Prophetic dreams

What is a dream

Before starting practical skills, it is worth understanding the very concept of sleep. Night visions, according to psychologists and astrologers, appear due to the influence of many factors.

Here's what some theories say:

  1. Some psychologists argue that a person’s dreams are just a digestion of past events, people seen and information acquired. All these pictures do not contain any meaning and are not a reason for fear.
  2. The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that night dreams are a person’s hidden sexual needs and desires, which he does not want to tell his partner and keeps to himself. It is worth considering that almost all of Freud's theories boiled down to hidden sexual overtones, so many people today do not take his interpretations seriously.
  3. Astrologers are confident that all human dreams are endowed with a secret meaning. And all the pictures you see are some kind of signs that warn of impending events.
  4. Esotericists also interpret the scenes they see according to the days of the week. For example, visions from Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic. Plots that are dreamed from Saturday to Sunday are a hint or an answer to a question that the dreamer has been asking for a long time. To obtain the desired result, conspiracies are also used. However, many are skeptical about them.

Unfortunately, today there is no theory that will give a 100% accurate answer. Each person decides for himself who to believe and how to interpret the stories he sees.

What does the dreamer need to know?

To see the future in a dream, you must adhere to a strict sequence of performing the ritual. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

A person who is going to perform a ceremony needs to know about the following nuances:

  • Any nightly ritual should be performed immediately before bed. Hygiene procedures, reading books, watching TV, responding to messages on social networks - all your tasks must be done in advance.
  • After completing the ritual, the dreamer must immediately go to bed. A person should fall asleep alone. If a woman or man usually shares a bed with a partner, then on this night you should find a reason to rest in another room.
  • You should not wake up in the morning to an alarm clock or allow another person to wake up the dreamer. To carry out the ritual action, you need to choose a weekend or any other free day. A person should wake up of his own free will - not because of an alarm clock, a phone call, or the sound of an incoming message. You should take care of this in advance.
  • It is important to set yourself up to have a prophetic dream. If a person thinks that the planned event is useless and will not bring the desired result, then all efforts will indeed be in vain. The psychological attitude is of great importance.

It is recommended to spend the evening before going to bed in the most relaxed and calm environment possible. The dreamer should not conflict with someone, swear or be nervous. If there is some problem that bothers you and constantly reminds you of itself, then you should choose another, most suitable day for the ritual.

It is very good if, before performing the ritual, a person who wants to learn to see the near future uses aromatic oils. A room saturated with the smell of incense will help you get into the right frame of mind. You should use eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender oil, as well as aloe extract.

The meaning of sleep from Sunday to Monday

You can also brew yourself some herbal tea before bed. Its advantage is that it has calming properties, which will also help you get in the mood for the ceremony. It is usually recommended to brew a decoction of yarrow leaves and rose petals with the addition of cinnamon.

It is also important to pay attention to the time of the ritual. This is best done during the full moon or in the last days of the waxing moon. But in most conspiracies, a specific date or day is prescribed when the rituals need to be performed.

Is it possible to see the future in a dream?

Esotericists and astrologers say that it is possible. However, this will require good skill and some time. It is almost impossible for a person to predict upcoming events the first time.

According to experts, all the main pictures foreshadowing the future appear in visions only in the morning hours.

It is at this time that many people begin to gradually emerge from sound sleep, thereby interrupting the plot of the dream and the clarity of the picture.

Therefore, for prophetic dreams at night, it is worth choosing a certain period when you can sleep longer.

Foreseeing the future in a dream.

Some call it clairvoyance, some call it astral, in fact, when you see the future in a dream, it is completely different from the astral, or lucid dreaming, or creating a dream. This is something completely different. At first glance, it may seem that you are seeing an ordinary dream, but in fact, when you wake up, you understand that this will await you in the future. Some kind of feeling that this will definitely come true. This does not happen to everyone; some do not understand that this is a prophetic dream, but then it comes true.

The fact that you can see the future in a dream gives you great opportunities:

  • You will be able to find out what to expect;
  • Learn in advance not to be afraid of what will happen next.

Who can foresee the future?

In fact, any person. It’s just that some people will need to spend more time and patience on this, and others less. Some people may succeed even the first time. But don’t be upset, and the main thing is to try.

How to predict the future in a dream?

Find time.

You can, of course, start right from today, but it’s better to start in the morning.

Set a goal.

The main thing is to know what exactly is bothering you, because for beginners you need to know the specific goal, what you want to see. Let's say someone wants to know how they will finish this quarter, whether they will pass the exam or not. And someone wants to find out whether he will be with a certain person, etc. That is, there must definitely be some kind of goal.

Start thinking.

Start thinking in the morning about what is bothering you. There is no need to ask yourself the questions “What will happen on this day?” “What will await me with this person?” etc. You just need to think about this object, for example, about a study, about a person. Anything related to what's bothering you.

Keep thinking about it all day long. But don't forget what is important to you at the moment.

Alarm clocks.

Set an alarm every hour. The last alarm should ring when you are about to go to bed. If an hour is enough for you to fall asleep, then you shouldn’t turn on the next alarm. But, if you take a long time to fall asleep, then you need to know for sure that there is exactly an hour left before falling asleep.

The moment of falling asleep.

As soon as the last alarm clock rings, you lie down and try to fall asleep. We recommend that beginners lie on their back. But if you don’t feel comfortable lying like that, then choose any position.

You close your eyes and try to imagine that you have a large ball of thread in your hands. The more you have lived, the larger your ball. It depends on your imagination.

From him comes a long thread, life-long. You don't even see the end.

The ball should be the color you want it to be. It must always change and all sorts of different memories must be present in it. More, of course, related to what goal you have chosen.

The earlier this memory occurred, the slower you should wind this thread. In this case, you must turn on the music that will be in the video in your headphones. She will help you get into this state and set you up.

You can find out more about lucid dreaming in the following articles:

  • Exploring the world of lucid dreams with psychologist Yulia Kostina.
  • Lucid dreaming for beginners. Tips from Lyra Knight.

What are prophetic dreams?

Night visions are interpreted in different ways.

There are several types of dreams:

  1. Artificial . These are pictures that reflect people's thoughts that appear in their minds most often. These stories help you find the answer to your question and lead you to the right decision and choice. They do not always convey an accurate picture of the future, but they always warn of upcoming problems.
  2. Symbolic . One of the most difficult visions. It is presented in the form of images that suggest something and predict the future. These stories are quite difficult to interpret; most often people do not remember the symbolism they see, which is why they do not see a picture of the future.
  3. True . These are dreams that convey the exact plot of upcoming events. True visions are a rare occurrence; to obtain them you need good preparation and complete moral calm.

Are there any prohibitions

Of course, prophetic dreams require good preparation.

It’s not enough just to prepare the room and bed; you need to eliminate a number of activities in the evening that can interfere with night dreams:

  1. On the day when the dreamer wants to see the future, it is worth giving up physical exercise. Playing sports puts the body into an excited state, which does not help a person relax and put his thoughts in order.
  2. Do not drink alcoholic beverages on the scheduled day. Alcohol leads to mental confusion, which leads to confused and irregular night visions.
  3. Watching movies before bed is also prohibited. Any film leaves an impression in the dreamer’s mind, which can be reflected in his night visions. This rule also applies to telephones, computers, and radios.
  4. Before going to bed, you must avoid intimate conversations. Emotional conversations excite the mind, leave impressions and prevent you from relaxing as much as possible. 4-5 hours before plunging into night dreams, you need to occupy yourself with quiet activities or your favorite activity. Something that doesn’t require emotional input and is done automatically.
  5. And the most important thing is food. Fatty, sweet, excessively salty foods do not allow the body to relax and fall into a sound sleep. It leads to insomnia, cramps and nightmares.

For greater calm, drink a few cups of herbal tea in the evening. For these purposes, chamomile, lemon balm, sage, and mint are used. Esotericists advise performing such rituals no more than 1-2 times a week. This is quite enough to learn to discard unnecessary thoughts before falling asleep and see future events.

How to see a prophetic dream: ways

Most often, such dreams occur from Thursday to Friday, but if you want to induce a prophetic dream, it is not necessary to do this on the eve of these days. A prophetic dream can happen almost any day, the main thing is to do everything right. At the very beginning, you need to sort out your thoughts and choose a ritual, because in fact there are a huge number of them. The easiest way is to take a piece of rock crystal, put it in the bed, just go to bed, asking the stone to tell you how to deal with the current situation. This way you can wake up with a clear head in the morning.

In this case, you may have more than one dream. You need to take a sheet of paper, just write down what you dreamed about, and put it aside. After a few days, pick up the paper and read it. This way you can figure out what you need to do and how to act in this situation. If you don't remember anything, then there's no need to worry. The situation you are worried about will resolve itself.

In the kingdom of Morpheus

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