakdown. Recovery will require funds and a long time.


needles reflect the dreamer’s tendency to self-flagellation due to unpleasant rumors that have arisen. If the pins were rusty, this is an indication of danger.

Lots of needles

- painstaking work. The payment will be meager.

An amorous adventure lies ahead. This is what pin needles mean in dreams

with red heads.

Live hedgehog with needles

interpreted positively. Will be able to achieve the goal.

Extremely fine, small needles

indicate excessive sensitivity. In reality, your nerves are on edge, and it is important not to give in to provocations.

Huge needle

in a dream symbolizes danger. There is a threat to health and well-being.

Gypsy needle

— risk of property damage. A blunt tip is an unwise thing to do.

Needle needles delight with the return of an old debt.

Meaning according to Freud's Dream Book

This respected author separately notes such an action as sewing on a sewing machine. Such a vision is interpreted as a desire for sexual intercourse. If the sewing machine sews poorly, then the person has problems in life, for example, with men’s health. For women, sewing on a machine and getting pleasure from it means nothing more than satisfying their partner in terms of sex.

Interpretation in Tsvetkov's Dream Book

The Russian writer attributed darning to intrigue and gossip against you. If a tailor takes your measurements in a dream, someone has strong love for you. A dream takes on a completely different meaning if you are a tailor, this means that false accusations await you or you are showing excessive gullibility. And sewing something for yourself is an absolutely unnecessary experience.

What other sources say

Many dream books associate such a vision with the desire for an emotional connection with another person. By sewing, we strive to bring someone closer to ourselves, we tie the right person. Sewing also personifies the love of work, an attempt to combine different aspects of life into one whole.

A woman who creates a custom-made dress is preparing an enviable destiny for herself; her business will improve and her problems will go away. And for a young girl, this is a sign that it’s time to sew a wedding dress; the one and only betrothed will soon appear. If a seamstress pricks her finger with an awl or a needle while working, then such a dream is interpreted as an inevitable meeting with an evil, dangerous stranger.

Esotericists give such visions an applied character. They trace the connection between mastery in dreams and life. This means that the dreamer is in good physical condition and will be able to use his skills to advantage.

Stitching large patches means solving important problems; a person will achieve great success in the near future. But to see how someone else sews means to prepare for some event; perhaps you will have a holiday soon, and you will be able to relax and show your creative abilities.

If you saw your mother in a dream, and she sews trousers or a dress for you, then you need to listen to your parent’s advice. These wise people want to help you connect previously broken relationships with loved ones, perhaps ex-spouses or siblings.

Sewing with white thread means that a dead person will soon appear in your life. Probably one of the relatives will die. This sign is also associated with your dishonest actions; perhaps you are trying to denigrate someone, slander someone for your own benefit, or without fully understanding it yourself.

If you closely examine the resulting seam, then perhaps sad events await you. If it turns out not to be strong and bursts open before your eyes, then you should not expect a strong relationship, and for entrepreneurs this also promises a break in contracts.

Such a dream foreshadows troubles in personal life for women. Perhaps there are long-standing problems in the family that will ultimately lead to its disintegration. But if the dreamer acts decisively and manages to patch up the gap in her clothes, then she will be able to strengthen her relationship with her spouse and save the marriage.

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Thus, sewing in a dream is a rather favorable sign, promising success in business.

In any case, it doesn’t matter how such a dream is interpreted, since it is quite possible that it was caused by banal life events, for example, you recently sewed up a hole in your clothes or are thinking about updating your wardrobe.

Where was the needle in the dream

Dreaming of a needle in the body

can't do any real harm. Moreover, she warns against troubles: unnecessary expenses and hassle. Rusty ones mean that you will have to pay for actions committed earlier.

Needle in hand

calls to remain calm. Otherwise, in the heat of the moment, it is possible to quarrel with loved ones. But if it just lies in the palm of your hand, there is a rapid development of romantic interest ahead.

Needles in my feet

warn of the risk of increased injuries in the near future. The wounds may not be too dangerous, but painful.

When you dream of needles in your mouth

, special attention should be paid to the cardiovascular system. It is advisable not to wait for symptoms, but to make an appointment with a cardiologist and neurologist.

A fateful meeting is foreshadowed by needles in bed

. This is a sign indicating the need to rest.

Also a needle in the bed

warns against quarrels with colleagues and influential people. The conflict can turn against the sleeper.

It’s bad if you see needles in your pillow

. The disease will overtake either loved ones or the dreamer.

Seeing needles in clothes warns of possible magical influence from outside. People's advice - pin a pin on the back of the outfit you wear in public places.

If you dream of needles on the floor of your own apartment, you will be offended by your relatives. Seeing sewing supplies at work that is not related to them is a sign of idle gossip.

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