why do you dream about a bear cub
The bear symbolizes a traitor in the dreamer's inner circle. How much does the meaning of a dream change if you see
dream spider
General interpretation Experts in the field of esotericism associate spiders and the fruits of their labor with financial
Why do you dream about shit with worms?
Dream Interpretation: seeing worms in a dream Miller’s dream book interprets parasites as the malicious machinations of ill-wishers. Struggle
Dreams about cockroaches
Why does a woman dream about cockroaches?
General information Subconsciously people disdain insects. In the apartment they become a source of infection and infectious diseases.
rats in a dream
Many of us have dreams, but they are not always pleasant for us. See a rat
I dreamed about a yellow snake - what does it mean?
Is a snake in a dream good or bad? The most popular dream book, authored by Miller,