Sleep a lot of pumpkin seeds

Why do people dream about seeds?

According to popular belief, people's dreams often include actions that they often perform in real life.
That is why there is nothing strange if a person who constantly gnaws on seeds has a dream in which he is doing his favorite activity. In this case, it makes no sense to interpret such a dream, since it is just a reflection of reality. It’s a completely different matter when this process appears in the dreams of people who don’t spend much time on seeds in reality, and such a dream deserves an explanation. When interpreting dreams related to seeds, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • What kind of seeds were in the dream (sunflower, pumpkin or others);
  • What was their color;
  • What size were the seeds?
  • What was their degree of readiness for eating (fried or raw);
  • What actions were performed with them.

Key interpretations

One of the main details of the dream in which the seeds appeared is their appearance. Seeing sunflower seeds in a dream is considered less favorable than pumpkin seeds. Due to the fact that sunflower seeds are smaller, a dream associated with them does not promise any important events; it suggests that at this point in time small, insignificant, but not the most pleasant things will happen in life. Moreover, their number will upset the person who is dreaming, will irritate and make him nervous.

Such a dream foreshadows that in reality, things will literally rain down on the person who sees it, and the more sunflower seeds there are in the dream, the greater the risk of troubles associated with numerous issues. For example, uninvited guests will come to a person, he will remember a large number of unpaid fines, all food supplies at home will suddenly run out, and the nearest stores will not have the necessary goods, and all this will definitely happen at the same time.

According to Miller's dream book, seeds are dreamed of by young ambitious people, those who are full of hopes for a bright future, as well as those who are young at heart.

Interpretation according to author's dream books

  • According to Miller's dream book , if you took seeds out of a pumpkin, you will gain new experience and knowledge. Ate them - to a noisy party. We bought it for the birth of children. Distributed - to unexpected expenses.
  • For E. Tsvetkov, it is a symbol of celebration, a carefree, idle life, a meeting with relatives or friends.
  • According to Nostradamus , seeds mean continuous good income.
  • According to Freud, husking seeds for men means promiscuity in sexual relations, lack of serious relationships, and growing seeds indicates his high potential in intimate matters. If a woman buys seeds, she will have a close relationship with her partner. Eating seeds means love games will become more piquant.
  • According to Vanga , planting pumpkin seeds portends a rich inheritance.
  • Most interpretations agree that pumpkin seeds are a positive sign, foreshadowing an increase in wealth, the acquisition of new knowledge, and an addition to the family. The value will only increase if the seeds were large, beautiful, without damage, and will change to the opposite if the seeds were of poor quality.

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