Possible changes or important choices
Did you dream about your reflection looking the same as in reality? The dream book emphasizes: a person has found inner harmony, so he will successfully overcome all difficulties.
Why do you dream about yourself being younger or more beautiful than in reality? You evaluate yourself biasedly, exaggerating your virtues and beauty.
Your reflection is of a completely different type - changes are coming. What they turn out to be depends on the details seen in the dream.
When you dreamed of two of them at once (in the dressing table), the dream book informs you: the sleeper has two different options for solving the problem. This choice will determine how his fate will turn further.
Why do you dream about reflection? dream book reflection
Since ancient times, the reflection of a person in a mirror, water, or any shiny surface has been assigned magical meaning.
It was believed that to be reflected in something is to go out into the “looking glass,” that is, another world, and the reflection itself is the soul and secret thoughts of the person reflected, and not to be reflected in the mirror means to be dead or acquire supernatural abilities.
Rituals and signs associated with the mirror have survived to this day, and it is not surprising that such a plot often comes in dreams.
Its decoding depends on many details - whether it was a reflection in a mirror, water or another surface, whether it belonged to the dreamer or someone else, what it looked like and how much it did not correspond to the real image.
Unpleasant dreams are those in which your image looks angry or exhausted, or has lost a lot of weight.
The saddest dreams are those where you cannot see your reflection - this may portend death, serious illness or loss of individuality due to a sudden change in your usual lifestyle, but if someone or something else is reflected instead of you, this is a symbol of what will soon happen. will happen in your life and will have a significant impact on it.
Freud's Dream Book. Reflection in a dream - what is it?
Reflections seen in a dream are reflections of your real fantasies and desires. What you saw in your reflection are the traits that you would like to have. If you admire yourself, this indicates manifestations of narcissism.
A dream where any reflective surface appears speaks of your sexual fantasies and desire for actions that you will never dare to commit. Looking at your reflection in the mirror means paying too much attention to both your appearance and health problems.
Home dream book. What does the dream “Reflection” mean?
To see yourself reflected in a water or mirror surface is to look at yourself from the outside. If someone else is reflected instead of you, these are character traits that you do not want to admit to yourself.
Dream Interpretation by Y. Longo. What does the reflection seen in a dream mean?
A dream where you saw your reflection is a harbinger of trouble, perhaps an illness that will happen to you or one of your loved ones. The reflection of someone else is a sign of negative influence, the “evil eye”, and not necessarily from the person who owned this reflection - it could be anyone from your environment.
If in a dream you look at your image with pleasure, this means that you are ready to accept yourself with all your advantages and disadvantages and are not going to change anything in your appearance or character.
If you don’t like your own appearance in the mirror or water or even disgust it, this indicates that your chosen lifestyle and behavior does not correspond to your abilities and capabilities, and everything you do will end in disappointment.
If your image suddenly appears in the form of someone else, this person plays a big role in your life, and perhaps has completely subjugated you. Regardless of whether he is alive at the present time, whether you are communicating with him or your relationship is in the distant past, you should reconsider and rethink everything that connects or connected you.
Source: https://sonarium.ru/sonnik/o/k-chemu-snitsya-otrazhenie-sonnik-otrazhenie/
We need to make clear plans
Two displays of some objects, people in a dream - the meaning of the dream intensifies, but it must be interpreted according to the details.
Your reflection in the water indicates: your plans are very unclear. You should think through your goals so you know where to move next.
Did you dream about the reflection of the moon in the water? The dream book says: your expectations will not be met, because you are counting on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity. Also, the reflection of the moon’s disk on the water surface foreshadows a new romantic interest, but the chosen one (the chosen one) may disappoint.
Successes and incorrect assessment of circumstances
Why do you dream of seeing stars in water? A vision in a dream promises a person a discovery in the field where he is most competent.
Also, seeing the shine of stars on the smooth surface of a lake or other surface means the dreamer’s desire to escape from reality. However, problems will not go away on their own; they will only become more numerous.
The interpretation of a dream about reflection can be as follows: to see yourself in a large, clean mirror - you will soon be proud of your own successes, for which you will receive well-deserved praise.
If it is cloudy, it is impossible to objectively assess the circumstances: something or someone is preventing you from doing this. We need to find out why this happens.
How to use reflection in the mirror and on glass, in the astral plane and in our dreams.
Sooner or later, everyone begins to think about mirrors in the astral plane or in dreams. In particular, many are interested in the issue of reflection. Everyone knows that mirrors can be used as portals. But I don’t think many people know how to use your reflection. Through reflection in the mirror I always determine the state of my energy. For example, by the color of the clothes that appear in the reflection, you can determine what color predominates in my aura. It is also possible to determine whether there is third-party penetration into my consciousness. Usually I don't look like myself or there are foreign objects. The clothes themselves are not what I’m usually used to wearing. Here there is more introspection from the point of view of psychology. But, there is another very interesting point, but more regarding reflections on glass or reflections in a mirror should be layers. I’ll use an example from tonight. It was a dream. I stood at the window and looked in the mirror. The sun was shining through the window and the rays hit me and the very surface of the mirror. Thus, in the mirror my reflection was not clear, but disintegrated into layers. Typically, such a split occurs in the reflection of glass or when the rays of the sun hit an object and it is necessary to squint your eyes. I think I can clearly explain the effect itself now. And so, in a dream, I become stratified in the reflection and begin to see such reflections of the sun that looked like some kind of lumps of golden color to me. These lumps were within my energy field. Only these are not lumps, I just can’t find the right words. And when you look at the sun with your eyes squinted, such round shiny formations appear through your eyelashes. One lump was very large, and I realized that this was my keeper. I never saw it visually, but I felt it very clearly a couple of times during a dangerous situation in the astral plane. Today I was able to see it in the form of an energetic substance. Then a small lump separated from this lump and the face of a person close to me appeared there. In a dream, the thought appeared that in reality he was a guardian for me. In fact, this person is a guardian for me, but before this dream I did not think about it or think about it. After the dream, I rethought its true influence on my life. This person is truly a keeper for me in everyday life. Similarly, through such reflections, we can consider whether there is a harmful entity in our energy field, other negative intrusions in the form of dark formations, and much more. You just need to achieve a fuzzy reflection and train your eye, so to speak. Previously, I used a clear reflection in the mirror for myself, but now I will definitely continue to develop blurry reflections on any reflective surfaces. This can be done both in a dream and in the astral plane. Only in the astral plane will it be possible to view everything in more detail than in a dream. For in the astral plane we go directly to the subtle body and it can be viewed alive. In a dream, there is a slightly different way of reading information. © Tanya MK-Borisova 2021
Loss of individuality, submission
Did you dream that you were looking in a mirror, but there was no reflection there? The dream book warns: this unfavorable sign represents a loss of individuality. Conduct an in-depth analysis of your inner world and aspirations.
Seeing another person instead of yourself in a dream means complete submission to someone else’s will, which happened a long time ago.
A different image
Sometimes it happens to see your reflection in the mirror in a dream in the image of another person. Most likely, this indicates some kind of comparison of oneself with him. Perhaps in reality you are trying to borrow some traits of this person or involuntarily compare yourself with him.
If in a dream the reflection in the mirror shows a deceased relative or friend, then this means that subconsciously you are trying to maintain some kind of connection with this person. This can be a kind of sign, so it is very important to remember everything that the deceased said. The nature of the relationship you were in before his death is also of great importance. It is best to remember the next day the one who came to you in a dream. It is advisable to order a service or light a candle for the repose of his soul. Such a dream should not be scary; on the contrary, take it as an opportunity to see those who have left our world.
Outside influence
His own display in the window personifies, as the dream book says, the desire of the sleeper to evaluate the current situation from the outside.
A reflection in a window or glass in a dream indicates a strong outside influence, which the sleeper may not even be aware of. In glass - the dreamer did not choose the best way to understand the situation.
Why do you dream of someone else's reflection? The dream book warns about the unfair actions of others towards the sleeping person.
Also, someone else’s display is a signal about the bad influence of someone from your environment on you. Moreover, this is not necessarily the one who dreamed. You just need to take a closer look at your recent acquaintances.
Why do you dream about reflection? see a reflection in a dream. dream interpretation
Let's find out why we dream about reflection , and also figure out what it means to see a reflection in a dream.
We present to your attention the interpretation of various dream books. Especially for you, we have selected the most famous dream books, such as: Tsvetkov’s dream book, modern dream book, Islamic dream book, etc. We found in them an interpretation of your dream (and we already know what you dreamed - a reflection). Use the search if you need to find the interpretation of another dream.
Interpretation according to Sigmund Freud's dream book
Reflections in a mirror or water are your fantasies and desires. In the reflection you see yourself as you want to be. You have manifestations of narcissism. If you see a reflective surface in a dream (mirror, shop window, water, etc.)
), then you are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that you do not dare to commit in real life. If in a dream you see yourself looking in the mirror, then you pay too much attention to your appearance and your health.
Yuri Andreevich Longo (famous parapsychologist, author of a dream book)
Seeing your reflection in a dream - expect trouble: perhaps it will come in the guise of an illness, and this will not necessarily happen to you, but perhaps to one of your family or close friends.
Seeing someone else's reflection is a sign of the evil eye. This dream does not mean at all that the person whose reflection you saw in the dream is bringing bad energy to you.
Just take a closer look at those who have recently entered your social circle.
Source: https://yebb.ru/k-chemu-snitsya-otrazhenie-videtq-vo-sne-otrazhenie-tolkovanie-snov/