Why do you dream of bathing in holy water?

Seeing a water source in a dream is a good sign. Most often, such a dream promises joy and pleasure. But it also happens that the source can be a warning of danger, for example, if you dreamed that the dreamer was drinking dirty river water. In order to understand why such a dream is happening, you need to remember all the details and find out the interpretation. And our dream book will help with this!

dream book pure source

To be at a holy source - expect joy and happiness

If you dream that you are bathing in a holy spring with quiet, calm waters, prosperity and good luck await you in all your endeavors, Vanga’s dream book pleases you with its interpretation.

Walking along the bed of a sacred spring in a dream means good profit or the purchase of something necessary for the house. It's especially good if you went with the flow.

If you dreamed that you were drawing water from a holy spring located in the forest, everything that you hoped for in real life will come true very soon.

Source from the Everyday Dream Book

Why do you dream about a source according to the dream book:

Source - If you dreamed of a source (spring), then you should take a closer look at your surroundings, you are too trusting and some may take advantage of this. It is also believed that seeing a source (spring) in a dream is a sign of expected news.

To see that you have seen a spring with dirty, muddy water, such a dream may mean that you will have to say goodbye to your hopes. But if a source in a dream is full of crystal clear water, then such a dream promises the appearance of pleasant events in your life.

Seeing that you are drinking clean water from a spring means that in reality you will be able to use your chance to achieve your goals. If you see that you are bathing in a clean spring, then in reality you will be able to justify yourself in the face of unfounded accusations.

If you see a source in your home in a dream, then such a dream speaks of imminent profit; it is also possible that an influential patron will appear in your life. To see that you understand that the source, the spring, is healing, then in reality you can expect changes for the better in your life.

If a sick person dreams of a source of clean water, then there is a real chance of recovery. One of your relatives, friends, or people close to you may also recover.

Thermal baths - your health will delight you

Swimming in a hot thermal bath in a dream means that no illness can break you. You are full of strength and health.

why do you dream about the source?

If you dreamed that you wanted to take a therapeutic bath in a thermal spring bath, but you couldn’t find free space because of the large number of people wanting to do the same - the Eastern Dream Book does not recommend that you visit crowded places in the near future. There is a risk of contracting some disease.

Drinking water from a mineral pump room means taking care of health prevention, advises Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Condition and water

Try to remember what the dreamed source was like in your dream. Seeing it withered means possible depression. Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts and problems, because in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems to you now. Think about how much beautiful and unknown there is in life, and you are wasting time on empty worries.

If you were destined to see a transparent spring with a smooth surface, a calm, even period in life begins. Problems and worries will bypass you, and nothing will be able to overshadow your everyday life. When swans and many goldfish were still swimming in it, it means that you have a series of joyful events, good news and the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

Also, to better understand what a spring means in a dream, pay attention to the water in it. A source with clean water speaks of the purity of your thoughts and soul, but dirty water indicates bad intentions. Don’t give in to your fleeting emotions; often, overwhelmed by them, we impulsively do something that we later regret.

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Was it destined to dream of a healing spring? This image foreshadows an increase in vitality and mood, recovery for the sick. And it’s even better when you drank this water in a dream: as the dream book explains, the spring in this interpretation promises a cure for the most serious diseases. If you also managed to swim in it, you are guaranteed many years of life, but in addition, you can easily get out of any sticky situation.

Also, when you dream of a spring with clean water, the dreamer expects new acquaintances, changes for the better, a road, travel. Bubbling springs indicate the emergence of inspiration and new ideas. But a dream in which there was a spring in the house promises great profit. Other dreams, where instead of water there was dirt, honey, milk, earth, require interpretation of these very images.

Sources not suitable for drinking or you face difficult choices

To see that you are tasting the water from a salt spring and spitting it out due to the strong concentration of salt - in real life you will need to decide whether to leave pleasant memories of yourself, but at the same time lie or tell the truth and fall out of favor with an influential person.

You dream that you are lost in a dark forest, when suddenly you notice a bright source of light illuminating your path - in reality, such a dream means that you can only cope with troubles with the help of another person. Don’t doubt the sincerity of someone who wants to help you; learn to trust people, the Women’s Dream Book advises.

light source in a dream

If you dreamed that you were admiring the shine of salt crystals at the bottom of a dry salt spring, when solving important issues, ask a friend for advice. You won’t be able to make the right choice on your own, because something is “clouding your eyes.”

Why do you dream about swimming in a holy spring?

dreaming about the source

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

This is a symbol of life. Its clean waters can quench thirst and give hope for salvation and deliverance from difficulties. If in a dream you saw a dirty spring, then this is a sign of a careless and almost criminal attitude towards the values ​​that nature has endowed you with. Seeing a clean source with clear water, especially drinking from it, is a sign of new beginnings, profitable offers and the ability to take advantage of a favorable situation to create something. A dried up spring can portend poor health and a decline in business.

Psychological dream book

A pure spring is a harbinger of abundance; drinking from it means some happy changes; if a sick person dreams of the source, recovery is near.

Grandma's old dream book

A source (spring) of clean water means abundance, and for the patient - recovery, a sharp improvement in health.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

The spring - to abundance, good luck, for the patient - to recovery, rapid improvement in health. A spring with calmly flowing water is a quiet life, stormy water is a sign of troubles, this means a dream that you had, for more details why you dream of a Holy spring, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

A dream in which you dream of a source of water symbolizes the source of spiritual strength, spiritual renewal. A pure, bright source – recovery, renewal of life. A dirty, dried-up source means illness, melancholy, devastation, death.

Slavic dream book

Seeing a source of spring water in a dream means a discovery, joy, good luck, good health and a pleasant journey.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see a gushing spring in a dream - the dream suggests that you are too trusting; confidential conversation, confidential relationships - this is a style that is dangerous to abuse; you talk too much about yourself; by revealing your vulnerabilities, you tempt your ill-wishers to strike; Your weaknesses are already being judged by people you barely know.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Start of a new relationship; emotional rebirth.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Dangerous gullibility. A source stoned with stones is hidden suffering. A source of unclean water means lost hopes. Drinking clean water from a source means taking advantage of happy circumstances. Bathing in the spring means purity of thoughts. Dreaming of a source of water flowing through a green meadow means justified hopes for better times. A healing source – great beneficial changes. A dry spring means bad business and a crisis in the economy.

Dream book of healer Akulina

A prosperous and calm life in all respects. Imagine that you are scooping up water from a spring and drinking it.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

To a secure and calm family life. Imagine a forest clearing or a mountain valley where a spring flows. The water in it is crystal clear, it plays and shimmers in the sun. You put your palms up and draw water from the source, drink, then wash your face. The water is cold and very tasty.

Russian dream book

A pleasant, quiet, well-fed and contented life in all respects; a dried up spring is a symbol of lack of support, often from a spouse or partner.

Video: Why do you dream about the Holy Spring - interpretation of the dream

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  • 8-Aug-2018 Galina: Thank you many times.

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Dreaming of holy water from a source - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dream of holy water from a spring in your dream, it means that you have bad habits in your waking days, which over time may cause you to lose yourself in some way, so you must start to fight them.

When you are offered holy water from a spring , this is a warning from your subconscious that you may become a victim of a scammer or a person who will seduce you. Using holy water in a dream means that you will soon become a victim of some kind of deception

Your actions

Seeing a spring in a dream and drawing water from it means big family holidays (weddings, christenings, birthdays). But, as the dream book says, the spring from which others drew water warns you of inattention to what is happening. For this reason, you risk not considering and missing your chance.

But what will the dream book, the source of which reflected your face, tell about night vision? Soon you will be able to see yourself from the outside and evaluate the actions you have taken. If there was another person next to you, try to remember his face - it is he who will provide you with support and help during difficult periods in your life. A key that has dried up before your eyes can warn of upcoming difficulties.

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A bubbling spring is a symbol of the dreamer’s active life position and internal strength. The more the water boils in it, the more active your life position you adhere to. But it is also important to pay attention to the surrounding nature. But as the dream book says, a spring in the desert indicates your loneliness and the need to have a person nearby whom you can rely on and receive help from.

And again, let's look at the dream book, does a holy spring bring the same positive meanings to the dreamer as it does to believers in life? Without a doubt. Walking along it means getting unexpected profits, additional income and improving your standard of living.

And as the dream book indicates, bathing in a holy spring means luck will become your life’s companion; achieving your desired dream will not be difficult. Drawing water from it - everything you dreamed of will come true in the very near future.

Swimming in a spring with hot springs means conquering all ailments, good health and longevity are guaranteed to you. And when interpreting why you dream of a spring with mineral water that you drank, it is worth considering that you need to take care of your health, carry out a full examination and prevention. Natalia Chernikova

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