If you had a bad dream at night, what should you do to prevent it from coming true?
> Signs > If you had a bad dream at night, what should you do to prevent it from coming true?
Bad dreams can come true not only because of mysticism, but also due to some psychological factors. Having seen a terrible event in a dream, a person at the subconscious level begins to think about negative circumstances. In this state, you can, without meaning to, literally attract failures into your life.
There are many ways to neutralize a bad dream. To do this, you can use conspiracies and beliefs, the history of which goes back to the distant past.
The most effective way to get rid of the bad influence of sleep is considered to be managing your own thoughts. You must try to forget about the events you saw. Don't take nightmares seriously. Such dreams are not always a warning.
In most cases, they torment a person if in real life he often thinks about problems , feels constant fatigue, or experiences excessive anxiety for himself or his loved ones.
In order to protect yourself from bad dreams, you can do the following :
- At night, you need to place a glass of holy water at the head of the bed , and in the morning pour that water into the sink or toilet.
- It is believed that bad dreams will not come true if you turn the pillowcase inside out after them .
- If you have nightmares regularly, then you should go to church and light two candles “for health” , one of them for yourself, and the other for your enemies.
- You need to tell someone about a bad dream as soon as possible , and the more people know about it, the better.
- You can tell about a bad dream using smoke (events should be retold in as much detail as possible).
- After waking up from a bad dream, you need to look at the fire or the sky .
- All bedding must be washed in the morning
- It is believed that the dream will not come true if you tell it to the stone (this must be done before lunch).
- If you dream of the death of a loved one, then the next day after the situation you see you should refuse to eat (preferably drink holy water).
- If you remember a bad dream, then after waking up you should try to imagine the opposite situation (for example, instead of a bare forest you should think about dense treetops, instead of a desert you should imagine meadows with flowers, instead of death or illness - happiness and joy).
- If in a dream you dreamed that someone close to you died or got sick, then you need to change the situation with your own thoughts. You need to imagine the person as clearly as possible as happy, joyful and healthy. You can wish him good luck, as if he were nearby. Similar actions can be done towards yourself, for example, looking in the mirror with a smile.
A conspiracy is not necessarily accompanied by complex rituals. There are short phrases that have a powerful power that is no different from prayers or spells. The main nuance is that when pronouncing certain words, you need to believe in success. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, and thoughts of bad events will not only continue to disturb the mind, but may also materialize.
Phrases that must be said without getting out of bed and without talking to anyone after waking up:
- “What I see in a dream, I will not see in reality.”
- “All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”
- “What arrived in a dream disappeared without a trace at sunset. Amen. Amen. Amen." You need to repeat the phrase 9 times.
- “What was dreamed was forgotten. And what was forgotten did not come true. Amen." You need to say the phrase when washing your face; it is better to use holy water.
- “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows. Where there is water, there comes sleep.” You need to pronounce the words with the tap water on.
- “As this salt melts, so my dream will disappear, it will not cause harm.” The phrase must be said at the moment of throwing a piece of salt into a glass of water.
- “A good dream rise again, a bad dream crack in half.”
- “My dream is out of place, go to the waterfall, go from the waterfall to hell. Amen." While pronouncing this phrase, you should place your palms on your forehead and close your eyes.
- “Whose dream comes true, but it doesn’t concern me. The Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine. Amen."
- “Samson, Samson, where night goes, sleep goes.” It is recommended to say the phrase while looking out the window.
- “Smoke, smoke, as you eat your eyes, so eat away the evil from your sleep!” The words must be spoken while burning the sheet of paper on which the dream is described.
Conspiracies for bad sleep:
- “I had a dream, from the servant of God (his name) he rolled off into the distance, into the endless distance. Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.” You can pronounce a conspiracy at any time, including at night, if bad events interrupt the dream.
- “I will put on the holy robe and stand on the domes. Just as a shadow does not drop its shadow, a hand does not eat a hand, or curse its tongue, so a bad dream passes and does not come true. Lord Jesus Christ, protect me! Amen, amen, amen." The spell must be pronounced at dawn.
- “My angel, sleep with me. I'm not afraid with you. I avoid bad dreams. Fly away in the morning and take away your restful sleep. So that it doesn’t dream, so that it doesn’t come true.” The spell must be said before going to bed if nightmares occur regularly.
- You can also read this prayer: “In the name of our Lord! To me, Saviors, to me, Baptists! Contact your soul, stand up for it! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." It must be said at sunset, while you must stand with your back to the sun and lower your head.
- “As the dark night comes and goes away with the rising of the sun, so that my bad dream goes away with it. Just as the darkness melts and subsides in the early morning, so my restless sleep disappears. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen." The conspiracy can be pronounced at any time.
Dependence on time of day
The ability of a dream to come true is influenced by the time of day in which it occurred. Certain hours are characterized by the so-called uselessness of dreams. The likelihood of repetition of events in real life is reduced to a minimum. If you had a dream at this time of day, then you should not carry out special rituals or attach significance to what you saw.
The probability that a dream will come true depending on the time of day:
- morning dreams come true most often
- events dreamed during the day have no meaning
- against bad dreams seen in the evening , you should protect yourself with rituals, conspiracies or prayers
- at night, the likelihood of seeing events that will repeat in real life increases
Dreams and days of the week
The day of the week on which the dream occurs also influences the ability of a dream to come true. When determining the time of the event seen, it is necessary to take into account that dreams occur, as a rule, on the night from one day to the next. If, for example, it is necessary to interpret events seen from Monday to Tuesday, then it will be considered that the dream took place on Monday.
Dependence of dreamed events on the day of the week:
- Monday - events will not come true
- Tuesday – most often I have prophetic dreams
- Wednesday – situations can be repeated in real life (you cannot tell anyone about the dream)
- Thursday is the second day when prophetic dreams occur
- Friday – situations in dreams can be ignored
- Saturday – the likelihood of seeing prophetic events is minimal
- Sunday – you can ignore the situations you see
You can get rid of thoughts about bad dreams with the help of a homemade amulet, which is called “Dream Catcher”. Feeling his protection, a person at the subconscious level will stop worrying about fear of nightmares. In addition, the amulet is powerful enough to make such dreams unmemorable.
To make a talisman, you need to take a willow rod, leather cord, dark feathers, silk thread and various beads for decoration.
A round frame is made from a rod, which must be braided with leather cord. The middle of the circle is crossed with a silk thread to create a web.
Feathers are suspended from the bottom of the amulet. You can choose the location for its placement at your discretion.
Source: https://hiromantia.net/primeta/esli-prisnilsya-plohoj-son-chto-delat-chtoby-on-ne-sbylsya/
A dream, like a hint from above
The attitude of the Christian religion to human dreams is worth a separate story. It is believed that a dream - good or bad - is a message sent by a higher power to a believer. To warn, instruct, suggest, ward off reckless or bad actions. Therefore, a person’s task is to comprehend the dream, resorting, if necessary, to the help of an interpreter or confessor. A prayer for bad dreams is read before bed.
At the same time, Orthodoxy, to put it mildly, does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and all kinds of witchcraft and sorcery in any form. Because in this case a person entrusts his soul to otherworldly forces. According to the canons of Christianity, man cannot interfere in God’s providence, especially without resorting to the help of mysticism. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to decide where to turn for help - to religion or esotericism, so that the bad dream does not come true.
And it is completely unacceptable, from all points of view, to say prayers mixed with conspiracies and mix witchcraft with faith in God. By the way, it is not for nothing that at all times, before telling fortunes (no matter what), it was necessary to remove the cross.
- prayers;
- blessed and baptismal water;
- crosses;
- church candles;
- icons, etc.
A spell against a bad dream and other readings designed to prevent such a dream from coming true can be combined with decoctions and dry herbs, and other natural substances, but they should never be accompanied by church paraphernalia. The Orthodox faith considers such a mixture of genres a great sin.
For example, to ward off bad dreams, a Christian can consecrate a small icon, hang it in the bedroom and pray. But it is unacceptable to go to church to consecrate an amulet, amulet, dream catcher and other esoteric paraphernalia.
Who to pray to
If you already had a nightmare, a prayer against a bad dream will help so that it does not come true. It is pronounced to the Mother of God, Saint Cyprian, Saint Justina and others. If one prayer does not help, it is recommended to go to church and light three candles: two at the icon of the Mother of God, about your health and your enemies, and the third about your health at the icon of “All Saints”.
You may have a prophetic dream for a reason and you need to be prepared for it
Young people, and even older people, during the holiday season, are not averse to telling fortunes in order to look into their future. Knowledgeable people say that by using folk rituals, spells and following all the necessary rules of fortune telling, you can really look into the future - the dream you have will come true 100%.
The dream will not necessarily be happy, so in order not to experience negative emotions, it is better not to go where you shouldn’t. In a dream, you can learn about imminent profits in finance, about marriage, that a child will soon be born, or you can also learn about troubles that are on the doorstep, about illnesses and even death.
Prophetic dreams can be ordered from the Universe using special rituals and words
Many people tend to treat prophetic dreams as a final verdict, but there is also an opinion that this is just one option out of many, and the choice is up to the person. No one gives a definite answer, so each person decides for himself whether he blindly obeys a prophetic dream or whether he will manage his life himself.
During sleep, the soul leaves the body shell and goes on a journey through the Universe, remaining connected to the body with a thin silver thread. If the soul finds itself in the other world, a person can see a prophetic dream.
According to the Old Believer healer Maria Fedorovskaya, when the soul wanders close to the body, the dream will be bodily, that is, empty - something that is currently bothering the person.
Events from a dream-vision will definitely come true. This is a dream in which Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, deceased relatives and living ones can come, with whom a person cannot see due to a long distance. And it happens that a person himself finds himself during sleep in the world of the dead.
A fortune-telling dream will certainly come true if a person makes it while going to bed, using special words and ritual.
The dream sign will literally not come true. To understand it, you will need knowledge of the language of dreams, which is filled with traditional puns and symbols.
An empty dream never comes true. It contains elements of a person’s everyday reality - what he remembers, what he worries about, and everything like that. A nightmare is the same bodily dream. It has nothing to do with what to expect from fate. There is no need to think about the bad, just drink a little water, roll over to the other side and continue to sleep.
Prophetic dreams most often occur and come true during Christmas time
Most often they talk about prophetic dreams during the Christmas season - from the Nativity of Christ until His Baptism, that is, January 7-19. At this time, the deceased, who dreamed of it, can predict what awaits the person next in his destiny.
Among all the good, interesting and positive things in Christmas fortune-telling, there are pitfalls, so to speak, and specifically the influence of evil spirits. After all, this is a period of freedom for her - Jesus has not yet been baptized, so the evil spirits are participating with all their might in the Christmastide: she will tell the truth, but what price she will take for it is the question. Therefore, whoever makes fortunes on Christmastide, it is better to go to church later and repent.
How the day of the week affects prophetic dreams
On Monday night you can make a dream, but it can turn out to be either prophetic or empty.
On Tuesday night you will only have an empty, bodily dream.
A dream you had on Wednesday night may come true.
An empty, bodily dream will also occur on Thursday night.
Within three years you can wait for the fulfillment of the events you dreamed about on Friday night. But they will definitely come true.
On Saturday night the dream will be physical.
What you dream about on Sunday night has every chance of coming true, but only before lunch.
The dream-vision will come true no matter what day you dream about it. Such a dream is always true. The presence of a repeating symbol in a dream indicates that the dream is prophetic.
In order for prophetic dreams to come true or not, you need to adhere to some rules
The dream will come true if:
In order for a dream to come true 100%, you cannot tell anyone about it for at least three days, and it is better to never talk about it to anyone at all.
A dream will not come true if you forget about it as quickly as possible, and here’s how:
- place your palm on the crown of your head and hold for a couple of minutes;
- look at a living flame, the flame of a match or lighter, look outside the window;
- knock on the window three times;
- tell everyone you have a bad dream before lunch;
- watch how the tap water flows into the sewer and say: “All my negativity and all my troubles go away with the water”;
- open the door to the street, stick your left leg over the threshold and say: “Bad dream, go away!”;
- looking at the smoke from a fire or from a cigarette, say: “Smoke, go away, and take my dream with you”;
- When you wake up, the first thing you do is say: “Come true, good dream, crack, bad dream.”
Still, one should not completely trust what is written in dream books. Indeed, in addition to the interpretation of the symbols themselves, the human factor is also important - the personality of the person who solved the symbols, his life experience and even his state of mind at the time of deciphering the dream.
It is important to remember the main thing: a prophetic dream is a warning and the embodiment of only one of the options. And then it’s up to the person to make the good come true, and to forget about the bad, like a mirage, and never remember.
Source: https://rsute.ru/562238-veshhij-son-mozhet-prisnitsya-nesprosta-ik-nemu-nuzhno-byt-gotovym.html
Controlling and preventing bad dreams
You can also learn the ability to control your own night visions. This is a great way to independently cope with the situation in a dream and turn luck in your favor. Having awakened from the fear you have experienced, you need to roll over to the other side, read the “Our Father,” close your eyes and try to resume sleep, imagining how you defeat your opponent.
Bad dreams can not only be spoken, but also prevented. To do this, you should create a special protective aura in the form of a magic circle around your sleeping place every evening. A small one-way round mirror will help in the ritual. You need to stand near the head of the bed and read the spell, turning around yourself three times clockwise and holding the mirror so that the walls of the room are reflected in it.
Is it possible to tell dreams? Let's find out!
Is it possible to tell dreams? Let's figure it out now. Since the time when humanity appeared, people, when they sleep, see different pictures and events. These phenomena are usually called dreams. People have long wondered what their visions mean. Where do they come from? Do they come true? What to expect from them? And is it possible to tell dreams?
There are many stories and stories from people that their night vision came true or, for example, that in a dream a person saw a certain sign that later helped him in a difficult situation in life. Many even see long-dead relatives and friends. Here the question arises: is this even possible? What if the signs from the dream and what happened in reality are just a coincidence? Well, first things first.
The technology of dream interpretation is not complicated, as it may seem at first glance. And before you understand it for yourself, it’s worth remembering one simple rule: to better remember your dreams, you need to change your headboard weekly.
In other words, every seven days you need to arrange the head of the bed on the side of the bed where you put your feet for the past seven days.
But is it worth telling everyone what you saw at night? If you have a person whom you trust as much as yourself, and you really want to share, then you need to tell the dream immediately! And it doesn't matter whether he was good or bad.
As the sorcerers say in such cases, if the dream is good, and you told it to a loved one, then the likelihood that it will come true increases several times. And vice versa, if the vision is bad, and the person told it to his loved one, then the likelihood that it will come true becomes much less.
They say that dreams seen from Sunday to Monday come true. It is unknown where such rumors came from. Professionals in this field insist that these dreams mean nothing.
They are empty and do not lead to any underlying reason.
But those who are actively involved in the science of night visions seriously say that when they hear from people that dreams come true from Sunday to Monday, they mistake them for naive fools who believe rumors.
In fact, dreams that a person sees from Friday to Saturday have a high probability of becoming reality. At least that's what the professionals say.
Prophetic dreams
Visions repeated two or three times are very significant. Often they are equated to prophetic dreams. That is, those that are more likely to come true.
Most dreams come true between the next day and nine months. Dreams that occur during lunar eclipses are prophetic.
And those that you or someone else saw from three o’clock in the morning until dawn will come true almost with lightning speed.
Should I tell the dream or remain silent about the night vision?
People sometimes have beautiful, romantic dreams at night, and sometimes they have scary and bad dreams.
And here the question arises: what kind of dreams can be told? As experts in this field say, visions that you liked or, on the contrary, did not like, if, for example, they carried something bad or creepy, you can tell them, but, again, only to close people mentioned above. So is it possible to tell dreams with bad content?
Answer: definitely not! Neither bad visions at night nor those that visit you during the day should be trusted, especially not to very close people. As a rule, such visions do not come true.
Tell me before lunch
There is a belief that if a person wants his vision to come true, then this will definitely happen if he tells the dream before lunch. This theory is also confirmed by witches.
But there is another belief that says that if you want what you see to come true, be silent! One contradicts the other. So what should we believe? Who can really answer the question, is it possible to tell dreams?
Dreams about friends
Here's what to do if you only dream about something bad for a long time and not at all about a loved one, but simply, for example, about an acquaintance who should definitely find out about him, since his future fate may depend on this ?! Of course, if you definitely feel that the dream needs to be told to someone, then it is better to do so.
Especially if it concerns friends or relatives. After all, often in dreams people see events and moments that are about to happen. And there are a huge number of cases where dreams literally saved people’s lives. Indeed, during night wanderings you can see so-called hints, warnings for the future.
By heeding these signs, people often avoided trouble.
The opinion of sorcerers
Professional witches say that not all dreams come true equally. But there is a certain degree of probability according to which the following can be stated: the fulfillment of visions is calculated. But only by the day of the month when you saw the dream. This count is usually started from the new moon.
What psychologists say
Dreams worry people because... Things happen in dreams that may not happen in real life. The meaning and understanding of this phenomenon has changed as science has developed. Therefore, the topic should be considered from a psychological aspect, what to do to prevent a bad dream from coming true.
A nightmare can occur for a variety of reasons, both against the background of difficult experiences, and because a person ate heavily at night. The psycho-emotional sphere is the domain of psychologists. From a psychological point of view, an effective way to forget about fear is to tell it.
Therefore, it is best to go to a psychoanalyst, who will listen carefully and explain why this could be a dream. A specialist will help you cope with your depressed mood after a nightmare.
Any system that is closed on itself is doomed to self-destruction, this also applies to the human psyche. For impressionable and suspicious people, their own bad dreams are an excellent breeding ground for the rapid growth of all sorts of fears. Therefore, negativity needs to be poured out to avoid accumulation. If this is not done, then a nervous breakdown or severe depression becomes a matter of time. Self-hypnosis will lead to an increased likelihood of making a mistake - and then what you saw in a nightmare may come true.
From the point of view of psychologists, it is possible and necessary to tell bad dreams. The main condition is that you need to talk about such subtle matters only with someone who:
- close enough;
- I agree to listen.
“If only a good person was caught” is precisely about this situation.
Answers from experts
If you want a dream to come true, tell it before lunch; a bad dream is told after lunch; dreams from Thursday to Friday are better not told at all.
Bad dreams need to be told. No matter what comes true!
Can! Do nothing! Good luck! May the Force be with you! Elleanelle
it is advisable to forget it immediately...
While taking a shower, tell me about your bad dream, the water will wash it away. Don't tell anyone until lunch.
Why worry your loved ones about your bad sleep?
when you wake up, look out the window and say: where is the night, there is sleep - 3 times
It doesn’t matter, it will come true anyway...
Tell him and get advice, he’ll feel good right away. And I don’t think that after you tell him, the joke will come true!
But our grandmothers, having had a bad dream at night, got up in the morning, looked out the window and said 3 times! Where the night goes there and sleep, and then they crossed themselves.
When you wake up in the morning, put your hand on your head, tell me where the night goes and sleep. It’s better not to tell whether it’s good or bad. Especially bad.
if the dream is bad, then it is better to tell it on the water. water absorbs information like no other and takes it with it. will take away all the bad things, and everything will be fine with you, and if the dream promises good things, then wait) ) maybe everything will happen
Yes. I did it a hundred times and nothing happened.
It is advisable not to tell any dream. and if you really want to share, then it’s better to wash and eat first. and Saturday on wax is better not to tell at all.
There is a popular wisdom - a dream will tell the truth, but not to everyone. Same with stories!
Before sunrise, you cannot tell your family a bad dream, otherwise it will definitely come true.
For a dream to come true, it must be told. Before lunch or after it doesn't matter. But you can’t tell a dream for Sunday. Dreams on Friday are usually considered prophetic, but in life it makes absolutely no difference what day the dream was on. Usually prophetic dreams are dreams in the morning. Dreams during the day have no meaning.
On the contrary, it is not necessary!!!
There is no need to tell the dream. But usually prophetic dreams occur from Thursday to Friday.
eto vsö 4usch pridumanaja.
If you don't want to forget your dream, don't look out the window as soon as you wake up. When we wake up, we automatically look out the window without even noticing it. And the dream is forgotten. Many dreams begin to come true when we forget about them. And the likelihood that the dream will come true is even greater if you had it from Thursday to Friday.
Probability of dream fulfillment by day of month
The first dreams on this day come true and portend good things. 2nd are empty and meaningless. 3rd quickly executable. The 4th will not come true soon. 5th dreams of good meaning. The 6th will come true, but not soon. The 7th are lucky, but you shouldn’t tell anyone about them. 8th dreams lead to the fulfillment of desires. The 9th are coming true and will soon promise success.
The 10th comes true, but leads to trouble. The 11th comes true within 11 days and leads to joy. The 12th is fulfilled quickly and favorably. The 13th leads to trouble. 14th dreams are bad. The 15th will come true soon and very favorably. The 16th does not come true and has no meaning. The 17th promises success and is fulfilled within twenty days.
The 18th leads to profit and new things. 19th to family troubles. The 20s are coming soon. The 21st comes true within 11 days and leads to joy. 22nd dreams warn of troubles. The 23rd is coming true soon. The 24th are joyful and will soon be fulfilled. 25th dreams of lies and deception. 26th dreams of pleasure and fun. The 27s are meaningless, colorless and have no meaning.
Church water from nightmares
When nightmares torment you, place a container of church water at your head of bed all night. This is a reliable protection against bad dreams, and water has the ability to absorb information, in this case it will absorb some of the negative energy. Don’t forget to throw out the “negative” water in the morning and prepare fresh water at night.
If you are familiar with dream management, then it will be easy for you to deal with a nightmare. When you understand that what frightened you is dangerous, try to change the course of events, remove the frightening appearance of a person or animal, change it.
For example, you dreamed of a dirty tar-colored cat, when you realized that this was a big problem, you shouldn’t be scared, as if the director would make “amendments” to this script. Try to make friends if the cat is angry and scratches. Then feed him, bathe him in white paint, let him, after bathing, become light with a white chest.
Correcting dreams of bad dreams
Sometimes you can correct your dreams. You should start training any night. For example, if you dreamed of a black cat, try to imagine that you are holding a can of white paint and a brush. Imagine that you are repainting a furry animal white. The problems should pass.
If in a dream you seem to have fallen from a great height into an abyss, then imagine that two large wings have opened behind your back. With this development of events, in real life you will have the opportunity to circumvent any troubles and find an original solution to the problem. In frightening dreams, try to destroy all unpleasant moments and images - tear them to shreds, burn, bury or explode, change everything negative to positive.
In former times, people tried not to tell anyone the content of their dreams, fearing the evil eye and the ill will of others. And at present, this fear is inherent in many people who are interested in the question of who can tell their dream and whether it should be done at all.
Visions on Monday night
There are rumors that dreams that a person saw on Monday night tend to come true. It is unclear what the source of such rumors is. Experts in this field argue that such visions do not carry any meaning. They are called empty, not leading to any consequences. People who are seriously engaged in studying the science of dream interpretation consider those who believe such a feature of dreams from Sunday night to Monday to be short-sighted.