Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Exchange on Chinese ancient books:

Making an exchange with someone - portends illness.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Exchange:

Possible changes in judgment, behavior, projection/introjection. Equivalent exchange. Equivalence of projection and identification. I give more than I receive. Latent anxiety in connection with the expressed pacifying properties of giving. I give less than I receive. The pressure of a dominant personality. Refusal to exchange. Castration experiences. Exchange of a man for a woman. The transition from homosexuality to heterosexuality. Exchange shoes or trousers. The emphasis is on the instinctive sphere and sexuality, as reported by the dream book - predictor.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams O. Adaskina O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Exchange according to the dream book?

Exchange something (household items, some objects, books, etc.) - expand your circle of friends and work colleagues, make new acquaintances with exceptionally well-meaning people.

Why do you dream about moving to another apartment or a new house?

When interpreting a dream with a change of residence, it is necessary to consider not only the house itself, but also the details that accompany this move.

  • To see not only moving into an old, solid house, but also the procedure for purchasing it, means that fate is not preparing serious tests for the near future. An old strong house is a symbol of prosperity.
  • A dilapidated house from the outside indicates problems with physical health.
  • A house that is strong on the outside, but falling apart from the inside, shows problems with moral principles and mental health. These do not necessarily have to be clinical cases; it is possible that a nervous breakdown, an attack of apathy, a surge of unreasonable aggression caused by constant stress is approaching.
  • If the house is dilapidated inside and out, this vision warns against unreasonable spending, which will lead to financial difficulties, ruin, and poverty. It is possible that this dream warns of an impending illness that will affect the state of the nervous system.
  • People often dream of dilapidated housing, which reflects real problems with the apartment, the lack of their own housing or its disrepair. Moral fatigue from real problems is mirrored in a dream.
  • A hasty, fussy move is not a good sign. After such a dream, you should carefully analyze your social circle. Perhaps there is an intriguer or an envious person next to you.
  • Moving into an inherited house is a warning symbol, preparing for a decline in real life, for stagnation in business. Such a dream is a harbinger of financial instability.

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When interpreting a dream with a change of residence, it is necessary to consider not only the house itself, but also the details that accompany this move.

In addition to material problems, one dreams of moving to the house of a deceased grandmother. It is best to remember the words spoken when meeting your grandmother in your dream. Perhaps they contain a specific warning, instruction, hint.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Exchange according to the dream book:

A dream in which you exchange stamps, badges, etc. with someone - in reality, the acquisition will turn into a loss. Exchange currency for money or vice versa - you will find yourself in an absurd situation and will look funny. If in a dream you exchange your apartment for a better one, this promises a win or a valuable find; if the worst happens, in real life you will catch your chosen one being unfaithful and break up with him. Exchanging a low-quality product, returning it to the store and receiving a normal item is a sign of dissimilarity of interests with business partners. Exchanging greetings, handshakes, smiles, etc. in a dream - soon your circle of friends will expand due to new unexpected acquaintances.

Why do you dream about Exchange?

Family Dream Book

An exchange of any kind in a dream promises a successful completion of affairs. If a girl dreams that she has decided to replace her chosen one with his close friend, most likely in reality he is unworthy of her love, and she should give her heart to someone else. To dream that you are exchanging currency for rubles at an exchange office means that you will have to suffer heavy losses.

Being the initiator of an exchange in a dream is a sign that you will be overcome by a thirst for adventure and entertainment, which you will quench at the cost of small losses. Exchanging an apartment is a warning that you are putting too much at stake, leaving yourself no escape route, which could end disastrously not only for you, but also for your family.

If you are unhappy with the exchange and would like to return your item, you will be disappointed in one of your friends. Such a dream can warn a girl against reckless trust in a stranger. Not agreeing to exchange something dear to you means an upcoming test that you will not be able to withstand due to timidity.

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Modern Dream Interpretation

If you exchanged something with someone in a dream, this foreshadows you having a good chance of successfully completing things. You dream of exchanging housing as a warning that you are risking too much and are cutting off your own escape route. This can end sadly not only for you personally, but also for your loved ones.

A successful, profitable exchange symbolizes a successful acquisition or a major gift. A girl who sees such a dream will be ready to sacrifice everything in order for someone to love her. If you dream that you, indignant at an unfair exchange, want to invalidate the transaction and take back your item, then you will be disappointed in one of your friends.

Loff's Dream Book

If in a dream you change something, make an exchange, then in reality you also have to change something in life, including your own judgments and point of view. Exchanging apartments in a dream may indicate a change in the team, the environment in which you find yourself for a considerable part of your life (for example, some kind of community of interests). It may also portend separation from the person with whom you live at this time in your life.

If you changed your place of work in a dream, there will be big disagreements with colleagues, but a promotion may also happen. The meaning of sleep can be largely predicted by your mood after waking up and by whether you changed better conditions for worse or vice versa.

If you exchanged some objects - expand your range of interests. But if you exchanged collectibles, for example, coins, stamps, etc., then the expected profit from something may turn into annoying losses in reality.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A dream in which you exchange stamps, badges, etc. with someone - in reality, the acquisition will turn into a loss. Exchange currency for money or vice versa - you will find yourself in an absurd situation and will look funny. If in a dream you exchange your apartment for a better one, this promises a win or a valuable find;

if the worst happens, in real life you will catch your chosen one being unfaithful and break up with him. Exchanging a low-quality product, returning it to the store and receiving a normal item is a sign of dissimilarity of interests with business partners. Exchanging greetings, handshakes, smiles, etc. in a dream - soon your circle of friends will expand due to new unexpected acquaintances.

Freud's Dream Book

An exchange that appears in a dream to married people foreshadows quarrels, everyday troubles and disagreements, and a lack of mutual understanding. No one is perfect and you shouldn’t demand your significant other to live up to standards. If an unmarried girl dreams of an exchange, she will soon choose among her gentlemen.

She will make the wrong choice only because she buys into a beautiful wrapper. It's worth considering all your options carefully before making a decision. If you dream that you are bargaining at the market or want to change a product, but a quarrel occurs, perhaps a fight - family relationships have reached a dead end, but both partners value them. There is passion between them.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Exchange - probable changes in judgments, behavior, projection/introjection. Equivalent exchange - equivalence of projection and identification. I give more than I receive - hidden anxiety in connection with the expressed pacifying properties of giving. I give less than I receive—the pressure of a dominant personality. Refusal to exchange is a castration experience.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If you made a profitable exchange in a dream, then in real life this promises you a successful acquisition or a worthy gift. A girl who sees such a dream will be ready to sacrifice everything in order to be loved. If in a dream you are outraged by an unfair exchange and would like to exchange your item back, then you will be disappointed in one of your friends. Such a dream can warn a girl about reckless trust in a stranger.

Great modern dream book

What does Exchange mean according to the dream book:

Exchange - You see some kind of exchange in a dream - the dream portends you the successful development of affairs; Some profitable business operation will bring you tangible income. In a dream, you seem to be making an exchange - in order to satisfy the desire for entertainment that you have, you will have to make some sacrifices; but this is not a reason for frustration; A very common truth: you have to pay for pleasure. You have made an exchange and are very pleased with it - a pleasant gift awaits you; the purchase will be successful. You seem unhappy with the exchange - one of your new acquaintances will disappoint you. You are exchanging an apartment - the dream calls on you: if you have decided to go all-in, then at least do not burn all the bridges behind you; you're risking too much. A young woman dreams that she is exchanging her lover for another - this woman is actually choosing a life partner for too long; and she is too picky - she has every chance of making a mistake and ending up with the chosen one who is not the best.

Modern dream book


Exchange - Previously, it was believed that almost any dream in which an exchange or replacement appears predicts good luck in business. However, in reality this is not always the case.

If, for example, a young girl in a dream decided to change her lover for his friend, then in reality it would not hurt her to analyze her affairs of the heart. It is quite possible that another young man will be a more suitable match for her.

If in a dream you want to exchange your apartment, this means that in reality you will be deceived by the person to whom you trust all your secrets.

If a married woman dreams that she is exchanging an apartment with her husband, then agreement and harmony will reign in her house in the near future. Changing currency for rubles at an exchange office in a dream means you will have to suffer heavy losses.

A dream in which you are trying to exchange a torn banknote at a bank means that you will fail in an important matter for which you risked your well-being and a large sum of money.

Why do you dream about an apartment - interpretation of the dream according to dream books

Have you ever seen a new apartment or house in a dream? Does this always mean acquiring the desired home in reality? What can the dream book tell about this? What could a new apartment, moving, renovation in a dream mean? We'll talk about this in our article.

See new housing

If in your night vision you observe a bright and spacious apartment, then this indicates that success and happiness await you in the near future. It’s especially good when you feel the joy that all this “beauty” is completely at your disposal.

The opposite interpretation is given to a dream in which you look at a small, dark and gloomy apartment. A very bad sign is a feeling of lack of air (the room seems to be pressing on you). This can only mean serious health problems.

What else will the dream book tell you? A new apartment can also mean the state of your aura and energy. Is the room bright and spacious? So there is nothing to worry about. What if the apartment looks gloomy and depressing? This indicates danger awaiting you.

An equally bad sign is to watch how in a dream you let someone into your apartment. This can only mean the intrusion of someone or something into your energy field. If you feel disgust or hatred towards uninvited guests, then this is also a very bad sign. Try not to let these creatures in, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided.

What manipulations with housing can be noted in the dream book? A new apartment that you purchased fraudulently (stolen or kicked out of the real residents) means that an unsuccessful acquisition awaits you in the near future. Be careful and use the help of only trusted people.

If in a dream you buy a luxury apartment, then know: your dreams and desires are not destined to come true. The reason for this is that you don’t know how to pay attention to details. It may also mean your inaction in relation to a particular situation.

If in your dream you dreamed that after purchasing a new apartment it was immediately taken away, then you should not hope for a profitable purchase. In this situation, they may deceive you.

What else can the dream book tell us? A new house or apartment that the dreamer is trying to rent out immediately means that he has a lot of problems that he cannot solve on his own. In this case, you should resort to the help of close people and relatives. You should also not refuse the services of the relevant companies.

What if you suddenly wanted to exchange your newly acquired apartment for another? This means that you promised your significant other a lot. Unfortunately, this is not destined to come true. Because in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will unexpectedly truly fall in love.

This same dream can be interpreted in another way. Changing a new apartment for another means getting a big profit or inheritance.

If in your dream you moved out of your new apartment and rented another one, then this means an imminent wedding.

How else can such a vision be interpreted by a dream book? A new apartment, which is already furnished with beautiful and expensive furniture, with an office and a large library, means your desire to improve your life.

If in night vision you observe how the purchase of an apartment is being carried out, then in the near future you will have a successful investment of money in a profitable business.

Are you watching how the sale of an apartment is processed? Expect to receive a large sum of money.

What if you inherited an apartment? A wedding awaits you.


If your new apartment is on high floors, then this means that you are constantly striving to go up. Is your home located on low floors? This suggests that you are satisfied with everything in life.

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If you have purchased a new home far from the city, this means that you are tired of the hustle and bustle and routine of the city.

Is your house or apartment located in the very center of the city, where there are a huge number of people and cars? This suggests that your life is like a theater. Everyone strives to give you advice or recommendations. You should be a little firmer.

What does it mean to move to a new apartment? The dream book interprets this vision as changes for the better.

If you have a lot of different things with you when moving, then unexpected luck will soon await you.

Have you moved into a small, dark, shabby apartment? Your goals and plans will never be realized. The dream in which you moved into a beautiful and spacious apartment should be interpreted in reverse.

If in a dream you move to a two-room apartment, this means that you cannot decide on the choice of your soulmate.

Repairs and furnishings

What can a dream book tell you about such a vision? Why do you dream about a new apartment? If, after moving into such a home, you began to furnish it with furniture, then in the near future you will experience disagreements in the family.

If you are renovating a new apartment, this means that you will need a lot of effort and time to improve your life and relationships. Also, such a dream can mean unexpected and not always pleasant events.

Are you watching hired workers renovate your new home? This means that someone will play a fateful role in your life.

How else can this dream be interpreted by the dream book? A new apartment, the renovation of which was carried out by your relatives or friends in a dream, means that they will make a lot of efforts to improve your life.

Do you watch yourself carry out renovations in someone's apartment? This means that a close friend will be in great need of your services.

Someone else's apartment

If your new apartment turns out to be the home of your acquaintance or friend, this means that important changes will soon occur that will be associated specifically with your friend or acquaintance. Whether they are good or bad depends on the condition of the apartment.

Have you exchanged your new home for someone else's apartment? This means that your chosen one is cheating (or will cheat on you in the near future) with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

If you have moved to a new home and are standing on the threshold, waiting for the previous owner to come out to you and give you permission to enter, then this means that you will soon experience humiliation.

A dream in which you find yourself in the master bedroom is interpreted differently. This means jealousy on the part of the spouse.

What can the dream book tell about the actions in the new home? A new large apartment in which you saw an animal that suddenly turned into a human means an attempt by a loved one to greatly harm you.

Did you see someone being arrested in the apartment? Expect pleasant surprises and surprises.

If in your night vision you could not leave the apartment, then the next joyful event will be overshadowed by bad news.

Are you inviting a tenant to your new home? This means that you are not the only one on your spouse’s list.

If you observe smoke appearing in your apartment, this indicates false fears and worries.

Cleaning the apartment means getting things done.

What else can the dream book tell us? Why do you dream about a new apartment? Seeing a mess in a newly purchased home means putting your affairs in order.

If in a dream a girl moved into an old, dilapidated apartment, then she will soon receive a lucrative offer.

In a dream, did a girl see how she was kicked out of her apartment? This means an unexpected expensive gift.

If a girl saw herself in someone else’s apartment, then she will soon get married.

From this article you can find out why you dream about an Apartment from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

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Why do you dream about an Apartment in a dream?

Another apartment - to see yourself in a good, beautifully furnished apartment - to good news, profit, prosperity.

Another apartment in which you feel uncomfortable, out of place - soon you will change your occupation.

Moving to another apartment is a big change for the good.

Why dream of moving to another apartment - you are so ready for new changes that you can decisively break with everything that connects you with the past.

Someone else's apartment, which is well furnished - you will communicate with interesting people, these conversations will become useful to you.

someone else’s apartment, in which you are uncomfortable, it is dark - you want to change your place of work, without knowing it.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about an Apartment in dreams?

Filming is a new activity; pay rent - separation from a friend; receiving rent is a return to the forgotten.

If you dream about an Apartment, what does it symbolize:

  • Apartment - This is a physical body; subtle bodies are located in the physical body.
  • A house, an apartment - always indicate that what is happening in your subtle body (in energy, aura.).
  • Always remember what floor, the floor is the level, the apartment is your energy body. (any hints about the floor. It can also just be a feeling or knowledge that you are on a certain floor.) Floor - which subtle body is involved. Levels in dreams are represented as floors. 1st is the mind, 2 is the mind, 3 is the soul, 4 is the spirit.
  • Running around rooms means moving your consciousness throughout the physical body (for example, along energy channels - nadis).
  • Letting something into your apartment means letting something foreign into your energy field. Or something is trying to do this in everyday life. This is bad if you don’t like it, if creatures in dark clothes make you dislike in your dreams. Don't let in.
  • A three-story house is the third level – i.e. The world of people, this is the interpretation of Apartment according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Dream Interpretation: Apartment - interpretation of the author

Apartment - Too luxurious - poverty; repair - moving; to receive - marriage, marriage. Renting or renting is a love affair. Moving to a new one means a change of plans, a new period of life; death. See Add. Room in the river Spaces.

Apartment – ​​Living space. New new horizons in life. Re-learn new possibilities for applying your strength. Repair the old one and find new forms for activities on the old territory, which will be associated with the re-registration of documents. The larger the apartment, the more spacious the wider the living space, the more cramped and cluttered the narrower it is.

Miller's Dream Book

Interpreter of dreams by healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Exchange of living space - To the loss of a place in the service.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Exchange living space - For departure.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Exchange - Changes in life or thoughts.

Psychological dream book

A dream in which you make some kind of exchange promises profit from profitable deals. For a young woman, a dream in which she exchanges admirers with her friend hints that her current fiancé is not a match for her. A dream in which you dream of exchanging an apartment warns against committing rash acts, the consequences of which could be sad not only for you, but also for all members of your family. Making a profitable exchange means profit in reality. An unfavorable dream is one in which you regret the complete exchange and want to return everything to normal. Such a dream warns a young girl against being too trusting of men.

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