I want to scream
A dream in which you scream loudly
Esoteric interpreter A terrible scream, from which a person woke up covered in cold sweat, is considered a sign
Giving birth to a girl in a dream, the meaning according to the dream book for a woman
Why dream about the birth of a boy or girl - the dream book gives a complete description of sleep for all days of the week.
Having a child is a very important and personal process for women. If you are
Seeing money in a dream
Paper bills Seeing banknotes in a dream is generally a good sign. To understand exactly
Dream Interpretation of Vanga Why do you dream about a dead grandmother according to the seer? The interpretation of sleep depends on
Why do you dream about a boss in a dream?
Dream Interpretation – seeing a boss in a dream. Why do you dream of talking, dancing, hugging, kissing, quarreling, having a feast with an old, new, sick, pregnant, naked, angry, cheerful, crying, former, drunk boss: t
A dream in which a boss appears can have both positive and negative meanings. Important
Why do you dream about a dog bite?
. Dreams about a dog being attacked and bitten foretell quarrels, the machinations of enemies, and financial losses.
Why do you dream of a veil - dream book, trying on a veil for married and unmarried people, white and black veils
I dreamed of a veil
What color was the veil in the dream? The interpretation of a dream about a black veil depends on the family
Why do you dream about a plane crash?
Every fourth person in the world experiences fear from flying on an airplane. Statistics don't lie
Seeing a dead grandmother in a dream, but alive, what does it mean in a dream according to the dream book?
I dreamed of a living grandmother in a coffin
If relatives who are no longer alive appear in your dream, this may indicate
kiss a man
Be careful! Why do you dream that you kissed your husband’s friend? In reality you will quarrel with your spouse