A ringing coin will amuse the ear

It’s very nice to see in a dream a boar’s head in the form of a hunting trophy. This suggests that doing what you love will bring good income, says Pastor D. Loff.

boar's head

Even better predicted is the plot in which you cook jellied meat from a pig's head. Money will flow in an endless stream. You will “extract” money from almost any little thing.

Why do you dream about a black pig?

Dream interpretation of dreams: Pig - deception from the environment and indecent behavior symbolizes this dream.

What does it mean to see a Pig in a dream - to see a pig in a dream is a sign of evil, misfortune, depravity, baseness, and alienation from religion and money earned through sinful means. The grunt of a pig heralds victory over the enemy and the seizure of his wealth.

Interpretation of the dream book: Pig - you are only interested in material well-being. Slaughtering a pig means material troubles; complications at work.

Pig - According to Artemidorus, a boar in a dream means a strong storm for a traveler and a sailor, a strong and merciless enemy for someone suing, and for someone who is going to get married, a woman who is not suitable for him. Other interpretations Meeting a pig is an unlucky omen; watching a pig carcass being butchered is trying to figure out the future.

What does it mean to see a Pig in a dream - success, profit, a pig's head - someone will put a "pig" in it, to see a toy - a piggy bank, saving money. A dirty little pig is a base success. Thin - little profit. Feeding a pig means taking care of the future.

Pig - Good benefits await you. Imagine that you feed a pig and it gets fat right before your eyes.

Seeing a Pig in a dream - A Pig is your gluttony; your self-adoration, assertion of yourself in the physical plane; trouble. Seeing a lot of pigs is gossip. For a girl to see a hog - to a marriage proposal; to see a pig in her house - to have good health or to recover. Slaughtering a pig means demotion, dismissal.

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What does it mean to see a Pig in a dream - We often mention pigs in different images: greedy like a pig, stupid like a pig although pigs are very smart animals), the room is like a pigsty. Why do you have a dream: Are you “exposing yourself as a pig”? Or is someone close to you acting like a pig? Maybe you are “rolling in the mud” and it’s time to get yourself in order?

What does it mean to see a Pig in a dream - A Pig can symbolize uncleanliness, greed and selfishness. For example, a person who overindulges in food is considered to eat “like a pig,” and a dirty and slovenly person is sometimes disparaged as a “pig.” On the other hand, a pig can symbolize fun and abundance, as, for example, during feasts, when a pig roasted with apples in the center of the table attracts everyone's attention. In Chinese astrology, the pig is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and symbolizes masculine strength.

Why do you dream of a Pig? - You see a large, fat pig in a dream - after such a dream, do not doubt: success in business is guaranteed to you. You see a pig lying in the mud - the dream suggests that you will have reason to suspect your business partners of dishonesty. A girl dreams of a pig lying in the mud!..

Head - symbolizes the dreamer’s intellect and thoughts; sometimes the eldest in the family, the owner of the house.

Losing one's head means dividing one's mind and heart.

Feeling your head is big and beautiful, washing it, combing your hair - to success, responsible work, order in the family.

Seeing a broken, severed, wounded head is a thoughtless life, frivolous actions.

Head - striving forward; thinking; analysis.

Your own head - dreams of a nervous breakdown or a headache attack.

If you have a headache, get ready for some serious anxiety.

Washing your hair in a dream means success in society.

A dream in which you have two or more goals predicts quick success in life, but it is unlikely to be permanent.

If you dreamed of an unnaturally large head, fate will generously reward you.

A bloody head cut off from the body is a dream of disappointment and frustration.

A child's head - to joy and financial success.

The head of an animal warns: your desires are base.

If someone sees that his head has been separated from his body, in reality he will greatly lose the opinion of his leadership.

If someone dreams that his head has greatly increased in size, he will achieve greatness, honor and wealth.

If, on the contrary, he dreams that his head has become small, he is destined to be removed from his position or even to be fired.

“Losing your head” means getting very carried away by something, falling in love; “to have a clear head” or “to have a head on your shoulders” - rationality, insight, wisdom; “turn everything upside down” - turn over, distort an event, situation; “went out of my head”, “throw it out of my head” - forget, give into oblivion; “dizziness from success” - conceit;

“Head is swollen and spinning” - discomfort, rapid change of events, a lot to do; “the head (pot) cooks” - ingenuity, intelligence; “oak head” - stupidity; “garden head” - ridiculous, ill-considered actions; “I can’t wrap my head around it” - the improbability of the perceived news, misunderstanding; “to bother yourself with (unnecessary)” - not to attach importance, unnecessary troubles;

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Seeing a head with long hair means help; to see a gray head - to good profit; Seeing a rotten head means harm.

Lunar dream book

My head is gray in places - sadness; with short hair - prosperity.

Headache - troubles, troubles; spinning - great joy awaits (on Tuesdays and Saturdays this dream means sadness); big - wealth, luck, honor; small - poverty; gray in places - sadness; severed - respect/loss, death of parents; to cut down someone - victory, acquisition of something; they cut you off - success;

Talking head - warning, wise advice, reprimand from the boss, grief.

Very high - the likelihood of the sleeper's madness, or life wisdom.

Is your own head, severed or removed, one of your happiest dreams? absolute, complete success in life.

If anyone sees that his head has been separated from his body, the elders will remove him from them.

If someone sees in a dream that his head has become large, he will achieve greatness, honor and wealth.

If, on the contrary, he sees that his head has become small, he falls from the place he occupies.

If someone sees in a dream that his head is anointed with oil, then if the oil is in moderate quantities, his affairs will be prosperous.

If there is a lot of oil, grief and care will stick to the person who had such a dream.

Head is a persistent disease associated with blood circulation. Dream hint: treat this disease with unconventional methods.

Headache - family worries.

The head is shorn - unfortunately; big and fat - good luck; and small - poverty; in curls - joy; bald - beware of stupidity; removed - respect; smear with oil - well-being; cutting someone down is a victory.

The head of an adult on the body of a child is someone who has matured mentally, but in reality still represents the child.

The head is conscious intentions.

A blow to the head is an unfulfilled or interrupted intention.

The head is the main organ, “the head of everything,” symbolizing the mind and social status.

Someone else's head - dreams of an important meeting with influential people.

Your own head means illness.

A severed and bloody head portends failures in business and other griefs.

Animal head - warns you to be more selective in choosing friends and activities.

Seeing a prisoner's head without a body in a dream foretells liberation, and for others a fight with a strong enemy; seeing a gray head is a sign of joy and gaining respect; washing your hair is a sign of separation from family and friends; washing someone else's hair is a sign of breaking a friendly relationship with that person.

Cutting off someone's head portends success in an enterprise and victory over enemies; to cut off the head of an armed man means to enter into the service of some important person and be useful to her; cutting off the head of a chicken or other bird portends joy and unexpected pleasure; to see the cut off head of a prisoner in a dream - foretells liberation, recovery for the sick, consolation for the distressed, payment for those burdened with debts, a successful continuation for those rising in dignity, joy and reassurance for the worried and saddened, improvement of the condition of the poor;

to see a head cut off by a legitimate person is a sign of participation in her pleasures, success and exaltation; to see your head cut off as a baby or child - foretells death for the sick, and exaltation and honor for the healthy; to see your head cut off by a robber - foretells the death of children, parents, relatives or friends, husband or wife, disinheritance and also the disorder of property;

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to see your head cut off by a court verdict - portends deliverance from boredom and any unpleasant matter; however, this dream is very unhappy - for bankers, brokers and merchants; to see a head like a blackamoor's - portends a long journey; to see in a dream a head that is smaller and differently formed than usual is a sign of dementia, slavery and dishonor;

washing your hair in a dream means misfortune; to see a head larger than usual in a dream foreshadows the rise of ranks, winning a lawsuit and overcoming enemies, and for merchants this dream generally signifies a big profit and a very profitable bargain; for the sick, it portends an increase in the disease; having a swollen head in a dream is a sign of wealth and profit;

to see a wolf's head or another wild animal in a dream - foretells perfect success in enterprises, victory over enemies and respect from fellow citizens; to feel pain in the head in a dream is a sign of loss of credit or power of attorney; to have two heads in a dream for single and unmarried people - foretells marriage, and for others a visit to a pleasant company;

Remember your health

The Wanderer's Dream Book also willingly shares interpretations of what a pig's head promises in a dream, but does this with the aim of warning about a possible threat to health.

pig head

If you dreamed of a pig carcass or its “head” part bleeding, this means that in the near future your chronic illness will worsen. Take care of your own well-being.

Did you dream that a person close to you was taking the brain out of a boar’s skull? Advise this person to go to the hospital for a checkup.

Predictions of famous mediums

Practicing mediums disagree on what the dream in which the snout of a pig appears portends. So Simon Kananita believes that if it does not cause trouble, is not stained with blood and dirt, and the dreamer feeds the stigma, then unexpected benefits and improved well-being will soon await him. Such a person can count on help solving personal and professional problems.

Interpreter Miss Hosse claims that piglets are a symbol of a happy, well-fed and comfortable life. Therefore, in her opinion, the dream does not foretell trouble, and spiritual and personal growth awaits the person.

If in a dream you see a big head at a festive feast, such a dream promises profit, improved well-being, and new income. And if the dish is in someone else’s house, the dreamer will be invited to visit and treated well.

In a modern interpreter you can read that a pig’s head is a sign of sinfulness and spiritual decline. And if there are many heads, then the sleeper will face big troubles in life. Such a dream warns: soon a huge number of ill-wishers will appear around the dreamer who will lead him astray.

There are also interpretations from other dream books:

  • Russian - you will have to communicate with an incompetent person;
  • Ukrainian - to slander, theft, loss of property;
  • XXI century - to deception, meanness, demotion, dismissal, mental anguish;
  • biblical - to betrayal, deception.

The famous psychologist S. Freud believed that if a person sees a pig’s head in a dream, he needs support, he feels insecure and is full of internal fears. In his opinion, such a dreamer encountered rudeness and betrayal, which destroyed his ideas about the world around him. Most often, these people include those who experience domestic violence from their significant other and do not know how to protect themselves. You should talk to your loved one frankly or break off the relationship.

Cutting hair in a dream: interpretation from dream books

The family interpreter convinces that a large severed pig's head is a sign of high intellectual potential, and a small one - of vicious thoughts and base feelings. Slaughtering a small animal and cutting off its head means struggling with your shortcomings, improving yourself, and looking for the right solutions.

Marriage, recognition and other joys

The Gypsy Dream Book offers its interpretations of pork burnt. This, in his opinion, is what this part of the carcass is dreamed of, depending on the gender and age of the sleeping person. So:

  • for an unmarried girl - to a quick marriage and a strong marriage;
  • for a young guy - creativity and spontaneity will help him gain authority;
  • for a woman - caring for family and children will bring pleasure;
  • for a man - to a new profitable job;
  • for an elderly person - to clarity of mind and strength of memory.

Ally or rival?

Some dream interpreters consider dreams in which a pig's head appears as the appearance in the dreamer's life of either a like-minded person or a competitor.

pork snout

Remember, if in a dream you were frightened by a terrible face with fangs and bloodshot eyes, then, most likely, someone is trying to stop you from realizing your plans.

But deciphering what a cute “smiling” snout means in a dream, the oracle of the sorceress Medea suggests that this image is a symbol of the appearance of an influential patron or a person who will put your interests above all others.

Buy a head at the market

A pig on a market stall predicts the onset of a serious illness. Most likely, the dreamer will learn about the disease and even be afraid of it. Such a dream also speaks of a possible operation.

A pig's head in the blood is a harbinger of your own illness or health problems in someone close to you. And if the animal was without blood, then soon news will come of a terrible illness, catastrophe, natural disaster or road accident that will happen to one of the sleeper’s friends. Such a dream should definitely alert you. A person should pay attention to his health and find out how his loved ones and acquaintances are doing - perhaps someone needs help.

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Trouble awaits the dreamer even if he does not buy the top part of the pig, but simply sees it lying on the counter. Several pig heads enhance the meaning of the dream.

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