Dream Interpretation excursion by bus
Excursion according to Freud's dream book Going on an excursion in a dream - this dream means that
traffic light green
Why do you dream of a yellow traffic light?
Act boldly! Why do you dream about the color green? His interpretation is completely opposite. It means that
Why do you dream about cutting your wife’s hair?
Dream Interpretation, explain to us! Why do you dream of cutting your hair? Everyone knows that cutting your own hair
walk on crutches
Dream interpretation leg amputation
Sure? Did you dream that your loved one was left without legs? You clearly anticipate some difficulties in
dog licks face in sleep
Dream interpretation dog licks face
Seeing a dog licking its face in a dream, feeling its breath nearby - to significant
Why do you dream about hair on your fingers?
August 25, 2018 People Epifantseva Anna Dreams about hairy arms may contain an omen of two
Why do you dream about a new iPhone?
Call of mobility The interpreter will tell you why you dream of a brand new mobile smartphone. The sleeper will be in power
I dreamed that they beat me
A dream about a quarrel, like the harsh reality with frequent scandalous showdowns, is very common when
knife covered in blood
Why do you dream of a knife in the back: detailed interpretation from dream books
According to Vanga’s dream book, you saw a man wounded in the stomach with a knife in a dream - take a closer look at
Why do you dream about an unborn child?
A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of an unborn child” with interpretation from