Dream interpretation of flower petals, why they dream

Why do you dream of a petal?

Summer dream book

Picking off chamomile petals in a dream, wondering “loves or doesn’t love” - everyone around you, except you, has long known that he doesn’t love.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how petals are falling off flowers standing on your table - signifies the end of love.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you pick the petals from a chamomile, wondering whether “loves you or not”, a day will come soon that will be filled to the brim with happy events and meetings, the memories of which will leave an indelible mark on your memory.

Five or more petals on a lilac flower, seen in a dream, portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings.

Rose petals in a dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation.

In general, wilted flowers dropping their petals are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Big dream book

Petals - If in a dream you pick petals from a chamomile, wondering “loves or doesn’t love,” then a day will come soon that will be filled to the brim with happy events and meetings, the memories of which will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Five or more petals on a lilac flower, seen in a dream, portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings. Rose petals in a dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. In general, withered flowers dropping their petals are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Seeing white and red rose petals in the bathroom is a good sign. The difference between white petals in a dream and red ones is significant. According to the interpretation of dream books, the former speak of a stable and long-term relationship, ready to develop into a strong union, the latter - of an all-consuming short-term passion. Showering yourself with pink rose petals means indecisiveness of the chosen one. Why you dream of fallen rose petals is already clear - circumstances beyond your control will play a cruel joke on you. Dream books warn that in real life you are playing with the destinies of your loved ones. The time has come to think about your actions so as not to be left alone for a long time, especially if you dreamed of a whole field strewn with rose petals...

Why do you dream of a petal?

Home dream book

Why do you dream of a petal?

American dream book

Falling flower petals symbolize sadness. When the petals are torn off, they usually say: “He loves, he doesn’t love... he will press it to the heart...”

Why do you dream of a petal?

Dream book for a bitch

Petals on the trees - you will occupy a high position in the service, but this will not bring you satisfaction.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A flower petal you saw in a dream means that very soon you may find yourself in an awkward position and you will have to hide the true state of affairs from your loved ones. It is impossible to say how long this will drag on; it is not about you, but about circumstances that are beyond your control.

If in a dream you tore off a flower petal, it means that you need to analyze how you feel about one of your friends. You risk abandoning the person who was sent to you by Fate itself. In order not to make a truly fatal mistake, you need to pacify your pride and not get irritated for any reason, especially since these reasons are often trivial and insignificant.

A lot of petals that have fallen from a withered flower indicate that a little more and you may end up with nothing. Perhaps the reason for this outcome lies in the fact that you constantly demand something more, without stopping there. On the one hand, such behavior can be welcomed, but on the other hand, it turns out that what you have is never enough for you.

Why do you dream of a petal?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

When the petals are torn off, they usually say: “He loves, he doesn’t love... he will press it to the heart...”

Why do you dream of a petal?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

The falling petals of a flower symbolize sadness.

Dream interpretation rose petals

Thinking about what rose petals mean in dreams, romantic thoughts immediately appear in your head, but what are they hiding from the unaware dreamer?

We must start with the fact that the dreamed symbol is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It hides a lot of interesting and sometimes surprising information, and therefore it is better not to waste time, but to start decoding right away.

How to find the reason?

As the dream book says, rose petals are a dual sign:

Finding out the true reason for the appearance of delicate petals in a night dream is simply necessary for those people who have decided to start a serious relationship. You saw yourself picking off red petals - not a very good sign.

In Gustav Miller's dream interpreter you can find information regarding the symbol you saw. He believes that in reality the feelings have long faded away, but you persistently continue to believe in a better outcome. Seeing rose petals on the floor means scenes of jealousy that can be expected in the foreseeable future.

Who dreamed of the image?

Anyone can dream of bright flower petals and, according to dream books, whoever saw them will be of great importance in the deciphering process.

Fair sex

Seeing red flowers in a dream

It is known that the fair sex prefer roses. If a young girl dreamed of bright petals, then in her life she should meet an interesting and attractive person. It may be possible to start a serious relationship, but only if the temperaments are completely compatible. The family dream book says that an interesting acquaintance will result in marriage, but you should not rush things ahead of time.

A woman who sees red rose petals in a dream should mentally prepare herself for the fact that envious people and intriguers will appear on her path. They will deliberately go to the extent of destroying someone else's happiness, but they cannot be given a single chance. If you believe the family dream book, the woman will expect normalization of family relationships.

Roses appeared in a pregnant woman's night dream - to receive a declaration of love and an unexpected but pleasant surprise. The Wanderer's interpreter focuses on the fact that motherhood will have a beneficial effect on the development of personality, bringing pleasant chores and family happiness.

However, pregnancy must be carefully planned so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

The meaning of a flower dream for a pregnant woman

Stronger sex

If representatives of the stronger sex dream of rose petals, then it’s time to take a closer look at their own surroundings. There is a beautiful girl in it, ready to share the future and give happiness.

For family men, staying in the kingdom of Morpheus with bright petals will not be so comfortable, since it predicts the beginning of radical changes. According to dream books, one stage of life ends in the dreamer’s life and another begins. Of course, such changes will disrupt the usual rhythm, but many interesting and exciting events will appear very soon.

What colors?

Many dream books most often describe petals of bright flowers, but to get a more accurate forecast you will have to consider all available options.

If you dreamed not of the whole rose, but of some part, then events must happen in life that can leave an indelible mark. I dreamed of a multi-colored combination of petals - to happy events.


Red colors predominated in the dream

If your dreams are filled with reddish petals, then it is advisable to talk about the symbol of the earth - “yin”, which hides not only blood and flesh, but also sadness, demonstrating the finitude of human existence. Listening to dream books, remember the emotions you experienced:

  • unpleasant - to various diseases and nervous breakdowns;
  • positive - to the intensity of passions, which can lead to both positive and negative changes.

Seeing a bright red petal means self-sacrifice. Dream interpreters believe that you will have to give up something for the sake of a global goal. It is also worth adding that the condition of the cardiovascular system is at risk, so do not forget to regularly visit your doctor.


If the flower bud turns out to be white, then it is easy to guess that it personifies heavenly energy - “yang”. According to most dream books, such a symbol organically combines the joy and immortality of the human soul.

To receive white petals as a gift means you will have to make some sacrifices in order to receive light heavenly energy. However, you should not decipher this image literally, since much will also depend on emotions:

Dreams in white

  • solemn - to commit a responsible and difficult act;
  • negative - you are not always able to understand another person, and serious conflicts arise on this basis.


It is believed that this color does not appear in night dreams just like that.

Pink petals scattered around the apartment indicate an imminent meeting with your soulmate. Of course, it is not always possible to open up to a new person, but it is better to overcome yourself on the path to happiness.


Seeing such petals, you can suspect your loved one of cheating, but it is better not to draw premature conclusions. Perhaps your significant other decided to take care of himself and took the righteous path without informing him about it. Any changes can throw you out of your usual rut, but they must be treated with understanding and patience.


Dreaming of black buds

If we are talking about black buds, then the dreamer is unlikely to imagine favorable changes.

In fact, such a symbol hides minor losses that will not darken the mood. The main thing is to learn to respect problems, perceiving them as lessons.

Regardless of whether the petals were pink or white, always maintain an optimistic outlook on life, and then fate will generously reward you.

In which condition?

The bathroom floor was covered with red and white roses, an auspicious sign. It doesn't even matter what happened next. However, you will have to recall the state of the flowers in your memory.


Dreaming of an abundance of fresh pink and red petals means the beginning of a new stage of a relationship, which will be marked by a happy marriage or the birth of a child. Blooming flower buds symbolize the beginning of a great and bright love that will make many people rejoice for you.

I dreamed about withered buds


Why do you dream of withered buds? Such a dream is not so difficult to explain: constant disagreements will sooner or later lead to a break in relations. If a connection with a person is really important to you, then try to abandon meaningless principles and start all over from scratch.


Seeing fallen petals in a night dream is a sign of unfavorable circumstances that are unlikely to be prevented. Dream interpreters warn that constant flirting with one’s own destiny will lead to unpredictable events.

It's time to come to your senses and analyze your behavior, which has recently been far from ideal.

Otherwise, you risk becoming lonely, especially when you dreamed of a red meadow strewn with flower petals.

Drawing conclusions

When it comes to light colors, dream interpreters immediately talk about the beginning of a long and stable relationship. However, one cannot rely only on chance, since it will take many years to build a strong union.

Speaking of dark petals, passionate but short-lived fantasies immediately appear in the imagination. Showering yourself with flower petals means the appearance of an indecisive chosen one, so think in advance whether this format of relationship is suitable for you.

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    petals seen in
    a dream can indicate imminent separation, parting with a loved one, cooling of feelings, if they were withered or dried out.
    a woman

    rose petals in a dream
    , then soon in life he will propose marriage and confess his love.
    I dreamed of
    petals - to great love, Passion; to strengthen relationships with your lover; to lies. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed of
    a Petal
    , but the desired interpretation
    of the dream is to dream of a Petal in a dream in a dream
    we saw this symbol. I
    that there were a lot of


    petals there , what does this mean? Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed

    Rose petals , why
    do I dream about Rose
    petals in a dream .”
    I dreamed of
    a vase in which I put pink
    petals , beautiful, apparently recently picked, and as soon as I put them in the vase they rotted, as a result, the vase ended up with a brown, rotting mass... And on one of the
    there was a large worm.
    which I threw aside along with the petal
    . Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why do you dream about
    rose petals in a dream
    , which were once bright, very beautiful and exquisite flowers, turn into a rather dull sight when they lose
    their petals
    If this flower itself represents love and passion, then the fallen petals
    represent their loss.
    However, such a dream
    can also be considered a certain warning, especially when you
    that you yourself tear off
    the petals
    a rose
    and throw them away. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Five or more petals

    On a lilac flower, seen
    in a dream
    , portends great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings.
    Rose petals in a dream petals
    - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. If you
    An unopened bud of
    a rose
    - to childlessness,
    a rose
    with fallen
    - to early old age. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Red Rose

    according to the dream book.
    Red roses
    in our minds are firmly associated with ardent feelings and passion.
    When they are seen in a dream
    , the soul trembles in anticipation of changes: what can they
    if not for new love experiences?
    And what do dream books say about this? The color of rose
    petals , according to Vanga’s dream book, is of great importance for interpretation - a symbol of innocence and devoted love.
    Reds are the embodiment of fiery, fatal feelings. If you dreamed of
    pink and red
    , this is a sign that the emerging romantic...Read more

    Dream book "magickum"

    Blooming roses
    in a dream
    mean quick pleasant events, receiving good news, and in special cases are an indication of future fateful events.
    Beautiful red roses dream
    of joy, happiness in love, pleasure. I
    today that he gave me a bouquet of red
    . Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Did you dream about
    a Petal
    , but the necessary interpretation
    of the dream
    is not in the dream book?
    Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Petal in a dream
    , just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if
    in a dream
    Try it! I dreamed
    that my daughter, who is 4 years old, is getting married and a car with
    petals arrives and she comes up and says that she knocked out her knee, which is all green and she is not getting married Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    If in
    a dream
    you smell the scent
    of roses
    , unclouded joy awaits you.
    If you see in a dream
    on which sunlight does not fall and on whose
    there are no drops
    of dew
    , a serious illness may overtake you.
    If a girl sees
    of roses
    in a dream or
    that she is cutting
    and making bouquets from them, she will be very happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a wonderful person. Read more

    Dream book "lovushka-snov"

    Picking roses
    in a dream
    - such
    a dream
    foreshadows an imminent marriage.
    Caressing your face rose petals in a dream
    - such
    a dream
    foreshadows a pleasant and happy love affair. Seeing

    in a dream - such
    a dream
    predicts that your love relationship is not in the best shape.
    You are fed up with each other and the relationship is deteriorating. Shaking drops of dew
    rose petals in a dream
    means calming your beloved in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    in a dream
    symbolize a great feeling.
    The pink color of the petals
    is a sign of tenderness.
    A blooming rose bush promises family happiness and prosperity. A red rose in a dream
    means passionate friendship.
    White is a sign of purity and defenselessness. If you dreamed
    Petal Rose petals in a dream
    foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen
    - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation.
    Bouquet An armful of roses
    in an elegant wrapper - you will be happy.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    Why do you dream
    about petals in a dream
    dream about
    petals , interpretation
    of the dream
    . Five or more
    on a lilac flower, seen
    in a dream
    , portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings.
    Rose petals in a dream
    foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen
    - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Picking
    rose petals dreamed
    of why
    in a dream
    you dream about picking
    petals ?
    To select a dream
    , enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing
    the dream
    (if you want to get an online interpretation
    of dreams
    by letter for free alphabetically). Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"


    petals .
    Hello! I don't know a dream
    at all.
    In general, it happened from Wednesday to Thursday night.
    some figure begins to form
    under the window from bright red rose petals dream about
    to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about
    an ex-boyfriend. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    You dreamed of
    a Rose
    , why is it a sign of love.
    Love affair. 5th house of the horoscope. Home dream book. Interpretation of dream Rose
    What does Rose
    in a dream - love. English dream book.
    Meaning of the dream Rose
    : You
    dreamed of a Rose,
    what is it for -
    , especially red ones, with their velvety
    , rich color and delightful smell, are often given to express love.
    In dreams
    , they symbolize love, but also a hidden threat:
    can hurt. Read more

    Dream Interpretation “hit-plus”

    Rose petals in a dream
    foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen
    - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation.
    In general, withered flowers dropping their petals
    are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil. Why
    do you dream of a Petal
    according to the dream book:
    - To see
    in a dream

    are falling from the flowers standing on your table means the end of love. Read fully

    Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Dream Interpretation
    Petal in a dream
    , the interpretation of the word
    and its meaning
    in a dream
    , why
    a petal
    is dreamed of , read absolutely free and find out the interpretation of
    ! Five or more
    on a lilac flower, seen
    in a dream
    : portend great love with a small person, but with big soul and very small flaws.
    Rose petals in a dream
    foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen
    : troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Did you dream about
    , but the necessary interpretation
    of the dream
    is not in the dream book?
    Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Rose in a dream
    , just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if
    in a dream
    Try it! Please tell me why I might have
    a dream
    : I was walking down the street and they showered me

    petals . Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    children other than your own
    a dream in your case, the joy is that a matter (problem, event) will be resolved very successfully for you, which has been dragging on for several months and never reaches its logical end. Publish your dream of dreams
    and our
    Dream dream about
    rose petals in a dream
    . Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about
    Do you think that the dream
    has something to do with who you think about for days?
    I assume that the dream

    in Capricorn ). Publish your
    for free in the
    and our
    may be able to explain to you why you
    dream about
    rose petals in a dream
    . Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"


    mean that you do not have a loved one.
    A girl who dreamed
    that she was decorating
    with roses
    will be deceived by her loved one. Tearing off
    in a dream means losing a favorite thing. So don't tear it up! Even when you wonder: “loves or doesn’t love...” Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Money and roses

    1 dream
    speaks of some possible circumstances that will improve your well-being, ..and 2
    says that behind some of your troubles, affairs and worries there will be an ardent friendship... (or it will arise). Publish your
    for free in the
    and our
    may be able to explain to you what you
    dream about
    rose petals in a dream
    . Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Roses

    They symbolize a great feeling. Pink color of petals
    : a sign of tenderness.
    Blooming rose bush: promises family happiness and prosperity. Red rose in a dream
    : means passionate friendship.
    White: a sign of purity and defenselessness. If your chosen one gives you white roses
    : in this way your heart tells you about the purity and sincerity of his thoughts.
    Black rose
    : portends mental suffering.
    If her appearance attracts you, then this dream
    promises you a fatal passion. Read more

    Dream Interpretation “zhenskoe-mnenie”

    Why do you dream of
    - according to Loff’s dream book.
    Large red roses
    symbolize a wonderful feeling called love, a yellow bouquet speaks of true friendship, white - of purity of thoughts, a black
    rose in a dream
    , as in reality, sows death.
    Bathing in petals
    means having many opportunities, prospects, and having talents that will help you achieve heights in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Roses _

    petals .
    Did you dream about
    , but the necessary interpretation
    of the dream
    is not in the dream book?
    Our experts will help you find out why you dream of
    Roses in a dream
    , just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if

    you saw this symbol in a dream.

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    I dreamed

    a huge white hall,

    petals . In the center of the hall, a young guy was lying on the floor. He was completely naked and only a piece of white cloth was wrapped around his hips. A girl in a white cloak with a hood approached him. She raised his head ,he looked at her with brown eyes and crumbled into thousands of white
    the entry:

    A man dies in his sleep

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    in a dream
    - a joyful event awaits you: a marriage proposal or a big win. Publish your
    for free in the
    and our
    may be able to explain to you why you
    dream about
    picking off
    rose petals in a dream
    Order free online dream
    !Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Azar's dream book gives a very interesting interpretation of the dream

    , but only if
    dreamed about
    A very successful flirtation awaits her, which may well develop into a serious relationship, and even lead to marriage. Rose
    petals that you pick from a flower
    in a dream
    are a bad omen.
    With your own hands you are destroying love happiness, driving away the person who really loves and appreciates you. Also, a sign of sadness and fading feelings are dry roses in a dream

Roses are very beautiful flowers. This flower symbolizes fragility due to its delicate bud. However, the thorns on its trunk are a symbol of hidden potential. And if you dream about these flowers, why such a dream? Let's take a look at the dream books.

Why do you dream about roses?

Roses seen in a dream have always been a favorable sign. If a young girl cuts roses in a dream, then she should wait for a proposal from her beloved man. When a girl picks a flower in a dream, then real life will give her the opportunity to meet a wonderful man.

Seeing a bush with unopened buds in a dream portends material independence. If a rose has large and sharp thorns, then you should know that there may be trouble in the future. This applies to family and work.

In addition, the color of roses in a dream is an important symbol. So, red roses mean a date that can end in mutual passion. Yellow roses - symbolize betrayal by a loved one and the fear that this may happen. White roses mean innocence.

The dream predicts that you will meet a person of high moral qualities. Pink roses signify favorable changes in the family.

Planting roses in a dream means problems in life. And you are to blame for these troubles. And if you give roses, then in everyday life you will surprise people with your generosity. If you are given roses, then in reality a surprise awaits you or someone will give you a pleasant gift.

Buying roses indicates favorable changes in work and family. This dream also means financial stability.

If you saw a rosebud in a dream, then in reality you will be disappointed. But you shouldn’t get upset and cry because of this. The dream book advises you to rest, so that later you can “move” mountains with renewed vigor.

An uprooted rose bush warns of possible problems in business. And if you break a rose in a dream, expect to receive news of separation from your loved one. It is also a symbol of bitter tears.

What Miller's Dream Book predicts

Seeing yourself picking rose petals in a dream is a bad omen. The famous psychologist Miller bases the interpretation of dreams on the fact that in real life you already know about the fading of feelings, but you just can’t accept it. The more leaves slipped through the fingers, the more acute the scenes of jealousy in the near future.

He explains simply what dreams of falling or withered flowers mean: lack of mutual understanding will inevitably lead to separation. Big and bright love in his dream book is symbolized by unopened buds that emit a pleasant smell.

Why do you dream of dried roses?

A dream with wilted roses indicates a cooling of the partner’s feelings. But do not despair, soon fate will provide a chance to meet your true soul mate, and you will be able to build a strong relationship with this person.

In addition, such a dream foreshadows health problems, the development of a disease and other troubles. Another dream book indicates spiritual emptiness, lack of warmth from loved ones. If you dreamed of a rose with its petals falling off, then prepare for the beginning of a period of trials and the end of a serene life.

Artificial roses in a dream

Artificial flowers do not bode well. This is a sign of imminent illness and problems at work. Also, artificial roses indicate that you should bring something new into your relationship with your partner, because passion is fading away every day.

Dream books offer different meanings for such dreams. Remember everything you saw in your dream, and then you will be able to understand exactly what awaits you ahead. By the way, below are interesting videos

  • If in a dream you pick the petals from a chamomile, wondering whether “loves or not,” then a day will come in the near future that will be filled to the brim with happy events and meetings, the memories of which will leave an indelible mark on your memory.
  • Five or more petals on a lilac flower, seen in a dream, portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings.
  • Rose petals in a dream foreshadow a quick marriage; fallen petals - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation.
  • In general, wilted flowers dropping their petals are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil.

See interpretation: flowers

Big dream book

  • Petals - If in a dream you pick petals from a chamomile, wondering “loves or doesn’t love,” then a day will come soon that will be filled to the brim with happy events and meetings, the memories of which will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Five or more petals on a lilac flower, seen in a dream, portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings. Rose petals in a dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. In general, withered flowers dropping their petals are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil.

Are you ready for adventure?

Upcoming events will leave an indelible mark on life if you dreamed not of the roses themselves, but only parts of them. For example: thorns, leaves, buds. Dream books foretell happy days, filled to the brim with bright moments, if in a dream you saw rose petals of different colors:

  • white - your merits are recognized by others;
  • red - the beloved will prove his loyalty;
  • yellow - to treason;
  • pink - there will be a chance to meet your “soul mate”;
  • black - to minor losses and slight sadness.

Why you dream about this or that color depends on your mood in real life. Be optimistic and cheerful - fate will definitely thank you.

Summer dream book

  • Petal - Picking off chamomile petals in a dream, wondering whether he loves or doesn’t love, everyone around except you has long known that he doesn’t love.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • The flower petal you saw in a dream suggests that very soon you may find yourself in an awkward position and you will have to hide the true state of affairs from your loved ones. It is impossible to say how long this will drag on; it is not about you, but about circumstances that are beyond your control. If in a dream you tore off a flower petal, it means that you need to analyze how you feel about one of your friends. You risk abandoning the person who was sent to you by Fate itself. In order not to make a truly fatal mistake, you need to pacify your pride and not get irritated for any reason, especially since these reasons are often trivial and insignificant. Many petals that have fallen from a withered flower indicate that a little more - and you may find yourself at a broken trough. Perhaps the reason for this outcome lies in the fact that you constantly demand something more, without stopping there. On the one hand, such behavior can be welcomed, but on the other hand, it turns out that what you have is never enough for you.

Dream Interpretation Lynn

Roses: Miller's Dream Book

What does Gustav Miller say about this? What interpretation does his dream book contain? Roses are a good omen if they bloom and are fragrant. In reality, a joyful event awaits the dreamer. If the sleeper not only admired their beauty, but also exhaled the aroma, his happiness will be cloudless.

If a bud does not open completely in a dream, prosperity awaits the person in reality. The dreamer's financial situation will improve, and unexpected profits are possible. Falling, dry roses are a symbol that promises negative events. Soon the dreamer will have to learn about the illness of someone dear to him. Most likely it will be one of the household members.

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