Dream water tower. All the secrets of the dream about the tower

Tower according to Vanga’s dream book
If you dream about the Tower:

In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If in a dream you climb the steps to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before achieving your goal.

A dream in which you see a tall, beautiful tower in front of you symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart.

If in a dream a tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

On the river bank you build a tower of sand, which is washed away by the wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies.

A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheavals.

In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life in order to achieve what you want.
Tower according to Hasse’s dream book
Why do you dream about the Tower:

Climbing the tower is a disease.

Leaning tower - you will be deprived of freedom.

A beautiful high tower - to overcome difficulties.

Watchdog - good prospects for the future.

In general, seeing the tower is an expected journey.
Tower according to Miller's dream book
What does it mean when you dream of a Tower:

If you dream of a tower, it means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

If during a dream you climb a tower, you will achieve success.
But if the tower collapses as soon as you descend from it, you will be disappointed. Tower according to the dream book of Nostradamus
Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about the Tower, which means:

The tower is a symbol of power and authority.

Seeing a pointed tower, strongly stretched upward, means that the dreamer has power, but uses it imprudently; means that the dreamer overestimated his strength and underestimated his rivals; means a decrease in influence, loss of majority support.

Seeing a tower that is impossible to approach means a meeting with a very significant person, a politician or a financial tycoon.

Seeing a thoroughly fortified tower is a symbol of strength and great influence.

Seeing a collapsing tower is a symbol of big changes (political and other courses).

Seeing a tower besieged by armed men is a symbol of a clash between different camps that have great influence, a struggle between opponents, opponents, which will have significant consequences.

Seeing a tower with loopholes is a symbol of power, which is based on fear, resigned submission, a symbol of aggression.
Tower according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
Dreaming of a Tower, what does it symbolize:

Usually a tower seen in a dream symbolizes the head of state, an important official or representative of the administration, as well as a high clergyman.

What they all have in common is that they tend to speak and address large numbers of people.

Finding yourself at the top of a tower in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent career takeoff;

It is likely that you will enter the highest realms.

Building a tower announces that in reality you will perform an amazingly noble deed.

Destroying a tower is a sign that confusion may soon begin among your comrades, and as a result - troubles and problems.

A collapsed tower in a dream is a symbol of strife, unrest and unrest.

If the tower you dreamed of is richly decorated or is generally a tower of jewelry, this means that you will gain the trust of a high-ranking person and thanks to this you will achieve a lot.

A tower made of stone and lime is an indication that your leader has qualities such as cruelty and treachery.

Most likely, he is just a despot, so be careful in dealing with him.

A wooden tower is an indication of a leader or official who has stolen.

His soul is pitiful and wretched, and he himself is a complete nonentity.

The tower is located near the entrance to the temple - it is a symbol of a worthy and pious leader.

Such a person is quite capable of inspiring people to perform good and high deeds.
Tower according to Jung’s dream book
Why do you dream about the Tower, interpretation according to the dream book:

If you dream of a tower, this indicates your desire to achieve great success in love and completely capture the attention of your loved one.

If in your dream you climbed a tower, you will achieve the attention of many enviable persons.

But if the tower suddenly collapses as soon as you descend from it, disappointment in love awaits you.
Tower according to the dream book of the White Mage Longo
Dreaming of a Tower, what does it symbolize:

To see a beautiful tower surrounded by a beautiful garden in a dream means a pleasure walk that will take place with great pleasure and benefit for you.

Firstly, you will meet interesting people, and secondly, you will learn a lot of new things about those with whom you have known for a long time.

An old, destroyed tower: a bad sign.

An event will soon occur during which you will show all your stubbornness.

A spirit of contradiction will appear in you, which will prevent you from following good advice.

Because of your persistence, only you will suffer.

But that’s not all; as a result, the person who gave the advice will be offended by you and will not want to deal with you further.

If the situation predicted by the dream actually happens, you better forget about stubbornness and follow the advice that you will be given to see the tower from afar: expect unpleasant news.

Most likely, the matter is in some event, the outcome of which you are waiting for.

Your dream is unfavorable.
Be prepared for this. Tower according to the Newest Dream Interpreter
Why do you dream about the Tower, interpretation according to the dream book:

Tower: - “collapse the tower” - threat, aggression, collapse.

The tower indicates the difficulty of achieving something.

“to be imprisoned in a tower” is a severe punishment with the impossibility of escape.
Tower according to Maly Velesov’s dream book
The Tower is dreamed of, why:

Good news or obstacle.

Many towers: - an unusual thing.
Tower according to the Eastern Women's Dream Book
Why does a woman dream about the Tower, what is this dream about:

Climbing to the very roof of the tower means the implementation of all planned plans. However, if you dream that while you are climbing the tower, the steps under your feet crumble and the tower eventually collapses, then your hopes for the best will not come true.

Tower according to Dream Book 2012

Reflecting the feeling of isolation.

The need to communicate and/or enjoy communication.

Reflection of achieving clarity in any spiritual issue, also a necessity or opportunity.

Reflections of the desire to escape the bustle of life.

In an erotic dream there is a phallic symbol, a reflection of the fear of not being “on top”, as well as the desire to be “on top”.

Reflection of the sublimity of feelings and desires

From sand - everything said above is unsteady, unstable or deceptive.

Why do you dream about a clock tower?

In a dream, a clock tower reminds of time that is irrevocably passing away. This is a call not to waste your strength and energy. Probably, in reality there is an unresolved matter that requires an immediate response.

Seeing an ancient clock tower means the need to think about the values ​​of life, rethink your past and think about tomorrow. Did you dream that you clearly heard the chimes on the tower? Get ready, it's time to make an important choice.

Tower according to the Dream Book From A to Z

A tower or derrick seen in a dream speaks of your ambition, which does not allow your energy to fade, forcing you to look for ways to rise in life, make a career, and surprise everyone with unexpected success.

If you dream that you are climbing up the numerous steps of a structure that goes far into the sky, your efforts will bring the expected result and your aspirations will come true: - a promotion at work, an improvement in your financial situation, generous gifts from fans await you.

However, if you go down, exit the tower and suddenly see it begin to collapse, you will be disappointed.

I dreamed about a fortress

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are imprisoned in a fortress means that your opponents will succeed in their desire to embarrass you. Putting others under arrest in a fortress means that you will gradually settle your upset affairs and make peace with women.

Seeing a tower in a dream is not an interesting and very rare dream. However, this is a warning dream. This is especially true for a falling or collapsed tower. Such dreams cannot be ignored. They warn you about possible mistakes and incorrect actions. If in a dream you saw a beautiful, powerful or fortified tower, then this is a good positive dream. If you stood in ruins, fell or jumped from a tower, then it’s a bad negative dream.

So, let's look at the types of towers that you might dream about:

Watchtower - everything will be fine in the near future;

A tall and thin tower - you have sublime feelings and desires;

A low and massive tower - a strong influential person will help you with your work;

A tower with windows for a gun - you are aggressive and cruel towards the people who are under your command;

Factory tower (industrial chimney) – high spirit, strength and aspiration;

A tower of sand is an unstable position, a quick deception or disappointment in what you have been doing for so long, making a lot of effort;

The wooden tower is a pathetic, stealing leader;

The brick tower is a petty, stingy leader;

A tower made of precious stones - a high-ranking official will bail you out;

The tower is richly decorated with carvings or ornaments - your leader is a very respectable person;

Stone tower - you are led by a cruel and despotic person, be careful when communicating with him;

The lighthouse tower is a symbol of the male phallus, strength of spirit - the higher and stronger the tower was in the dream, the better things are on the love front;

Clock tower - if you heard the chime of a tower clock in a dream - get ready to make a very important decision in the near future; (cm. )

The tower is richly decorated - your leader is a very respectable person, he will be favorable to you and will take you on bail;

Tower of stone - your leader is a cruel and treacherous person, be extremely careful with him and choose the right words when communicating;

Wooden tower - your leader is a stealing person, he is insignificant and pathetic;

Brick tower - your leader is a petty and stingy person, but this will only bring you benefits;

A tower near a temple (church, minaret, mosque) - your leader is a pious and worthy person, he will inspire you to perform high good deeds.

  • What does it mean to climb to the top of a tower in a dream - a quick rise in your career, perhaps you will reach the highest positions.
  • If you built a tower in a dream, perform a noble deed in reality.
  • Destroy the tower with your own hands - misunderstandings will begin between colleagues, which will develop into trouble and, as a result, into problems.
  • The tower collapsed in a dream, which means discord, unrest and unrest.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

Seeing a tower in a dream is an expected road; climb the tower - you will get sick; leaning tower - lose your freedom; beautiful tower - you will overcome all difficulties; many towers - obstacles will be insurmountable; watchtower - excellent prospects for the future.


To summarize, we can conclude that the dream in which we see a tower is in most cases a positive dream, talking about an influential person who will help you rise and take your rightful place in the sun. However, you need to remember all the little details of the dream, your emotions that you experienced when you saw this structure in a dream, remember what material it was made of and what it served for. All this greatly influences the interpretation of sleep.

To correctly interpret a dream about a tower, look at the dream book. A tower in a dream is often a favorable sign, foreshadowing pleasant events. But sometimes it quite clearly reflects the dreamer’s inner world and experiences.

It is not difficult to determine why exactly she is dreaming in your case. It is enough to remember all the details of the dream, look at how the dream book explains them, and compare this meaning with your life.

Tower according to the Great Family Dream Book

A tower in your dreams is a symbol of obstacles, anxiety and high aspirations.

If in a dream you suddenly see a tall tower standing in your way, then difficulties and problems await you, overcoming which you will be able to achieve good results.

A collapsed tower portends a lot of good news for you and means that all obstacles to success have disappeared.

Such a dream is very favorable.

If in a dream you enter a tower or are in it, then beware of a long and painful illness.

However, if in a dream you managed to get out of it, then a quick recovery and success in your undertakings await you.

Climbing a tower in a dream and successfully reaching the very top is a sign of big and happy changes in your destiny and affairs.

Seeing a falling tower in a dream is a sign of imprisonment.

A watchtower in your dreams means that you have many grandiose plans, but you will have to work hard to implement them, because your ill-wishers will make every effort to stop you.

A dream in which you see many small towers over a city predicts that you have conceived many unusual enterprises that will be difficult for you to implement.

Climbing a tower is a harbinger of success.

However, if you dreamed that you climbed a tower and then descended from it, then disappointment and loss await you.

If the tower collapsed immediately after you descended from it, then your grief is in vain.

Either you will succeed, or the matter is not worth being upset about.

The unusual shape of a tower in a dream indicates that you like to dream and sometimes your imagination takes you so far that you stop really assessing what is happening. See stairs, road.

Tower in a dream - examples of transcripts

Any nuances in dreams will give the right direction in deciphering the vision. You need to take into account both your own actions and feelings, and the appearance of the structure itself.

  • there is no approach to the building - meeting with an influential person
  • well fortified – strength, influence, power
  • living in it is a measured existence
  • see how they are building - things will work out on their own
  • building it yourself is a big useless effort
  • far on the horizon - longing, anticipation
  • near - success is near
  • to come across by chance is an obstacle
  • collapsing - change
  • watchdog - a dubious adventure
  • residential – sedentary
  • many towers - an unusual event
  • a city with towers is an insurmountable obstacle
  • made of sand - unstable position
  • fabulous - impossible dreams
  • burning - illness
  • under siege - show leniency
  • climb up - success
  • fall down - ill-considered actions
  • looking at the building is good news
  • to admire, to admire is a gift
  • for men – promotion
  • for unmarried people - meeting with your betrothed
  • for families – addition

Why do you dream of a very tall, elongated tower? This means that you are endowed with secret power, but you use it unwisely.

Why do you dream about a tower? How do dream books interpret such a dream? Such a dream means that you should expect a decrease in your income. A tower in a dream, despite the fact that the dream book interprets that such a dream is associated with finances, should not at all mean economic losses, but almost always serves as a warning before various evil or unfortunate events, mainly relying on the loss of something important.

Tower according to the General Dream Book

The person who dreams of the tower is very ambitious and used to achieving everything on his own.

Looking at the tower: to receive good news, career growth for a young woman, this dream promises a faithful, loving person.

Climb the tower: succeed after a series of obstacles.

If on the way you unexpectedly encounter a tower, an obstacle awaits you.

A city with a large number of towers is an almost insurmountable obstacle to business.

The destruction of the tower from which you came down: significant disappointments in the near future.

What did you do in the dream?

Seeing a tower in a dream while taking an excursion, according to the dream book, means observing important events from the outside. Experts recommend not to interfere in other people's affairs, but only to learn lessons from what is happening.

Walking around a structure means carefully thinking about your actions. Perhaps now not only your fate, but also the future of your loved ones depends on you. By taking the right steps, you will ensure success for yourself and your family.

If a tower falls on you in a dream, then fate is giving you an important warning. You shouldn't take on something you can't do. Do only what you really have a passion for.

Climbing a building - according to the dream interpreter, means quickly achieving success. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, to be confident in your abilities. With such a mood, you will get everything you have long dreamed of.

You may also dream that the tower in the dream was your place of residence. Such a dream speaks of the wealth of your inner world. People around you often admire you, set you as an example, and listen to your opinion.

  • Destroying a large tower means worrying about the outcome of the matter.
  • Build - plan for the future.
  • To paint - to receive a creative task.
  • Taking photographs brings pleasant memories.
  • Stepping on a tower of sand means taking off your rose-colored glasses.

According to the dream book, falling from the top of a building means abandoning your plan. Most likely, due to current circumstances, your plans will change. Don't worry, you'll see that this is even for the better.

If you had a dream in which the tower was built by your ancestors, then soon you will receive good news from your relatives. Most likely, it will concern a financial issue.

Shaking with fear while climbing a structure means getting into an awkward situation. And jumping and dancing on top means you have information that will definitely be useful to you in the future.

If you admire the beauty of Paris from the Eiffel Tower alone, you will soon be able to find peace of mind. All troubles will be left behind, and you will only have to enjoy the positive changes in life.

To be imprisoned in a tower means to have no freedom of action. Most likely, you are oppressed by control from higher authorities. If this affects your psychological state, then the dream book recommends changing your place of work.

After you dream about the tower, do not forget to write down your dream on a piece of paper. This way you won't miss a single nuance. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently interpret your night dreams. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Sometimes you wake up and think: “This must be a dream!” Many unexpected images come to us in dreams, but for some reason we look for the meaning only of those that scare us.

And in vain: perhaps this particular dream warns you of an important event. For example, do you know why a tower is dreamed of? No? The main meaning of this dream is overcoming obstacles and achieving new goals. What this dream promises you depends on the accompanying details, so remember as many of them as possible and solve the dream.

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