Dream Interpretation: Why does an unmarried girl or woman dream about someone else’s wedding? Why see someone else's wedding in a dream from the outside, be a guest, walk at someone else's wedding, prepare for someone else's wedding, ruined, someone else's wedding

Why do you dream about preparing for your own wedding? This question quite often interests those who are attentive to their dreams. After all, they can warn, prevent and prepare for any significant events in life.

So, let's figure out together why we dream about preparing for our own wedding, and what to expect from this unusual dream?

General interpretation

Contrary to the stereotype, even in ancient times such a dream was considered not a very good sign for girls. Moreover, some predictors said that what they saw in preparation for the wedding and the celebration itself promised only illness and misfortune to the fair sex. However, don't get upset in advance. After all, such an interpretation depends on the exact quality in which you see yourself in this dream. For example, if you are celebrating your own wedding, and are happy at the same time, then in real life you will experience great joy, not necessarily related to the wedding. If the celebration does not go very well, then in the near future you may encounter minor troubles.

What Vanga and Freud say about sleeping with wedding worries

A well-known clairvoyant believes that a dream in which the sleeper was a participant in preparations for a celebration foreshadows an important acquaintance. It will become fateful and affect many areas of life.

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Observing wedding efforts from the outside in a dream indicates the need to provide assistance to someone close to you.

Sigmund Freud says that the wedding fuss he saw is only confirmation of the presence of idyll and passion in bed in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

In order to correctly interpret what you saw, you should remember your dream well. Preparing for your own wedding according to Miller is a good sign. Thus, you will soon be able to find a brilliant way out of this situation. If you saw a person in mourning clothes at your celebration, this means that your marriage may be unsuccessful (for a free girl) or crack (for a married woman).

How are preparations for a wedding deciphered in popular dream books?

Why do you dream about preparing for someone else’s wedding?
Why do you dream about preparing for a wedding? Different interpreters have deciphered in their own way the pre-wedding chores that people of different genders and marital status dreamed about. Thus, in Miller’s very popular dream book, there are interpretations of dreams with the preparation of one’s own and someone else’s wedding ceremony. A person who sees in a dream preparations for his own wedding is given a sign from above that a difficult situation in his life will be successfully resolved.

Pre-wedding chores are also dreamed of before an upcoming public appearance. How it goes in reality directly depends on the emotions experienced in the dream. When the sleeping person was in a good mood, the real performance will be successful. If you experience bad emotions in a dream, in life you should devote more time and effort to preparing for speaking in public. Then the dreamer will not fall face down in the dirt when he receives the floor at the event.

If you dream of the last preparations at your own wedding celebration, and one of the invited guests is dressed in a black outfit associated with mourning, then the marriage with your true lover will be unsuccessful. The person is given a hint that he needs to weigh everything again before making a fateful decision.

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In Freud's dream book, the efforts of preparing a wedding celebration symbolize vanity. A famous psychoanalyst advised the dreamer to stop doing several things at once and streamline his life.

Pre-wedding worries may indicate a high probability of receiving good news not only for the dreamer, but for everyone around him. Preparing for your wedding ceremony portends a pleasant surprise. The person who saw the dream can be given a present, moreover, in the form of an expensive and original thing.

Unmarried young lady

I dreamed about preparing for a wedding.
For an unmarried girl who already wants to start her own family, but the search for a life partner is not crowned with success, preparing for a wedding in a dream indicates too high demands on representatives of the male half of humanity. To change the status of a lonely young lady, you should reconsider your scale of values.

An unmarried young lady who sees pre-wedding chores in her dream, including trying on a wedding dress, will soon get married. You should remember the mood in which you tried on the dress. Being thoughtful and sad, do not rush to accept a marriage proposal from your boyfriend. Weigh everything carefully. The dream may be a warning about an unhappy marriage with this particular young man.

If in a dream a girl is preparing to go to someone else’s wedding in a snow-white dress, then she is in danger of suddenly getting sick. For a representative of the fair sex, who in real life is preparing for an already scheduled wedding, a dream with such a plot is a warning that she is too carried away by the process and is spending too much energy. The bride needs to slow down during the pre-wedding marathon, otherwise she will be completely exhausted at the ceremony itself.

When in a dream a young lady took part in preparing someone else’s family birthday party, then in reality it will be much more difficult for her to achieve her goals than she expected. There are significant obstacles that will have to be overcome.

If in the dream there were only pre-wedding chores, but it was not possible to see the wedding itself, then the dreamer’s bad character is preventing the implementation of the plan. She is given a hint that she should change and become more compliant and accommodating, and also learn to accept constructive criticism and draw the right conclusions from mistakes made.

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Married woman

Why do you dream about preparing for your wedding? The meaning of dreams about preparing your own wedding for married ladies will be completely different than for young girls. Different interpreters interpret the dream in different ways. The most common interpretation explains dreams from one’s own wedding ceremony by saying that the woman is not happy with something in her family life.

The second meaning of such a dream is that a homewrecker may appear trying to take her husband away. The dreamer is given a sign about the need to fight for her family happiness. You can’t let everything take its course and allow your rival to destroy your family. The third meaning of a dream with such a plot is that a major scandal is brewing in the family. It is necessary to show feminine wisdom and prudence in order to prevent divorce. The fourth interpretation foreshadows minor troubles in everyday life.

When a married lady tries on a wedding dress in a dream, then she should prepare in reality for possible losses and illnesses. If in the dream she helped one of the newlyweds dress up, then soon she will receive news that a friend has given birth to a child. Moreover, a boy will be born when the lady was helping the groom get dressed, and a girl will be born when the bride is getting ready.

For men

For an unmarried guy who is already thinking about starting his own family, dreaming of pre-wedding preparations indicates inflated demands on applicants for his hand and heart. By lowering the level of demands placed on girls, the young man will find family happiness.

Providing assistance in organizing a wedding in a dream, in reality a man will not be able to achieve his goals. But seeing in a dream, in addition to pre-wedding hassles, a successfully held celebration, the interpretation will have the opposite meaning. All planned things will come true.

Modern interpretation

Why do you dream about preparing for your own wedding? The Modern Dream Book answers this question in more detail. Thus, a celebration seen in a dream and immediate preparation for it are a sign that very serious changes await you ahead. Moreover, these changes can be both positive and negative. Everything depends only on you and your efforts.

The dream “preparing for a wedding” is interpreted somewhat differently if you take a direct part in it, hiding the celebration from your loved ones and relatives. In this case, your plans may be hindered by your overly complex nature.

If an unmarried representative of the fairer sex dreams that preparations for a wedding celebration last a very long time and are accompanied by any complications (for example, problems arise all the time, parents do not give consent to the marriage, etc.), then in reality such a person will have to overcome a huge number of obstacles . And only after that she will be able to be with her loved one.

Why do you dream about preparing for someone else’s wedding?

In your dream, you are a wedding organizer, trying to do everything to make the holiday great and memorable for everyone. This dream speaks of your affairs, the many obligations that you must fulfill.

If you understand that everything is working out, the subconscious is trying to tell you that you will successfully overcome all the problems and obstacles that stand in your way.

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If you see a wedding ceremony that you have prepared, this is a sign of success, the successful completion of matters that have been bothering you.

A person who in reality will have a responsible public appearance can dress up for someone else’s wedding in a dream. If he is satisfied with his appearance, if he really likes the reflection in the mirror, and the upcoming event seems very pleasant - everything will go well, the performance will bring the planned results.

Sometimes in a dream, as if in reality, preparations are underway for the wedding of a stranger or a close friend. This is a good sign.

Receive an invitation - soon there will be a profitable financial deal. If the joy of preparing someone else’s wedding in a dream overwhelms you, then friends are waiting for a visit and you need to pay attention to them. When you dream that a sleeping girl is setting the table in a dream, real fun is expected. Suddenly in a dream there is communication with an unpleasant person - a relative will get sick. Table setting is in full swing - unexpected profits from the work will come. You should count the dishes - the amount of profit depends on their quantity. Interpretations in dream books differ depending on who exactly is going to get married, what role is assigned to the dreamer and in what setting the preparation is carried out

Interpretations in dream books differ depending on who exactly is going to get married, what role is assigned to the dreamer and in what setting the preparation is carried out.

The wedding of your close friend can mean the beginning of a streak of luck for the sleeping person and the person who is getting married. There are also other interpretations:

receive an invitation to the ceremony and experience positive emotions from it - expect a lucrative job offer; rejoice from participating in the preparation of the celebration - visit distant relatives or old friends who have been waiting for your visit; If you meet an unpleasant person while decorating a holiday, warn your relatives to take care of their health. If you are doing a friend’s wedding hairstyle or adjusting her veil, be wary of employees and unfamiliar people, because someone from your circle is preparing a conspiracy against you.

In dream books, several interpretations have wedding hassles associated with the marriage of a sister:

  • a relative is married in real life - good news and resolution of conflict situations in one’s favor;
  • unmarried sister - problems at work and troubles at home, which you can deal with on your own;
  • in real life you don’t have a sister - a pleasant new acquaintance with a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dream that you are going to marry off your daughter, good news and pleasant surprises await you, and a new addition to the family is possible in the near future.

If before going to bed you had problems in work and family matters, such a dream promises a solution to the problems that have arisen and improved financial well-being.

Let's sum it up

Thus, preparing and organizing your own wedding in a dream promises quick changes in reality. It is recommended that you remember your vision in detail. After all, if it was accompanied by positive emotions, then only joy and happiness will await you in life. If the dream was sad, then the upcoming events are not very good. However, everything depends only on you and your personal attitude to what is happening. Therefore, you should not take this kind of predictions too seriously.

Seeing someone else's wedding

Dream books give various interpretations about night dreams about someone else's wedding. For example, esoteric gurus give the following predictions on the specified dream topics:

  • Miller predicts a quick resolution of current problems;
  • Vanga promises a cheerful party;
  • Tsvetkov predicts the onset of difficult times;
  • according to Freud, someone else's marriage is seen as news or a stormy love affair;
  • Loff's dream book predicts that those who saw a cheerful wedding party will have an easy path in life, otherwise they should expect blows of fate.

Thus, it becomes obvious that it is unrealistic to give a correct interpretation of this dream theme based on the instructions of dream books. Therefore, it will be wise to be guided by your own ideas and emotions. For example, if marriage is a desired, bright event for you, then choose the positive ones from all the predictions and be guided by them. And, conversely, for those who consider marriage to be something painful, the subconscious will associate this event with negativity.


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