Performing prayer in a dream - Muslim dream book
Why do you dream about prayer? Miller's Dream Book Why do you dream about Prayer in a dream?
Why do people in black dream?
Why do people in black clothes dream?
People in black mourning clothes prophesy prosperity Miller's dream book explains what characters dream about
Why do you dream about a boil breaking out? Basic meanings of pus in a dream
Any pimple causes unpleasant emotions in a person. These neoplasms cause physical and aesthetic discomfort.
dream of digging a well
Why do you dream of a well with water? A well with water can tell about your fears,
Why do you dream about geese? The appearance of geese in a dream is, in most cases, considered very good
Why do you dream about a competition?
Why do you dream about winning money in a competition?
Difficulties and changes are possible. Seeing your victory in a dream means: you will achieve honor and respect from others.
According to the dream book, what does a wedding car mean in a dream?
Dream Interpretation Wedding cortege, a dream book for an unmarried girl means that in her relationship with her lover
Islamic dream book gave birth to a girl
Islamic dream book about the birth of a child
Interpretation of childbirth Childbirth in real life is always associated with global changes in it. Give birth to
dream book bathing dogs in a dream
What does a dream about washing a dog mean? When you have to wash your own or someone else’s dog in
see holy water
spraying water on a dream book in a dream
Large modern dream book Splashes - why does the dreamer dream? Splashes - You are splashed with water;