Seeing a starfall in a dream
Why do you dream of a starfall?
Dreaming of a shooting star is considered a good sign. She prophesies the fulfillment of cherished desires, the implementation of planned plans.
what is sleep
Prophetic dreams
What is sleep? Before you begin practical skills, you should understand yourself.
Why do you dream about a non-smoker smoking a cigarette?
Why do you dream about a smoking wife?
Doubts away In dream books there are interesting explanations of why you dream of a non-smoker smoking a cigarette.
Why do you dream about a flood?
Dream Interpretation – seeing a flood in a dream. Why does a woman dream of a global flood knocking her off her feet indoors, in the world, in a house, in a room, in an apartment, in a bathroom, in a toilet, in a city, in the kitchen, on the street, at work, in a flood, in a tsunami?
According to the dream book, a dream about a flood in an apartment means that your family boat will
Washing dishes in a dream
Washing dishes in a dream: what does it mean?
I dreamed about a lot of dirty dishes. What does it mean if you dreamed about a lot of dishes that need to be washed?
Pancakes are a traditional Russian dish loved by many. Meat, eggs, onions, jam, condensed
polar bear
The polar bear is kind and stern in appearance at the same time; in esotericism it is a symbol of strength,
Salt is a substance that, as esotericists say, is capable, like a sponge, of absorbing
A man's dream
General meaning As for the general interpretation, a lot of sperm, as a rule, means readiness for
Why do you dream about a person you don’t think about?
Let's find out from different dream books why you dream about a person you don't think about. Opinion of experienced psychologists. Why did you dream about a person you don’t think about in your sleep?
Why did I dream about a person I didn’t think about? ​about your breakup.​ to be….​ about