Dream interpretation of walking bare-chested
Dreamed of a man Adult men, just like a fragile youth, can dream of a woman’s bust.
Why do you dream that a person is drowning?
Why do you dream about a sinking car?
Popular interpretations If you dreamed that someone was drowning, then in real life you will get rid of that
What does it mean: sewing in a dream?
A dream in which sewing needles are present is one of the most ancient and mystical.
red dress in a dream
Women's outfits excite minds and evoke many emotions. And it doesn't depend on the person's gender
Why do you dream about eating crabs?
Why do you dream about crabs?
Special signs According to Aesop's dream book, seeing a live crab slowly crawling along the seashore predicts
Seeing a guy you know in a dream
Why do you dream about a friend from the dream book?
Why do you dream about an acquaintance? Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian A familiar guy in a dream is a symbol of support and
Running in a dream: what is it for?
Why do you dream of running along the road?
Where are we headed? Loff’s interpreter sees in the symbol the only path to increased well-being.
Apricot is considered a magical fruit among magicians and esotericists. The apricot tree in esotericism is ruled by the Sun,
What is the meaning of a witch in night dreams? Why does the witch dream, says the dream book.
Why do you dream about a witch? Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Mages, sorcerers, witches - all these are mystical characters.
Why do you dream of falling into water?
Falling of a child or a person Rolling down the stairs in a dream - to despair and unsuccessful attempts