Dream Interpretation Men's underpants

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Why do you dream about men's underpants in a dream according to the dream book?

According to Felomena’s dream book, men’s underpants indicate the masculine character of the one who saw the dream. Regardless of whether the vision appeared to a man or a woman. The lady who sees this image should become a little softer and more feminine, so as not to scare off the opposite sex with her overly strong character.

For an unmarried girl, such a sign reflects her feelings for the young man who occupies all her thoughts. In some cases, a dream may mean receiving a lucrative business offer. There’s no need to think for a long time - this event will be profitable and will benefit you.

Buying men's underpants in a dream

If you dreamed that you were buying men's underpants, you will soon receive an offer of cooperation and take part in a business agreement.

Despite all the attractiveness of the project, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons of the upcoming business. You may have to sacrifice something, and therefore it will be difficult to make a choice.

If you dreamed of new men's underpants

New men's underpants in a dream symbolize the search for something new, the desire to get rid of the past. You are not completely satisfied with some area of ​​your life; it could be either an unfulfilling job, or an outdated relationship that is burdensome.

Dream about dirty men's underwear

A dream in which you happened to see dirty men's underpants warns that someone from your close circle is sharpening a grudge against you and collecting compromising information. Precautionary measures should be taken to preserve reputation.

Why dream of washing men's underpants?

If you dream that you are washing men's underpants, beware of scammers who can easily gain your trust. This vision can also mean a feeling of remorse for some action that seems unseemly to you.

You shouldn’t reproach yourself, it’s better to admit everything sincerely and ask for forgiveness, otherwise the feeling of guilt will oppress you for a long time.

Why do you dream of panties according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

If a dreamer puts on panties in his night dreams, then in reality he can prepare for numerous love affairs, but when he takes them off, this is a sign that love is gone and there is no point in chasing it.
Seeing yourself in dirty panties is very bad, because such a dream foreshadows an imminent illness. Trying on red panties means that dramatic changes are planned in your personal life. If the dreamer diligently sews up old panties, then he can only dream of wealth, because poverty and destitution await him. But washing panties symbolizes an attempt to hide your love affairs from prying eyes and tongues. If a girl buys men's underpants, she will soon get married. A similar interpretation also has a vision in which an unmarried lady saw “family people.”

If a sleeper buys himself new underpants, then all sorts of fun and entertainment awaits him, and when he shows his purchase to someone, then very soon this person will be humiliated.

Other people's panties always mean gossip and rumors, and if you had to take off your swimming trunks in front of someone in a dream, then this foreshadows the commission of some shameful act. Red swimming trunks foretell a night full of passion, and black ones - complete rejection and rejection.

If a person bought panties in a dream, but for some reason does not put them on, it means that he has already chosen his life partner, but does not take any action, because he is waiting for the object of his desire to take the first step.

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Did you see a cheerful stranger in funny underpants? This is a sign of a pleasant time in a non-boring company, and if you dreamed of your other half wearing a negligee, then this means that separation is inevitable. When one of your work colleagues bought new swimming trunks and shows them off to the whole team, then such a picture foreshadows a huge scandal in the place where the dreamer works. There will be a lot of mutual insults and personal attacks.

When a person buys smaller panties in a dream, it means that he is overweight and wants to get rid of it. If an unmarried woman runs through the streets in her underpants in a dream, then this is a warning for her: promiscuity in sexual relations will lead to the fact that she will remain “on the beans.”

A man who parades around the house in blue panties may be a secret homosexual, and a woman who received white panties as a gift has every chance of becoming a bride.

How does the quality of underwear affect the interpretation of sleep?

The quality of the dreamed underwear also affects the interpretation of the night's plot.

Why do you dream about clean panties?

Clean underwear indicates that the dreamer is in harmony with himself and the world around him. He is quite satisfied with his sex life, as well as everything that happens around him.

What does it mean to see brand new underwear in a dream?

New underwear means changes in your personal life. The person will become luckier. It is worth remembering that the more lace on it, the richer your sex life will become.

What does it mean to see underwear that attracts attention in a dream?

Beautiful underwear portends a new fan and the beginning of communication with him. If the dreamer behaves favorably, a long-term, serious relationship can begin with acquaintance.

What do old panties mean in a dream?

Old cowards foretell an imminent clash of opinions with the people around you. It is not a fact that the dreamer’s thoughts and reasoning will turn out to be erroneous; for this reason, you should not immediately abandon them to please others.

Why do you dream of torn underwear?

Torn panties usually mean that a person doubts himself too often. He should stop relying on others for everything, because not everyone wishes him well. Some will do anything, even push someone else to do something terrible in order to get them into trouble.

What does dirty laundry seen in a dream mean?

Dirty laundry seen in a dream does not bode well. Most likely, the dreamer often contradicts himself, and therefore there is a certain imbalance in his life. It is also possible that there is an active discussion of his personal life behind his back.

Why see underwear that belongs to another person in a dream?

Trying on panties that do not belong to the dreamer means that he too often sticks his nose into other people's affairs. This is what causes others to dislike him. It’s worth stopping to delve into other people’s affairs, then life will get better.

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People's dream book

To determine the meaning of the image from the classic dream book, you need to remember the details of night vision:

  • If you dreamed about dirty laundry, they are spreading very unpleasant rumors about you. Reputation is at risk;
  • seeing children's panties - you are very childish, so you make a lot of mistakes;
  • If you dream of a spouse in a family home, you will soon realize that the love is gone;
  • The white color of the object speaks of moral purity. Black indicates a desire for intimacy;
  • you saw a new thing - in fact, you don’t have to worry about your reputation - nothing threatens it;
  • buy - do not trust others, you may be deceived;
  • wash - personal life will be very eventful;
  • dreaming that you are wearing torn underpants - in the real world you will be disgraced;
  • torn, but not on you, but on your beloved - he will cheat on you;
  • If you dreamed that you were giving someone swimming trunks, you were actually showing genuine personal interest in this person. You are probably trying to have an intimate relationship with him;
  • other people's underwear, especially if you wear them, speaks of your promiscuity in personal relationships;
  • a woman dreams of a man in boxers - a sign that she is tired of loneliness and wants warmth and understanding;
  • in a dream, the underwear was stained with excrement - a symbol that you will receive wealth, but you will achieve it through dishonest and shameful actions;
  • the panties were of an unusual shape or model - your personal life will be in full swing, there will be many romantic meetings;
  • if you take them off in front of another person, you will behave defiantly;
  • If you dream that you have lost, you will lose your authority;
  • If you try to find it, you will face troubles. To be able to do this will help you cope with any difficulties and problems.

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Dream Interpretation - Playgrounds

Playgrounds are the object of our most pleasant childhood memories. In a dream about a playground, the person accompanying you, as well as your age, is of great importance. Dreams in which the sleeper is shown as the only child among adults or the only adult among CHILDREN are quite common. Such dreams usually indicate a discrepancy between the actions you take in the real world and your usual line of behavior. Perhaps you should consider self-improvement or start taking yourself seriously. It depends on the images that are most clearly visible in your dream.

Equally important in a dream is the presence of certain friends or FAMILY members. This is especially significant if these people died in reality, but participate in the dream as living characters (see

DEAD). Dreams of this kind often indicate INCOMPLETE RELATIONSHIPS, which are either an exact copy of the real state of affairs or require reflection and revision. The following dream is recorded from the words of a 44-year-old woman: “In the playground... carnival music can be heard in the background. I'm on a carousel that's spinning faster and faster. Suddenly I feel sick in front of my friends. I feel humiliated because I couldn't find the strength to restrain myself. I'm very sad because I ruined my favorite dress." This dream is interesting because both pleasant and sad memories are intertwined in it. According to the woman, in her life she has never experienced attacks of VOMITING on the playground. However, after examining the dream in more detail, she realizes that it is her FATHER who is turning the carousel. She feels her amusement building up until the critical moment. Then she managed to remember that the dress she had vomited on in her dream had been given to her the same summer that her parents divorced.

Panties according to the online dream book

Cowards are a warning that during general fun you can behave in the most unseemly way.

You acquire them - you have contacted people who will only be with you when everything goes well, otherwise they will turn away from you.

You take off your panties - your relationship with your current chosen one will deteriorate worse than ever, which will bring you incredible suffering and lead to a complete break.

If you dreamed that you were buying panties - there is not a single soul mate among your surroundings, you cannot fully open up even to those closest to you, you lack mutual understanding and warmth.

If you dreamed of white panties, most likely you went beyond what was permitted, and now you repent of it. From now on, you should be more restrained and show maximum worldly wisdom, and not succumb to temptations and temptations.

A dream in which you saw black panties on yourself or someone else is a symbol of an unforgivable mistake, betrayal, everything that entails irreversible consequences and is contrary to moral standards.

If a man saw women's panties in a dream, he feels an urgent need for intimacy; among his friends there is someone who very much attracts him.

When a girl sees men's underpants in a dream, this speaks of her strong and irresistible attraction to some man; she secretly dreams of intimacy.

The dream book interprets dirty panties as a warning that your reputation may suffer a crushing blow, you risk finding yourself in an extremely humiliating position, and the machinations of your ill-wishers will be to blame for everything, be vigilant.

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The dream in which you saw blood on your panties is a reflection of the real process of deflowering; the details of the vision will help give a more comprehensive analysis.

If your panties are red in a dream, you will soon be able to meet a worthy person with whom you will be close in all respects, and who will help solve all your problems of an intimate nature, the main thing is not to push him away and take a step towards him.

If in a dream you were wearing soiled or torn panties, be careful, you risk finding yourself in a situation that is extremely unfavorable for you, and you will lose everyone’s respect.

Why do you dream about panties?

Cowards are a warning that during general fun you can behave in the most unseemly way.

You acquire them - you have contacted people who will only be with you when everything goes well, otherwise they will turn away from you.

You take off your panties - your relationship with your current chosen one will deteriorate worse than ever, which will bring you incredible suffering and lead to a complete break.

If you dreamed that you were buying panties - there is not a single soul mate among your surroundings, you cannot fully open up even to those closest to you, you lack mutual understanding and warmth.

If you dreamed of white panties, most likely you went beyond what was permitted, and now you repent of it. From now on, you should be more restrained and show maximum worldly wisdom, and not succumb to temptations and temptations.

A dream in which you saw black panties on yourself or someone else is a symbol of an unforgivable mistake, betrayal, everything that entails irreversible consequences and is contrary to moral standards.

If a man saw women's panties in a dream, he feels an urgent need for intimacy; among his friends there is someone who very much attracts him.

When a girl sees men's underpants in a dream, this speaks of her strong and irresistible attraction to some man; she secretly dreams of intimacy.

The dream book interprets dirty panties as a warning that your reputation may suffer a crushing blow, you risk finding yourself in an extremely humiliating position, and the machinations of your ill-wishers will be to blame for everything, be vigilant.

The dream in which you saw blood on your panties is a reflection of the real process of deflowering; the details of the vision will help give a more comprehensive analysis.

If your panties are red in a dream, you will soon be able to meet a worthy person with whom you will be close in all respects, and who will help solve all your problems of an intimate nature, the main thing is not to push him away and take a step towards him.

If in a dream you were wearing soiled or torn panties, be careful, you risk finding yourself in a situation that is extremely unfavorable for you, and you will lose everyone’s respect.

If you dreamed that you were washing your underpants, events will soon happen that will make you look at your personal life completely differently; some obvious things will be revealed to you that you had not even suspected before.

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Linen color

Try to remember what color the women's panties were:

  • white - you are indifferent to sexual pleasures, maybe your soulmate has not yet appeared in your life;
  • red - a love adventure is possible in the near future;
  • orange - to a good mood and positive emotions;
  • blue - possible cooling of feelings;
  • black - you will be visited by indecent thoughts or fantasies.

White color also means that your intentions are sincere, and you expect the same attitude from others, but when the opposite happens, you get very upset. Try to control your emotions and not take everything to heart.

Various actions

According to the Modern Dream Book, seeing panties in a dream is not a very good sign. The dream promises that you will have fun in a noisy company. But be careful, your vacation will be so successful that others will see your not the best sides.

On the bad side, the dream book also interprets a vision in which the sleeper happened to buy underwear. He should beware - in his inner circle there are entirely hypocrites and deceivers, whom one should not trust and is even dangerous. Take a closer look at your so-called friends - maybe you will notice changes in their words and actions? Personal life will not go smoothly either. You should also take a closer look at your loved one - perhaps he is not at all the one with whom you want to spend your whole life.

What does Miller’s dream book say about panties in a dream? His interpretation is also filled with negativity. It is especially bad to see stale and dirty panties. Such a vision means that the sleeper does not follow morality at all and has long covered his name with shame. If this has nothing to do with you, think about what kind of life you lead now? Doesn't it echo, even if only slightly, the plot from the dream? And if so, maybe you're doing something wrong? You need to reconsider your positions, otherwise the dream may well come true, the dream book warns.

In your dream, you couldn’t decide which underwear to wear? Remember what color it was. Light colors promise successful fulfillment of your plans, while dark shades promise many obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

New women's panties bring a man a love adventure, and if a representative of the fair sex had such a dream, her sex life will change for the better. Perhaps the passion for your spouse, which has faded over the years, will be renewed. This is how the dream book interprets what he saw.

A man in shorts, whom a young girl saw in a dream, suggests that she feels awkward communicating with guys. Perhaps there are complexes sitting deep somewhere that do not allow her to take a step towards her. She has to overcome herself - the situation will not change on its own.

Did you dream that you lost your panties? The dream book advises: remember how the dream ended. If you were unable to find them, in reality you will face a difficult situation that threatens the loss of your reputation. But if you find them, then you can easily bypass all obstacles without losing a single drop of authority and respect from others.

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The dream in which you got rid of your underwear in front of a stranger is filled with erotic overtones. In reality, you will do something provocative and immoral in relation to the one in front of whom you had to undress.

Why dream of seeing yourself without underwear? The interpretation of such a dream is ambiguous, and largely depends on the emotional mood. Were you ashamed, the dream book asks. If yes, in reality it will not be possible to implement your plans, and this will cause considerable discomfort - both physical and mental.

Did you feel any shame when you saw yourself naked? Someone is weaving conspiracies and intrigues around you. This dream has another interpretation - the sleeper needs a person who will protect him.

Do you put panties on yourself in a dream? According to the dream book, you are afraid to enter into close relationships for fear of being deceived or abandoned. But this dream also promises a quick meeting with a person who will become more than a friend to you.

Why do you dream of giving someone underwear? Such a dream speaks of a good attitude towards the one who happened to give such a gift. Perhaps feelings for this person are already arising within you.

Why do you dream of panties according to Miller's dream book?

When a dead person gives the dreamer his own underpants in a dream, it means that the personal life of the deceased person will become public knowledge. Interesting facts about the biography of the deceased will arouse the interest of all curious citizens. If in a dream a man walks around in women’s panties, then he will soon be greatly embarrassed, and when a woman flaunts herself in men’s “boxer shoes,” then she can give up on marriage - no one will marry her.

Panties stained with blood are a warning: a crime involving violence and torture may be committed against the dreamer. If you see dirty panties, there is a risk of catching some incurable infection. A person walking in a dream in shorts along a crowded street risks disgracing himself while in high society, so it makes sense to prepare a speech in advance and, in general, to watch your words.

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Your actions

If you dreamed of panties that you are buying, according to the dream book, this means that you are ready to start a new romantic relationship. The old feelings are left behind, you are truly freed from them. And selling panties in a dream means trying to forget the person with whom you are unrequitedly in love.

  • Buying dirty panties means taking on someone else's obligations.
  • Taking them off in a dream means committing a defiant act.
  • Walking down the street in underwear means being lonely.
  • Putting on other people's underpants means interfering in someone else's business.
  • Buying them in an expensive store means striving for luxury.
  • Dreaming that they are dirty and you wash them means feeling guilty.

If you dream that you spend a long time choosing underwear, this means that in reality you are busy looking for something important to you. This could be a different place of work, a new home, beautiful things, etc.

The dream book recommends weighing everything carefully and not making rash decisions.

Dream Interpretation - Underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing women's underwear - your mistrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with a person dear to you. Seeing underwear hanging on a line - your relationship with your loved one, exposed to the public, will lead to separation from the one you care about. Wash your underwear - your rash steps will make you feel shame, which you will want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs. Imagine covering your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket). Dirty laundry - your career is in danger. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty linen - a dream warns of the imminent danger of shame. You may find yourself in an awkward situation because of your ambitions. Seeing another person in dirty laundry means you have to learn about the unworthy actions of the owner of the dirty laundry. To avoid publicity, the owner of the linen will try in every possible way to denigrate you or drag you into a matter that could compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will cut the ground from under your feet. Mentally prolong your sleep and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry gets into the shower and a large stream of water washes away all the problems (see Shower). Selling lingerie - you will cause quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives. Try to refuse to visit your loved ones in the coming days, no matter how much they insist on meeting you.

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