Dream Interpretation if you dream about another person

If a person dreams, it can mean a lot

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the sciences that study dreams, since dreams are a rather complex process, and so far science is only trying to explain the reasons for their appearance.
When a person sleeps, he can dream. A dream is a short film based on the images that appear in the mind of a sleeping person. Sometimes he carries with him some fragments from life that he remembers well. But often a dream is incomprehensible to a person, so he turns to many dream books that explain what the appearance of certain objects or personalities in a dream can mean. If a person dreams, it can mean a lot. There are many different guesses and hypotheses about the appearance of a person in a dream. Therefore, let's look at some of them.

In numerous dream books, assumptions about the appearance of a person in dreams are very contradictory. In some, predictors believe that if you dream about a person, it means absolutely nothing. And if he appears in your dream many times in a row, then you should think about why he is so chained to your subconscious. Some dream books believe that the appearance of the same person over several dreams indicates that you either harbor a grudge against him and cannot forgive, or you still have feelings for him and you cannot part with them.

There is one very popular version, which is based on the fact that a person dreamed about the hero of the film. Everything is absolutely clear here and you shouldn’t think too much. While watching a film, every person on a subconscious level develops a feeling for this character, and if something doesn’t work out or doesn’t work out for this character in the film, then you remember those cases when something didn’t work out for you either. And if you cannot put it together in your consciousness, then your subconscious can do it.

Also no less interesting is the case when you dreamed of a person who was already dead. It is this case that many experts and predictors are focused on, since a final answer to the question of why dead people come in dreams has not yet been given. But now there are several theories about this phenomenon. Some dream books write that this is a sign that you will soon have sad news about your relatives and that you need to be very careful. If you dream of a person lying in a coffin, then you will be haunted by failures. In addition, if in a dream you put coins on the eyes of a deceased person, then you will suffer from the actions of enemies who will take advantage of your kindness. If a deceased person appears in a young woman’s dream, this will be a harbinger of trouble due to her gullibility. There is also a theory that if you dream of a dead person, then something is holding him on earth and you need to visit his grave and light a candle for the repose of his soul.

Now let's just talk about those people who can appear in dreams and what their appearance means. If you dream of a person who has only one eye, then this means that someone is very jealous of you and vehemently gossips about your well-being. If a happy person appears in a dream, then this is a sign that you will have good news and good luck will accompany you in life. If you dream of a person who has no teeth, then this means that you should take care of your job, as you may lose it. If your enemy appears in a dream, then a short-term illness awaits you. If you defeat an enemy in a dream, then in reality nothing threatens you, since you have enough opportunities to withstand all troubles.

Of course, predicting your future from dreams is interesting, but you shouldn’t trust them too much. Sometimes dreams are just a compilation of moments that you accidentally remembered, but did not give it due attention.


A simple plot to dream about a loved one

Many will agree that dreams reflect our subconscious and the other life, because our reality is so often reflected in dreams or, on the contrary, we see completely opposite actions and events in our dreams.
Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have tried to decipher dreams, certain dreamed objects, events or actions. What does your dream mean?

There are a huge number of different dream books in the world, compiled by different people and at different times, but which interpret the same dreams in almost the same way.

Dreams in relationships have always been equated with the mysterious interaction of two souls.

This is probably why the spell to dream about a loved one is often used by girls and young women so that their loved ones do not forget about them.

The power of the conspiracy is in your faith

Dreams have always been important for lovers. In the old days, loving young people did not have such freedom in relationships as they do today, so most often they could see each other furtively for a short time or just in dreams.

There is an opinion that if you think about a person for a long time, you will definitely dream about him the next night, and if you dream about a certain person, it means he was thinking about you.

Of course, most often our thoughts are simply visualized in dreams and we dream about the person we are thinking about, but in order to be sure to dream about your loved one and force him to act, you can resort to conspiracies to make him dream. Seeing a girl in a dream means a lot to a young man, and most often such dreams force him to take certain actions towards her.

Psychologists say that our dreams represent a person’s hidden desires.

This is how interest in the opposite sex awakens, and frequent thoughts and the desire to reveal the secret give rise to certain feelings, which in the future can develop into something more than just an exciting dream.

In addition, many young people want to make everything that happened in their dreams come true, so a dream made by a girl for a guy can be the beginning of their wonderful relationship. And dreams are endowed with special positive energy, so if such energy is reflected in relationships in the real world, then we can safely say that the conspiracy to dream about a person worked.

Dream about your loved one

In the old days, our grandmothers ordered dreams for their loved ones by looking at the Moon. Try the following plot. To dream about your loved one, the ritual must be carried out on a full moon; the days of the equinoxes and solstices are also considered good enough for making dreams.

“A dream about me, a dream about you, for the Servant of God (such and such). Let it be so!"

The conspiracy is sentenced 9 times. It is important that the ritual can be performed no more than 3 times a month, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

Send a dream to your loved one

To have a dream about your boyfriend or loved one, you can send your dream to him. For this ritual, you need to be sure that the person is sleeping at this time. How to check this depends on your relationship, but in any case there is always a way to find out. The dream transfer ritual is carried out at night in complete darkness.

“I compose your dream, I send it to you, I dream about you, in my dreams I turn to you, so that in life you turn to me. Amen!"

Now you need to compose your dream, which you need to mentally forward to him. It’s enough just to concentrate and imagine the dream that you would like your boyfriend to see.

By composing such a dream, the girl falls asleep herself. With strong faith and the energy of desire and love, two people can even see the same dream, and in some cases the dreams turn out to be so clear that the young man begins to believe in their reality. It is best to make and send your dreams to a young man on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Using the power of the moon

This conspiracy is carried out on the day of the full moon. The plot is written out on a piece of dark paper; fortunately, modern multi-colored pastes or gels allow you to write on dark paper.

“Virgo-Moon, tell my beloved (name) greetings from me. Let him see me in his dreams, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will send me news. Virgo-Moon, give my dear one a happy and bright dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say a great thank you to you.”

After reading the plot, crumple the sheet and throw it out the window. Go to bed.

A bunch of hay for a spell

For this plot you will need a bunch of fresh straw. The conspiracy is carried out at night before going to bed near an open window. One straw from the bunch is placed under the pillow, and the bunch is burned with the window open, the ashes are thrown out the window.

“Go, smoke, go, ashes, to the slave (name), as the haze swirled strongly in the wind, so I dreamed of my dear one, let the ashes swirl in the wind, and let the dear one push for me in a dream. Amen".

Repeat the spell three times and then go to bed.

The energy of the conspiracy is under your control

Conspiracies to dream about a loved one cannot be attributed to some kind of strong magic or magical rituals. Our thoughts about a person are capable of transmitting very strong energy to his subconscious and relationships with him in the parallel world of dreams and dreams. Very often before going to bed we think, while we can stand at the window, look at the Moon and simply talk into the night with our desired object.

At such moments, information concerning a certain person is recorded in the laws of the Universe and this information will certainly be conveyed to its addressee. Many conspiracies to make a person dream were composed in this way.

Their effectiveness has been proven for centuries, so now they are safely used purposefully. At the same time, conspiracies to make a person appear in a dream are absolutely harmless and in no way force him to take certain actions, but only guide him.

And what choice to make depends only on each of us.

Probably everyone had to look into their dream book in the morning. People in night visions are quite common. You can see familiar and unfamiliar faces, famous characters, as well as those who have long been dead.

There is a belief that at night we only see people we know. Nevertheless, a person can meet in his visions completely unfamiliar faces who will force him to look into the dream book.

People in a dream can be a reflection of your relationships in your family, work or circle of friends. Quite often, such a vision can foreshadow disagreements. If strangers are running and fussing, then you should prepare for worries and troubles.

If you go in the opposite direction to the general movement, then you will have to overcome a number of obstacles on the way to your goal.

If you dreamed about people at night, try to remember what they were doing. So, profession plays an important role:

  • the postman dreams of receiving news that will bring you disappointment;
  • if you saw a hairdresser at night, then you will soon come to success and popularity;
  • dreaming of a seamstress means that you will have to experience some kind of fear or fright;
  • a servant is a harbinger of lies and deception on the part of loved ones;
  • if in a dream you saw a man making barrels, then a comfortable life awaits you;
  • the seller symbolizes your hostile and biased attitude towards others;
  • seeing a jeweler in a dream, you will have to be more attentive to your valuable things so as not to lose them;
  • watchman - a harbinger of a quarrel and deterioration of family relationships;
  • A favorable sign is to see a blacksmith in a dream, because it symbolizes a speedy recovery and a long life.

Many people

Perhaps everyone is interested in what many people dream about. The interpretation depends on many factors. So, the most common dreams have the following meanings:

  • a disorderly crowd portends serious problems, troubles, or severe fear;
  • if people in your dream are rejoicing and having fun, then in real life you will most likely be overcome by sadness and despondency;
  • when you dream of a crowd of sad people, this means serious conflicts with others;
  • if people are dressed in dark clothes, then unpleasant news should be expected;
  • a crowd of hungry and exhausted people foreshadows temporary problems at work;
  • if you dreamed that you were surrounded by a lot of naked people, then be prepared to hear unpleasant gossip about yourself;
  • If those around you are prisoners in chains, then one of your friends or acquaintances is in danger.

In most cases, you dream of a crowd when you are not in control of the situation. Most likely, you cannot control what is happening around you, or you have to act on the orders of superior people.

Probably, many who saw relatives in a dream look into the dream book. People with whom you have blood ties can appear in a variety of ways:

  • meeting with a close relative means that your real fears are not at all groundless;
  • if you dreamed of your sister in a wedding dress, then in reality a valuable gift or a big win awaits you;
  • if you dreamed that you were quarreling with one of your relatives, then it is quite possible that you will quarrel with your lover over a trifle;
  • if you dream that your relative is quarreling with someone, then soon you will hear unpleasant gossip about him;
  • hearing the news of the death of a sister or brother in reality foreshadows receiving good news;
  • if one of your close people is dressed in military uniform, then separation is coming;
  • the death of a relative in a dream means that he will actually live a long life.

Friends and acquaintances

If you dreamed of an acquaintance, then it is not at all necessary to open the dream book. Seeing the person you are friends with is seeing a reflection of your relationship. In most cases, such a dream foreshadows an imminent meeting. Also, friends often appear in dreams after parties and get-togethers.

Famous people

Why do you dream that someone is being beaten?

If you dream that a person is being beaten, this dream has a certain meaning. It’s worth figuring out what this dream means. So, the dream has two main meanings and several secondary ones.

They beat a young man, the same young people. This is a sign that the sleeper most likely has unresolved problems in his life (not conflicts, but problems).

This may be an unstable situation in studies, at school or college, or there may be poor relationships in the family with parents or, conversely, with children. There may be disagreements with a loved one, your best friend or your significant other.

In any dream, the fact of physical impact on a person is very important; this is an impact against the will, which means that in life something happens against the will of the person. There is a moral turning point in something.

Often such a dream occurs before important events or before making vital decisions.

In a dream, they beat an elderly person, a child, or a defenseless person.

A sign of reconciliation with life circumstances. Most likely, the sleeper simply gave up on everything. He doesn't want anything and doesn't care about anything. Often such a dream is one of the signs of incipient depression. Sometimes this may even indicate some psychological disorders.

It is also important who hits whom.

If someone who is familiar to a sleeping person is beaten, this is a sign that this person currently needs help in real life, this can be either moral support or physical or material help. The sleeper can become this support, but for some reason does not do this, perhaps due to doubts about the correctness of his action.

The subconscious “tells” the sleeping person that he needs to help this person, because the day will come and the author of the dream himself may need help.

If they beat a sleeping person they don't know.

Most likely, this is a sign that the sleeper is not fully revealing his creative potential. Perhaps a person is completely far from creativity, for example, he works as a combine operator, but at heart he is an artist, musician, or poet. Maybe it makes sense to try something new in life, something fresher and more original. Also, this dream may indicate that the sleeper is tired of the lifestyle he leads, the sleeper wants to live differently, may change his profession, and maybe his place of residence.

If someone you know hits you.

This is a sign of envy of the sleeping person towards the friend who hits. Perhaps the sleeper believes that this person takes on too much, but at the same time, he has a lot.

The subconscious mind says that you need to be bolder, and also not miss important life moments, and also say your weighty word on time. Most likely, the time has come when you need to do this. At least the subconscious of the sleeping person thinks so!

If a stranger hits you.

A fight occurs between people completely unfamiliar to the sleeping person, and the sleeping person is simply an observer; this is a sign that events are taking place in the life of this person in which it is high time to intervene. Such a dream often occurs when the sleeper’s personal life is collapsing, the sleeper begins to notice a “chill” on the part of his significant other, and this is a sign that it is time to pay more attention to what is happening in life.

If many people beat one. This is not fair in real life, and in a dream it is the injustice of circumstances towards the sleeping person, but, unfortunately, this cannot be changed in any way.

Everyone has both white and black stripes in life. You need to be able to enjoy whites and fight blacks.

They beat a stranger, and the sleeping person feels the pain on himself.

This is a sign that the sleeper periodically intercedes or “covers” some person.

Perhaps it is at work that someone shifts their responsibilities onto the shoulders of the sleeping person, or at school others “move out” at the expense of the author of the dream (he lets them write off, suggests, helps), it is better to get rid of this. It is necessary to show strength of character.


Why do you often dream about the same person?

What does your dream mean?

Esotericists are convinced that in a dream the human soul (astral body) travels through the subtle worlds and can communicate with other people and animals. There is even a whole system of knowledge aimed at realizing the world of dreams in practical application - lucid dreams.

Scientists have proven that through controlling dream events you can change your destiny. Why do you often dream about the same person? The answer to the question may lie in the plane of various interpretations, which depend on the details of the dream and the subjective experiences of the dreamer.

  • 1 General interpretation
  • 2 Dreaming of an acquaintance
  • 3 Stranger in a dream
  • 4 Tip

General interpretation

People are always present in dreams. This could be a person from the past, an acquaintance from the present, or unknown personalities. Also in dreams we are visited by deceased relatives and friends.

However, dreamers are puzzled by one question: why does the same person come to sleep over a long period of time? Sometimes an old acquaintance, whom you haven’t seen for many years, comes into your dreams with enviable persistence! Sometimes in a dream you can see a completely unfamiliar person who appears with enviable regularity. What does it mean?

If we consider a detailed interpretation of a dream, we can distinguish three main positions:

  1. dream of a familiar person;
  2. a stranger appears in a dream;
  3. the deceased comes into sleep.

The approach to interpretation has two directions: psychological and esoteric. Psychologists connect the events of dreams with images of reality, and esotericists see in them the contact of the subconscious with the subtle world.

For example, frequent vision of a person of the opposite sex can warn of an imminent change in your personal life - starting a family. Provided that the dreams were positive.

Seeing a person of the same sex can warn of the appearance of a devoted boyfriend or girlfriend in the near future.

There is also a mystical interpretation of this event. If a person of the opposite sex (familiar or unfamiliar) regularly appears in a dream, you should contact a magician/psychic for a diagnosis. The possibility of magical influence cannot be ruled out.

However, you should not take into account a dream about a person with whom you have a real connection.

If you are busy thinking about some subject during the day, the regular appearance of his image in a dream means only one thing: you are continuing the line of communication that began during the daytime.

Dreaming of an acquaintance

If the dreamer feels sympathy for this person, it means that the dream realizes dreams that were not realized in reality. In a dream, everything is possible; there are no restrictions or prohibitions. It is through sleep that you can get pleasant sensations from contact with a certain person that are not available during wakefulness. Perhaps during the day you are bothered by shyness or complexes.

If a dream is visited by a familiar person with whom there is no close connection in reality, it means that his subconscious is trying to convey something important to you. Esotericists and psychologists advise setting up a meeting with this person and talking.

If a dream is regularly visited by a person from the past, contacts with whom have been lost, then the interpretation can be twofold. Either the subconscious mind indicates unresolved problems from the past when you were in contact with this person, or you need to get rid of past memories and live a real life.

Stranger in a dream

Esotericists advise in such cases to try to get the stranger to talk. Such a dream is considered a harbinger of changes in life. It is important to pay attention to the emotional state of the stranger: is he friendly or aggressive? A benevolent person who is regularly present in dreams can also be a person’s guardian spirit.

Unpleasant dreams with a stranger in the lead role may have the following explanation. In the past, you experienced a tragedy or witnessed tragic events, this person was also a witness - but you did not pay attention to him. However, the subconscious mind remembers everything. What to do? You should seek clarification from a psychologist or psychic. It’s better to find out everything right away than to get lost in the unknown.

Repeated dreams involving the same person may have different interpretations. Trust your intuition in interpretation. The direction of dream interpretation may be as follows:

  • you constantly think about him during the day;
  • he constantly thinks about you;
  • you need to sort things out;
  • he influences you;
  • sleep realizes daytime dreams;
  • the person wants to help you;
  • he needs your help.

A mystical interpretation can be a magical effect provided (love spell, damage) or the incorporation of an astral essence. In any case, expert advice won't hurt.

Most of the dreams that pop up in our minds during rest are not just our dreams and carry some hidden meaning for the sleeper.

Unfortunately, they do not always promise us positive events, and in order to find out what message our consciousness is conveying to us, we need to take into account some of the nuances of these nightly phenomena and sometimes even the days of the week when we see them.

Often girls and women have a dream where they dream of a person they like and in the morning they wonder why they dreamed like that.

Females tend to often think about men or boys for whom they feel sympathy.

This may be the main reason why they see them in a dream, but it also happens that these dreams give an important sign and perhaps even indicate how a relationship with this person might turn out or whether it is worth starting one with him at all.

Often, girls dream of men and boys about new acquaintances or meetings, but this is not the only option.

Before you find out why the guy you like appears in a girl’s dreams, you need to remember the day you saw this dream.

This factor is of great importance and influences the interpretation of the essence of night management. Therefore, it is very important to look in the dream book for the answer to this question specifically by day of the week.

  • When the person you like dreams of from Monday to Tuesday is a sign that it is time to take action and show enthusiasm in the development of your relationship and may also indicate that your attempts will be crowned with success and you can finally be together.
  • For a dream that occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday, the dream book does not promise anything important. Dreams that occur during this period reflect only the girl’s own feeling of sympathy for a certain man.

However, if during the dream a young woman felt positive emotions, this means that in the real world she and this guy have a very vibrant and rapidly developing relationship, which most likely will remain so in the future.

If the dream was unmemorable and uninteresting, then the dream book interprets this as a reflection of uninteresting, without emotional relationships in real life, which should not be entered into if they are just emerging, since they most likely have no future.

  • To see this dream from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign of good luck in all areas of life. And if a girl has a dream where she is trying to attract the attention of a guy, this is a sign that in reality she needs to be more active in this regard, and such a vision in a dream promises success in this matter. It is likely that the man in the dream also feels sympathy for her, but does not dare to take the first step.

If a person dreams from Thursday to Friday, then this will definitely carry some meaning for the sleeper. Dreams that occur from Thursday to Friday are often prophetic and should be taken seriously.

If you dream of a guy you like from Thursday to Friday, then first you should remember what state he was in and what he was doing.

If a guy appears in a negative light and evokes negative emotions in you, then in real life you should take care of your health or the health of your loved ones.

But if you dreamed that a guy you really like kisses or hugs you, this promises good events and peace in your family.

If a guy you like proposes marriage in a dream, it means that in reality this person is ready for a serious relationship. But if he says that you need to break up, then the dream book interprets this as the possibility of quarrels, betrayals and separation in the future.

If you dreamed about a person from Friday to Saturday, this is some kind of hint for the sleeping woman, which can help in solving life’s problems, so you should listen to the advice of the dream book on this matter.

If the dream was negative, sad and gloomy, this means that you should not enter into a relationship with this man in reality, especially if the girl herself doubted it.

If in a dream a young man takes something from you or demands something, then most likely you should expect a gift.

If the guy you like dreams from Saturday to Sunday and the dream was positive, then the girl can hope for a wedding with this person in the near future and that their life together will be successful and very happy.

If you see a person you like in a dream in which he gives a gift to a girl, then in real life you should not expect the same act from him and in general this man is not the one with whom you should build a relationship. He does not love you, but only takes advantage of your kindness.

If a guy you like cheats on someone else in a dream, in reality he is not capable of this and he has real feelings for you.

Sunday is a symbol of the holiday. If during this period you dream of a man you like, then the dream book promises a life with him filled with celebration and positive impressions.

You should commit yourself to a serious relationship with such a man, since he will definitely not disappoint and will never give in to the woman he loves.

If in a dream a man appears to you with a bouquet of flowers, whom you like, but with whom you are not in a relationship, then you may have a meeting that is very close to a date.

If you dream that he is leading you somewhere holding your hand, this is a sign that you will soon become his girlfriend. When in a dream the person you like calls you by name, the dream book guarantees that he thinks about you often.

If you dreamed of a person whom the sleeping woman had not seen for a long time, this means that soon some surprise will happen in her life or she will receive interesting news.

Also, seeing in a dream a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time means the possibility of problems with older family members with whom you have not communicated for a long period of time.

What does it mean if a person often dreams of me?



in life nothing just happens


means he thinks a lot about you

Marina D.

I think about you, so I dream.


Does not mean anything! I was just thinking about you for the night.


probably love

SerG (Seryoga)

2 years ago I dreamed of a girl I barely knew, now I communicate with her very well and still meet. Maybe everything is ahead for you.

Stadnik Valentin Igorevich

I almost agree with Ek@ During sleep, the human brain processes the information received during the day. If a person often dreams about you at night, then he often thinks about you during the day.

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